ISSN 1900- 5407 |
Editorial Policy and Rules for Authors Type of Articles, Calls for Articles, and Mode of Reception Antípoda publishes previously unpublished articles in Spanish, English, or Portuguese that present the results of research, review, and reflection on sociocultural, methodological, and theoretical topics that are relevant for understanding human problems and that permit the advancement and dissemination of discussions in diverse subfields of anthropological knowledge and other related disciplines in the social and human sciences. Antípoda also publishes reviews of books on social and human sciences. All the articles published have a DOI identification number that, according to international publishing policies, must be cited by authors who use the contents. The journal maintains a permanently open call for articles, with no deadlines for receiving them. Articles should be sent in through the system available on the journal's web page:, and "Presentar Artículo" on the left-hand side of the screen. Articles presented to the journal must be original and unpublished and should not be undergoing any simultaneous process of evaluation elsewhere nor have editorial commitments with any other publication. The authors must present their information on a separate page (name, institutional affiliation, etc.). They must also guarantee the confidentiality of their authorship within the text itself. The author will be informed of the result of the evaluation within a maximum period of six months from the date of receipt of the article. When the evaluation process exceeds this time limit, for any reason beyond the journal's control, the Editorial Team will inform the author of the situation. The journal subjects all the articles it receives to a plagiarism detection test. When either total or partial plagiarism (i.e., lacking the corresponding citation) is detected, the text does not enter the editorial process, and the author is notified. The journal has rules on public access for authors that include the guidelines for submitting articles and reviews, as well as the editing rules. They can be consulted through the link Rules for Authors, on the left-hand side of the journal's website. The journal has established ethical policies that can also be consulted on the web page. The journal maintains an open call for thematic dossier proposals. Those interested in submitting a group of texts should designate an editor to act as guest editor. It is necessary to download and fill out the form created by Antípoda for thematic dossier proposals, which is available on web page, and send it to The proposals will be reviewed and approved by the General Editor and the Editorial Committee. Considering the large number of articles that the journal receives, it will not publish more than one article by the same author within a period of two years. Evaluation of Articles and the Publishing Process Upon receipt of an article, the Editorial Team examines it to see that it meets the basic requirements established by the journal. The articles that are approved are subsequently sent to the General Editor who then presents them to the Editorial Committee, where an assessment is done both of the material received and of the possible evaluators. The articles are then subjected to anonymous peer review. The General Editor is in charge of informing each author of the decision (approved, approved with modifications, approved with important modifications, or rejected). The follow-up process on articles that are accepted for evaluation consists of the following stages: evaluation, correction by the authors, formal editing, and proofreading. The required modifications and corrections of the article should be made by the author within the time limit indicated by the General Editor of the journal. The General Editor goes over the articles that are finally declared accepted and decides the issue in which they will be published. The authors of the texts that are accepted sign the "Document of Authorization of Use of Intellectual Property Rights," granting the use of economic copyright (reproduction, public communication, transformation and distribution) to the Universidad de los Andes, Department of Anthropology in order to include the text in Antípoda -Revista de Antropología y Arqueología (print version and electronic version). In the same document the authors confirm that they have written the text and that the intellectual property rights of third parties have been respected in it. The texts will not be returned after the process has been completed. The authors will receive two complimentary copies of the issue in which their articles appear. If an article is to be included subsequently in another publication, prior authorization must be obtained from the General Editor of Antípoda, and the data regarding its original publication must be clearly indicated. |
Ethical policy
Antípoda is committed to publishing content that upholds high academic standards, contributes meaningfully to knowledge, and remains accessible to all readers. To achieve these goals, our editorial processes must be public, transparent, and trustworthy. We also establish clear ethical guidelines for authors, reviewers, the editorial team, and Universidad de los Andes as the publisher. In many respects, the journal follows the ethical guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM) as detailed in the document "International Ethical Principles for Scholarly Publication". Authors Guidelines for reporting research results Access to research data If requested by the journal, authors must provide the data supporting their articles for editorial review. This may include informed consent forms, image use authorizations, ethics committee approvals, and other pertinent documents. Plagiarism Plagiarism can manifest in several ways, including presenting another author's work as one's own, copying or paraphrasing significant portions of someone else's work without proper attribution, and misappropriating research results developed by others. Additionally, self-plagiarism, which involves reusing one's own previously published texts without appropriate citation or presenting them as new, is equally unethical. Any form of plagiarism is a serious ethical violation and is considered unacceptable. Originality and source attribution Authors must ensure that the work they submit to the journal is original and unpublished. All sources used must be properly cited and referenced. Authors should cite publications that have influenced their research and place the article within the context of its academic field. For oral sources, unless explicit permission has been granted (in writing or by other means), information obtained from private conversations cannot be included in the articles. Authors must also secure permission to include images, figures, graphics, photographs, maps, or similar items that belong to other individuals or institutions. Authors are responsible for the proper use and citation of these materials in the publication. Submitting the same article to multiple journals Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously or to a journal where it already has editorial commitments is an ethical violation and, therefore, unacceptable. Authorship An author is defined as someone who has made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, interpretation, and writing of the article. All individuals who have made a significant contribution should be listed as co-authors. For articles with two or more authors, the specific contributions of each author must be clearly indicated. Acknowledgment notes can be included in the articles to give credit to individuals who contributed to the preparation of the article (e.g., external reviewers, language editors, etc.). Authors should carefully consider the inclusion and order of authors before submitting the manuscript to the journal. Only in exceptional cases will the editor allow changes to the author list. Any changes to the original list must be approved by all authors of the manuscript. Authors collectively assume responsibility for the article. Each author must ensure that any questions regarding the validity or accuracy of the text are appropriately reviewed and resolved. Risks and research involving humans or animals Authors must clearly specify any risks associated with the use of equipment, procedures, or chemicals in their research. For studies involving humans or animals, authors must state in the manuscript that all procedures were performed in compliance with relevant laws and institutional guidelines, and that these procedures received approval from the appropriate institutional review board. The manuscript must also confirm that informed consent was obtained from all human subjects. The privacy rights of individuals involved in the research must always be respected. For research involving minors or individuals with disabilities, written informed consent must be obtained from their legal guardians. Corrections and retractions If authors identify a significant error or inaccuracy in their published article, they must promptly inform the journal and actively cooperate to correct or retract the article as needed. Editorial team Decisions on publishing content The editorial team makes the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript. This decision is based on the recommendations from the evaluation process and the editorial review, considering criteria such as quality, significance, relevance, originality, and contribution to the field. Errata, retractions, and corrections The editorial team promptly addresses any requests for retraction, correction, claims, or clarifications submitted to the journal. When the editorial team has evidence of falsified or incorrect information in published content, they are responsible for making the necessary corrections or clarifications and announcing them on the Antípoda website. In cases where the content has significant issues, it will be retracted, and the retraction will be publicly announced on the website. Peer review The editorial team must ensure that the peer review process is conducted fairly, objectively, and promptly. To achieve this: Editorial decision-making The editorial review of manuscripts must focus solely on the content and ideas presented, without regard to the authors' race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship, or political affiliation. The editorial team must not use information from manuscripts under review or selection for their own research until the content has been officially published. Journal metrics The editorial team must not attempt to artificially boost the rankings or performance indicators of the Antípoda through the manipulation of metrics. It is unethical and unacceptable to request that authors cite journal content or include it in their manuscript references without legitimate academic justification. Likewise, it is inappropriate to ask authors to reference articles by the editors in their manuscripts. Conflict of interest Members of the editorial team must not participate in the decision-making process for manuscripts they have authored, nor for content written by family members, colleagues or other members of the editorial team. Any such content must be submitted to all of the journal's editorial processes; likewise, the team member in question must be excluded from managing the peer review process and making decisions about publication. Responsibility for published content Editorial team members must not participate in decision-making for content they have authored, or content authored by family members, colleagues, or other members of the editorial team. Such content must undergo the full editorial process of the journal, and the involved team member must be excluded from managing the evaluation process and making publication decisions. Preservation of published content The editorial team is responsible for ensuring the conservation and preservation of all published content. Reviewers Contribution to Editorial Decision-Making Reviews should provide comprehensive and constructive feedback to help the editorial team make informed decisions about manuscripts. They can also assist authors in improving their articles. Peer review is a crucial component for the dissemination of knowledge and lies at the heart of the scientific method upheld by reputable journals. Commitment to the review process If a specialist invited to review a manuscript feels unable to provide an evaluation due to the content being outside their area of expertise or due to time constraints, they should promptly withdraw and notify the editorial team. Upon accepting the review, the reviewer commits not to use the content of the manuscript for personal or third-party benefit until the text is published. Standards of objectivity Reviews must be conducted with honesty, objectivity, and without personal bias. Personal criticism of the author is always inappropriate. Reviewers should provide clear, well-reasoned arguments and respect the intellectual stance of the manuscript's author. Conflict of interest Reviewers must notify the editorial team if they identify any personal or professional conflict of interest that could influence their assessment of the article. Careful treatment of the literature Reviewers should identify relevant published works on the topic that have not been cited in the manuscript. If reviewers notice that an observation or argument in the manuscript has already been published elsewhere, they should inform the editorial team and cite the original source. Additionally, reviewers should point out any substantial similarities between the manuscript and other published works they are aware of. Publisher Editorial Independence The publisher must uphold the principle of editorial independence, ensuring that the decision to publish or not publish content rests solely with the editorial team. Published content If the university becomes aware of credible evidence that content published by Antípoda contains errors, it must coordinate with the editorial team to promptly issue a correction, retraction, or clarification as appropriate. Institutional endorsement in publications As the publisher, the university plays a supportive role and ensures that best editorial practices are implemented and adhered to. Preservation of published content The university is responsible for ensuring the conservation and preservation of its publications by providing technological support that safeguards both current and future content. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
Guidelines for the Presentation of Articles It is indispensable that the articles comply with the following guidelines when they are presented for publication in the journal: -They must be no more than twenty-five (25) pages long (approximately 8,500 words, including footnotes and bibliographic references). -They must be written in Word formats, letter-size pages with 2.54 cm margins, double spaced, in Times New Roman 12 point font, page numbers from 1 to N in the upper right-hand corner, with a minimum use of different typesets: bold for titles and subtitles only, and italics for emphasis within the text. Quotes within the text must always be placed in quotation marks. -They must include the title and an abstract of the article in Spanish or in the language in which it was written, and in English. -The abstract must be from 50 to 250 words long and should describe the objectives, methods, most important findings, and conclusions of the article. It should be informative and should not include any quotes or abbreviations. -Every article must have from three to six keywords in both English and Spanish. The keywords should reflect the content of the article, indicating the areas of knowledge in which they are inscribed and the main concepts. The terms and hierarchies established in the bibliographic listings should be checked (THESAURUS) and the titles, abstracts, and keywords should be in concordance with each other. When a word does not appear normalized in THESAURUS, this fact should be pointed out. -The author should also provide the following information in a separate file: academic degrees, institutional affiliation, current position, ongoing studies, research group (if applicable), two most recent publications, and e-mail address. This same file should include the source information for the article. When an article is the result of a research study, the information on the project of which it forms part and the name of the financing institution should be included. -When the contents used have a DOI identification, it should be included in the reference. -All charts, graphs, maps, diagrams, and photos will be denominated "Figures," and should be inserted in frames or slim-line boxes numbered in ascending order and identified and referenced in the text by captions at the foot of the photos. These should be presented in high resolution .jpg or .tiff format, i.e., of 300 pixels per inch (ppi). -Figures may have either low or medium resolution when they are presented; the important thing is that they be legible. When an article is accepted for publication, the figures must be of a quality that is suitable for publication. The authors assume responsibility for converting the figures to gray-scale and providing high-resolution files. -All figures represented by maps should be: 1) framed within a slim-line box, 2) geographically referenced with arrows to indicate latitude and longitude, or with small maps inserted to indicate the location of the main figure, and 3) be on a scale measured in kilometers. -The author must use footnotes only in cases in which it is desirable to complement information from the main text. Footnotes should not be used to reference bibliography or to reference brief data that may be included within the main text. The exceptions are cases in which the author wishes to make additional comments on any given text or on a set of texts alluding to the topic dealt with in the article. Guidelines for Presenting Reviews -They must be presented in Word format, Times New Roman Font size 12, and letter-size numbered pages with 2.54 cm margins. -They must be from 5 to 8 pages long, double-spaced. -They must include the complete data regarding the text reviewed (author, title, date, city, publishing house, and total number of pages). -They must include the complete data on the author: academic degrees, institutional affiliation, research group (if applicable), and e-mail address. -Reviews should not only inform about the content of the book, but also incorporate a critical, analytical perspective. Editing Rules -The first time that initials or abbreviations appear, they should be placed in parenthesis after the full form, and only the initials or the abbreviation should be used on subsequent occasions. -Quotes more than four lines long should be put in a special format for long quotes, single space, in Font 11, with reduced margins. -Antípoda uses the style format of the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, for presenting the references included in the articles it publishes. -All bibliographical references should be organized in strict alphabetical order, numbered in ascending order with Arabic numbers, and listed at the end of the article. See models for presenting bibliographical data in the following examples: Books with Only One Author or Editor For books with only one author, invert the order of the first and last name on the reference list; include only the last name in the text. When a phrase is cited, the specific page or range of pages is included in the quote within the text (separated from the year by a comma), but not in the list of references. References: Jaramillo, Pablo. 2014. Etnicidad y victimización. Genealogías de la violencia y la indigenidad en el norte de Colombia. Bogota: Ediciones Uniandes. In the text: (Jaramillo 2014, 99-100) References to books with an editor instead of an author include the abbreviation ed. for editor (for more than one editor use the abbreviation eds.). The citation within the text does not include said abbreviation. References: Steiner, Claudia, Carlos Páramo and Roberto Pineda, eds. 2014. El paraíso del diablo. Roger Casement y el informe del Putumayo, un siglo después. Bogota: Ediciones Uniandes. In the text: (Steiner, Páramo and Pineda 2014, 42) Books with More Than One Author For books with two authors, only the first author's name is inverted in the list of references. References: Espinosa, Mónica and Alex Betancourt. 2014. El poder en plural. Entre la antropología y la teoría política. Bogota: Ediciones Uniandes. In the text: (Espinosa and Betancourt 2014, 52) Books with three authors are cited as follows: References: Tickner, Arlene, Carolina Cepeda and José Luis Bernal. 2013. Colombia, las Américas el mundo 2012. Opinión pública y política exterior. Bogota: Ediciones Uniandes. In the text: (Tickner, Cepeda and Bernal 2013, 188-189) For books with four or more authors, the names of all the authors are included in the list of references. The order and punctuation are exactly the same as for books with two or three authors. However, only the last name of the first author is cited within the text, followed by et al. In the text: (Suárez et al. 2008, 118-119) Books with Author, plus Editor or Translator Do not abbreviate Edited by or Translated by on the list of references. References: García Márquez, Gabriel. 1988. Love in Time of Cholera. Translated by Edith Grossman. Londres: Cape. In the text: (García Márquez 1988, 242-255) Chapter of an Edited Book To cite a chapter of an edited book, include the author and the title of the chapter in quotation marks, followed by the book title in italics, and then the name of the editor/s. Note that the range of pages is indicated before the city and the publisher. References: Serje, Margarita. 2014. "La selva por cárcel". In El paraíso del diablo: Roger Casement y el informe del Putumayo un siglo después, 151-172. Bogota: Ediciones Uniandes. In the text: (Serje 2014, 153) Article in an Indexed Journal Citations of magazines include the volume number, the issue number, and the date of publication. The number of the volume comes immediately after the name of the magazine written in italics. The reference to a specific page number is included in the text. The range of pages that the article covers is included in the list of references, preceded by a colon. The issue number appears in parenthesis, just after the volume number. References: Aparicio, Juan Ricardo. 2015. "El retorno a Mulatos y la Comunidad de Paz de San José de Apartadó: contingencias y momentos de rupture." Antípoda - Revista de Antropología y Arqueología 21: 73-95. In the text: (Aparicio 2015, 74) For citing magazines consulted online, Chicago recommends including the DOI of the article, or the URL, in the list of references. Briones, Claudia. 2015. "Políticas indigenistas en Argentina: entre la hegemonía neoliberal de los años noventa y la "nacional y popular" de la última década" Antípoda - Revista de Antropología y Arqueología 21 (January-April): 21-48. DOI: (Briones 2015, 40) Briones, Claudia. 2015. "Políticas indigenistas en Argentina: entre la hegemonía neoliberal de los años noventa y la 'nacional y popular' de la última década" Antípoda - Revista de Antropología y Arqueología 21 (January-April): 21-48. (Briones 2015, 44) |
Sending of manuscripts
The journal maintains a permanently open call for articles, with no deadlines for receiving them. Articles should be sent in through the system available on the journal's web page:, and "Presentar Artículo" on the left-hand side of the screen. |
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