ISSN 1794-4724
printed version


Scope and policy


The submitted articles should follow the style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (sixth edition, 2010), regarding its formal presentation.

Besides the submitted manuscript, it is necessary to submit an authorization of publication form, which can be downloaded Here

Arbitration process


The editorial board assesses the relevance of the manuscripts received and verifies compliance with the requirements stipulated in the “Author Guidelines” section for authors.  If the initial examination has a positive outcome, then the peer review process begins in which manuscripts are evaluated by two experts in the field.  This double-blind process is done anonymously and the only person who knows the identities of both the author and the reviewer is the editor of the magazine, who is responsible for sending the correspondence.  The processes of revision, peer evaluation and publication do not entail costs for authors.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

  • Content. Original empirical and theoretical contributions and exceptionally strong literary reviews are accepted, which contribute to the advancement of Psychology as a science or as a profession. The manuscripts sent will be submitted for double blind evaluation by two peers.
  • Ethical issues. Articles based on research involving human subjects must include a statement in the methods section in which they certify that the experiments were made with the knowledge and written consent of each of the participating subjects. When experimental animals are used, it should be explicitly mentioned in the methods section the use of appropriate measures to minimize the pain. In either case, authors should follow the ethical standards of the APA.
  • Languages. Articles are published in Spanish, English, Portuguese and Italian, with abstracts and key words (obtained in the Thesaurus de la American Psychological Association) in Spanish and English. 
  • Style. Authors must submit their articles following the style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (sixth edition, 2010).  Manuscripts that do not follow these rules for submission will be returned to the authors for review. In the manuscript works must be cited by author and year, as follows: Estes (2000), Gutiérrez (1999), Ruiz, Pellón and García (2006) and Wolfgang (1997). In the references at the end of the article, all works must be cited (articles, books, book chapters, documents taken from the Internet, conference presentations, etc.), in alphabetical order by first author. For example:

1. Estes, W. K. (2000). Basic methods of psychological science. En K. Pawlik & M. R. Rosenzweig (Eds.), International handbook of psychology (pp. 20-39). London: SAGE.
2. Gutiérrez, G. (1999). Hormonas y reproducción en aves: la influencia de factores ambientales y sociales. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 31, 151-174.
3. Ruiz, G., Pellón, R. y García, A. (2006). Análisis experimental de la conducta en España. Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana, 24, 71-103.
4. Wolfgang, A. (1997). Nonverbal behavior. Perspectives, application, intercultural insights. Seattle, WA: Hogrefe y Huber.

  • Figures and tables. Each should be sent on a separate page. Figures should be ready to go to press, as well as pictures, if any. Original files of each of the figures should be sent in original files.
  • Language. Use a "standard” language, which is as general and simple as possible. Avoid the use of regionalisms or words that have a clear equivalent in the original language (in Spanish, for example, using "test" instead of "prueba"). Language biases that may be derogatory of discriminatory should be avoided.
  • Abbreviations. They may be used, provided that the first time they appear the whole phrase is presented. For example: Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI); then in the text only EPI.
  • Reprints. The author will receive an electronic copy of his/her article in PDF format for distribution for academic purposes only.
  • Submission of manuscripts

Sending of manuscripts


The manuscript must be sent electronically through the Journal’s Open Journal System (OJS) platform, available on the website:


A user account with the profile of the author must be created and the manuscript to be reviewed sent through the platform.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Format

Have you reviewed the “Author Guidelines” en the APL journal’s page?  Does the manuscript meet the following requirements?
Font Times New Roman, size 12, double space the entire manuscript.
The drafting of the manuscript has been reviewed and it does not contain grammatical, spelling or format errors.
The manuscript contains all sections depending on the type of document (literature review and empirical work, theoretical article, methodological article or case study).
The sections "title page", "abstract", "appendixes", "tables" and "figures" are on separate pages (no more than a figure or table per page).
The manuscript pages are numbered according to the APA guidelines.

  1. The file is sent in Microsoft Word format.
  2. Web addresses have been added to the references where it has been possible (DOI , DOAJ or  websites).
  3. The manuscript meets the style requirements of the American Psychological Association (APA).
  4. The manuscript has been prepared for peer-review, so measures have been taken to preserve the identity of the authors (does not contain personal information or metadata that might identify the authors).

Copyright Notice

Authors retain copyright and ensure the journal's right to be the first publication of the work as licensed under a Creative "Commons Attribution License" that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of authorship of the work and the initial publication in this journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or another person. The review process is double-blind, it is done anonymously and the only person who knows the identities of both the author and the reviewer is the editor of the journal, who is responsible for sending the correspondence.

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© 1982 Universidad del Rosario

Programa de Psicología, Facultad de Medicina
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