ISSN 1657-9763 |
Typology of articles to be published *
* Typologies that warrant the scientific quality of the magazine as established by the Bibliographic Public Index, PUBLINDEX, COLCIENCIAS.
Formal presentation of articles
The text must be typed in Word®, double space and Times New Roman 12 font. Pages must be A4 format (21,59 x 27,94 cm), 2,5 cm margins without spaces between paragraphs, and 1 cm indentation. The complete document should not exceed 8000 words or 25 pages. Titles and pages should both be numbered and all bibliographic and cross-references should follow APA’s (American Psychological Association) Manual. The texts must include an analytic summary should be 150 - 200 words long, in 3 different languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese version, and five keywords minimum (in the 3 languages), as well reference list maximum one page long. If the article is illustrated with tables, graphs, plans, maps, photographs, etc., these should all be owned by the author(s) or in any case not have been published previously (unless the author(s) have been officially authorized to reproduce them in APUNTES - Journal of Cultural Heritage by the author or the owner of their copyright); neither can they be downloaded from the internet. All illustrations should be captioned (crediting the author or the source) as well as quoted in the written text (only if they should be inserted at a specific point in the article). All articles must be illustrated by at least one excellent quality figure (vertical format) which will be used to head the article, and illustrations should not exceed 25 in total. In the tables’ case, they should not exceed 5. Both figures and tables should be numbered thus: figure head, figure 1, figure 2, table 1, figure 3, etc. |
Articles are to be sent to the following e-mail:; or in CD-ROM to Carrera 7 N° 40-62, Edif. N° 18. Instituto Carlos Arbeláez Camacho, Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseão, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá D.C. all articles must fulfil all the conditions stated, otherwise they will immediately be returned to the sender and, of course, will not go through the processes of evaluation and approval. |
Evaluation criteria and process
Once received, the articles will be considered by the editorial board which in turn will ponder the relevance of the subject vis-à-vis the magazine’s general policies and the particular subject matter to be dealt with in the programmed issues. If the editorial board considers that the article is pertinent, it will be evaluated by an anonymous peer reviewer. Once approved, it initiates final edition processes include copy editing, proofreading, and layout of the article, which will be sent to each one of the authors for their corresponding revision and their approval. When the magazine is printed, all published authors will receive by mail up to five copies of the published issues for their own reference and use. The author must then sign a document transferring for free and for an indefinite period of time the article’s copyright to Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Published articles not necessarily mean total agreement of its content on the part of the magazine’s editorial board or Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. The whole responsibility for the articles’ contents rests on the authors. |
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Pontificia Universidad Javeriana |
Carrera 7, núm. 40-62, edificio 18
Bogotá, Colombia
Instituto Carlos Arbeláez Camacho
para el patrimonio arquitectónico y urbano (ICAC)
Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseão