ISSN 1657 - 8031
printed version


Scope and policy

Requirements for the publication of articles in the "El Ágora" journal at Saint Bonaventure University

  1. Requirements for the sending of articles

    General guidelines:

    • The articles which are sent to the El Ágora U.S.B. Journal at Saint Bonaventure University must comply with the APA style guidelines.

    • The articles which are proposed for publication in the El Ágora U.S.B. Journal, must be original and they must not been previously published in any version and they cannot be simultaneously proposed for publication in another journal (please download the letters to be signed and attach the proposed article at:

    • Likewise, it is required that the authors grant the property of their copyright, in order for their article and the materials can be reproduced, published, edited, fixed, communicated, and broadcast, publically in any form or means, as well as their distribution in the number of issues, as required and their public communication, in every modality through electronic, optic means, and of any other piece of technology, for scientific and cultural purposes, of broadcasting and nonprofit making. (please download the letters to be signed and attach the proposed article at:

    • The articles must be sent in Word, Times New Roman or Courier, 12. The length of the article must be no longer than 20 pages, full page; via e-mail to formació / or and/or a full page print copy, which should be clear enough and with sufficient bibliographical support. Each article must keep the following outline:
    • Title, - subtitle (if necessary)
      Type of article
      Author's names and corresponding degrees
      Abstract (10 to 15 lines)
      An item with expressions and key words ( 5 to 8 terms)
      Introduction and development
      Tacit or explicit conclusions
    • At the end of the article, each author must send a brief curriculum vitae, the way he or she wants to be published.

    • Bear in mind that your name as an author, will appear in the corresponding publication as it appears in the original paper he or she hands in to the Journal Coordination.

    • Graphs, photographs, and illustrations must original, if they must be used. For a better printout, if they are taken from a text or Web Page, the source must be given. In case they are to be scanned, please save them on a CD or send them via e-mail. If it is the author himself or herself who suggests the possible supporting images, he himself or she herself will assure the plain achievement of the objective of the writing.

    • Neither the University nor the Editorial Committee can be engaged in the opinions stated in the authors' articles. Each and every author is held responsible for his or her points of view and opinions.

    • The Editorial Committee's job is to check every article, and if necessary, suggest some modifications. Likewise, it can reject those articles which do not comply with the requirement demanded.

    • The submitted articles should be preferably, results or advances of research attached to Colciencias and/or Research Offices of the University or Institutions of origin, or failing that, they must be articles as a product of research processes, with a serious and grounded academic content, which correspond to the typology of articles explained earlier.

  2. Types of articles which are published in this journal
  3. The Editorial Committee has defined these types of articles for publishing:

    The documents published by the El Agora Journal will correspond to the typology of articles defined by Colciencias, as follows:

    • Scientific and technological research article. It presents original results of finished research projects. It must include an introduction, a methodology, results, and conclusions.

    • Article of a reflection. It presents results of a finished piece of research, from the author's analytical, interpretive, or critical perspective about a specific issue, using original sources.

    • Article review. It is a document which is the result of a finished piece of research, where the results of published or unpublished research, about a field in science or technology, in order to show the results of advances and tendencies in development. It is characterized by including a careful bibliographical review of at least 50 references.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Selection, edition, and publication processes:

The following procedure, for the selection process has been defined, in strict order:

  • Review and verification of articles of the fulfillment of the defined criteria by the Journal as they are stated in numbers 1 and 2.

  • By means of an arbitrage system carried out by 2 national or international experts, in the different subject areas and external to the Editorial Committee, the articles are examined and selected according to their academic and scientific value, determining in an anonymous way, in a format, the verdict of the El Ágora U.S.B. journal (please visit:

    • Publish it without any changes
    • Publish it whenever the minor corrections have been made
    • Publish it once a deep revision has been made
    • Reject it

    In case of a disagreement between both results, the article will be sent to a third arbitrator, whose final decision will define its publication. The results of the process of the academic verdict will be unappealable, in all of the cases.

  • The Editorial Committee chooses the articles once they meet the requirements, the afore mentioned criteria, and those general criteria relating to the Journal, is the final responsible for stating which article is or not published.

  • The Journal reserves the right to make revisions of style tending to achieve more clarity and conciseness of writing.

Sending of manuscripts

Manuscripts should be sent to:

Universidad San Buenaventura
Calle 45 N° 61 - 40, Bello, PBX 574 4500300, fax (57-4) 4563317
San Benito: Carrera 56C N° 51-90, Medellín
Tel. (57-4) 5145600 EXT 4202. Fax 574 5138294
Apartados aéreos: 5222 - 7370, Medellín, Colombia

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© 2006 Universidad San Buenaventura

Calle 45 N° 61 - 40, Bello, PBX 574 4500300, fax 574 4563317
San Benito: Carrera 56C N° 51- 90, Medellín
Tel. (57-4) 5145600 EXT 4202. Fax 574 5138294
Apartados aéreos: 5222 - 7370, Medellín, Colombia