ISSN 0120-2812
printed version

ISSN 2323-0118
Online version


Scope and policy

Acta agronomica is the official journal for publication of the Universidad nacional de Colombia (National University of Colombia ) at Palmira. Its publishes research articles based on disciplinary and multidisciplinary focus on crops systems, animal production systems and food production- consumption in a neotropical context.

This journal is locking to be a meeting and development place skills in writing for people working in agrarian sciences and sustainable rural development. This journal will publicate pages of original and unedited contributions in Spanish, Portuguese and English from authors affiliated to educational and research organizations from Colombia, the Andean community of Latin America and the Caribbean of Ibero America

To guarantee conservation visibility, and equal opportunities for manuscript in competition, the journal have 2 referees for evaluation that come from institutions, different to that of the authors. They are scientist with high background in a specific field and their identity is keep in anonymity . If the authors follow the right guidelines, the process o revision, and edition will be more efficient.

The articles are available in PDF format in the web site

The articles are available in PDF format in the web site

Types and characteristics of manuscripts

The journal publishes three types of manuscripts with the following characteristics:

Scientific Article. Its relates the form to delimit the research question and the way submitting way, to test (statistical analysis of the experiment) and comparing the data obtained with the current literature. Original papers should not exceed 20 pages and 20 references and 6 illustrations. The articles have to be organized in the following sections:

  • Preliminary (title, author, institutional affiliation, author E.mail for mailing with the editor, time of reception and acceptance of the article, abstract, key words and summary).
  • Size of the article (introduction, materials and methods results and discussion, conclusions acknowledgments and references).
  • Complemtary (Tables and figures)

Technical Report. Its relates significant advances in the development of methodological processes of a specific topic. The manuscript should not exceed 16 pages, 12 references and three illustrations. The technical report have to be organized in the following sections: pleliminary,(same as above), (introduction,, chapters and subchapters to develop the topic, conclusions,acknowledgement and references) and complementary section (tables and figures).

Review Articles. The editorial committee invites recognized authors to publish results of different topics concerning to the agrarian disciplines. The limit of a Review article should not to exceed 26 pages, 40 references and 12 illustrations. The review article have to be organized in the following sections: preliminary (same as above) (introduction,, chapters and subchapters to develop the topic, conclusions,acknowledgement and references) and complementary section (tables and figures).

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Adjust the document to size paper A4 (210 x 297mm) margins of 2,5cm.; write to double space with the letter Times New Roman, size 12 numbering all pages. Organize the text under two title levels.

Preliminary Section

The Title has to be short (≤ 16 words ) and has to describes the area of the research. Do not use expressions like “ Detailed study”, “Preliminary study “. Redact the title in Spanish, English or Portuguese.

The names of the authors have to appear with the given full names of each one, and their affiliations (department, college, experimental center, university or research organization ). Write the E mail of the author which will maintain contact with the editor.

In a paragraph that no exceed 200 words with out repeat words summarize the objectives, methods and result of the research. If is written in Spanish or Portuguese, include the abstract in English. If the article is written in English include the abstract in Spanish.

Write 3 to 5 key words with out repeat the words that already appear in the title; write the scientific names with cursive letter.

Division of text

In the introduction, describe briefly the scientific background which permitted to state the research problem (quote the documents by the last name and publishing date. If article has more than 3 authors, quote the last name of the first author follow by the Latin expression “et al “ in cursive letter). Write the objective of the experiment.

Materials and Methods. .Describe the methodology used in the research, in the way that other researchers and people can to interpret the data : Give information about location of the experiment, climate and geographical position . Also, information of origin of the materials and information of changes in current protocols. Put in tables, fertilization protocols, diet for animals, etc. The amount the amount of money in the budget have to be expressed in local money with its equivalent in dollars.

When you carry out experiments, write the design, treatments replications and response variables. The incorrect use of statistical methods is unacceptable. Do not describe the statistics (mean comparison, analysis of variance, etc.), include the pertinent reference. Describe the statistical model and the experimental design (class, blocks, and experimental units). Whit the right statistical software, quote the variation sources.

Results. Results can be illustrated with tables or figures (maps, graphics, photography’s ), but do not make duplication nor repeat date are in the paragraph. Take into account that the journal is printed in two columns of 85x 35 mm. Describe briefly the results more important.

The Discussion can be combined with the results. The interpretation have to be based on : 1) in the statistical results but not in personal or subjective considerations ). 2) in scientific publications that dealing with the topic, discuss the outstanding results. Do not repeat the results.

Give Conclusions about the results and show those that are susceptibles of verification or need to be studied in depth.


For people that gave financial support, advise or other kinds of assistance, give special thanks.

The References are to be limited in number to those that are absolutely necessary If the article has more than 3 authors, quote the last name of the first author, followed by the latin expression et al., using cursive letter and the year of publication. Write the title of the journals in cursive and abbreviated letters. The bibliographical rule follows the tradition of the American Agrarian Sciences School. The publishing committee has the norm ISO for presentation of the bibliography There are some examples:

Articles in Journals

1. Oslinger, A.; Muñoz J. E.; Álvarez L. A.; Moreno, F.; Posso A. 2006. Caracterización de cerdos criollos colombianos mediante la técnica molecular RAMs. Acta Agron. 55 (4) 45-50.

Books and Articles in books

2. Martínez A, J. V.; Bernal, H. Y.; Cáceres, A. 2000. Fundamentos de Agrotecnología de cultivo de plantas medicinales iberoamericanas. Bogotá. CYTED, SECAB. 253 - 268.

3.. Argel; Keller-Grein, 1996. Regional experience with Brachiaria: Tropical America - Humid Lowlands. In: Miles, W; Maass, L; Valle, Borges do; Kumble (eds.). Brachiaria: Biology, agronomy, and improvement . CIAT; Embrapa, Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Gado de Corte (CNPGC), Cali, p. 164-177. (CIAT publication no. 259).


4. Castillo, J.A. 2004. Variación de la erodabilidad y aplicación de la ecuación universal de pérdida de suelo (USLE) en los Andes colombianos. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Palmira. Palmira, Colombia. 50 p.

Articles in the web

5.. Delgado J. V.; Barba. C.; Camacho, M. E.; Sereno. F. T. P. S.; Martínez. A.; Vega- Pla. J. L. 2001. Caracterización de los animales domésticos en España. Boletín de Información sobre Recursos Genéticos Animales. FAO. (Disponible en 11-18-2006

6.. Universidad de Hawaii. 2005. Seed storage practices for native Hawaiian plants. I. Seed storage manual for small facilities En: 02-23-05.

Complementary section.

Every table must be referred to in the text. The caption must to explain in detail the contents of the table. Tables are to be numbered with Arabic numerals in the sequence which they occur. There are to be provided one page per table at the end of the manuscript. In the text of the manuscript, the position at which a table belongs should be marked by (table …) in the middle of an extra line. Tables should be understandable with out reference to the text. Every column and every line of a table, must be labeled unambiguously and indicate units wherever data are reported. Use the symbols of the International Systems of Units and all nomenclature for soil, plants animal, etc., should fallow established protocols.

Every figure must be referred to in the text. Each figure should be provided on a separate page. All figures are to be numbered with Arabic numerals in the sequence which they are cited. In the text, the position at which a figure belongs is to be marked by (figure ….) in the middle of an extra line . Every figure must be accompanied by a legend that begins with for example, (figure 2 ). The legend must to explain in detail the contents of the figure. The figure should be understandable with out reference to the text. Use bars and symbols of black and white colors. It is preferable to use as symbols, circles, squares and triangles of black and with colors. Use letter of size between 8 10 pixels.

Sending of manuscripts

On line submission to E mail: or current mail:



Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Palmira

Apartado Aéreo 237, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, colombia

Send a copy of the accepted Dra. By E.Mail in word files for windows, with the submitting format No 1. When your manuscript has been prepared according to the rules of the journal Acta Agronómica, it is denominate as ” received “. After that, the manuscript will be submitted to the academic referees (format No 2). The final decision on acceptance, rejection or request on further improvements of a manuscript is made by the Editor.

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