ISSN 0121-4500
ISSN 2346-0261 |
The journal Avances en Enfermería, of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, is published thrice a year and receives articles written in Spanish, Portuguese and English. When sending articles to publication, please consider the following features about the process: |
Colciencias’ Articles Categories:
1. Scientific and technological research article.Original manuscriptthat presents in detail the originalresults of research projects. The structure generallyused contains four important sections: Introduction,Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. Minimum of bibliographic references required:25. 2. Reflection article. Document that presents research results from the author’s analytic, interpretativeor critical perspective on a specific subject, resorting tooriginal sources.Minimum of bibliographic references required: 25. 3. Literature review article. Document that results from investigation in which the results of published or unpublishedinvestigations are analyzed, systematized andintegrated on a field of science or technology in orderto report on advancement and development trends. Its main characteristic is to present a careful bibliographicreview of at least 60 references. Other contributions not derived from researches 1. Editorial. Document written by the Chief Editor, an Associated Editor, a member of the Editorial Committee or a guest researcher, about orientations in the subject domain of the journal. 2. Reflection document not derived from investigation. Manuscript like essay not resulting from a research. 3. Case report (Nursing situations). Documentthat presents the results of a study regarding a particularsituation in order to show technical and methodologicalexperiences considered in a specific case. It includes acommented systematic review of the literature on analoguecases. Minimum of bibliographic references required: 15. 4. Translation. Translations of classic or currenttexts or transcripts of historic documents or texts for particular interest on the journal’s publication domain. 5. Bibliographical outline. Specific synthesis with a critical view for a book publication that describes significance, outstanding topics and characteristic contributions of the publication. |
Articles’ Eligibility Criteria
The material submitted to Editorial Committeeshould meet the following criteria: 1. Clear and precise writing: The document’s wordingshould provide coherence on the contents and clarity to readers. 2. Originality: The document must be original, that is to say: it must be produced directly by the author, itshould not be an imitation of other documents. 3. Objectivity and validity: The statements shouldbe based on valid data and information. 4. Importance and contribution to knowledge: Thedocument makes interesting contributions to the state ofart of the object of the study. |
Manuscripts must be summitted only through OJSsystem(Open Jornal System): Authors must send articles forward them accompaniedwith a letter indicating their address and updated electronic mail. If thearticle has several authors, each author’s contributionshould be identified. In case of investigation reports, themain researcher shall assume the responsibility over theintegrity and reliability of the collected data. If the articlewas produced by a group, one or more researchesshould be designated to assume the responsibility onbehalf of the group. In this case, the other members arenot perceived as authors, and they shall be listed on theacknowledgement list. When submitting an article to the Editorial Committee, its author accepts that:
The procedure to select articlesand ensuing revision for inclusion inAvances en Enfermería is as follows: 1. As soon as manuscripts are submitted through OJS, they are sentto Editorial Committee and shall be initially reviewed by the Editor Assistant to verify that they comply with the formal elements required in theInstructions to authors. Should they not fulfillthose criteria, the document shall be excluded of the selectionprocess evaluation. If errors are minor, manuscript will be returned to the author, indicatingthe failures found in the first evaluation. 2. If it complies with the formal requirements, thedocument is then submitted to our Non-Plagiarism System and its bibliographic references will be thoroughly revised. Subsequently, we sent an email to inform authors manuscript was received. 3. Immediately, manuscript issent to two peer evaluators appointed by Editorial Committee for its review:one of them shall be a professor at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and theother from outside the university—foreign or native— who should be expertson the topic addressed in the article. If manuscript is positively evaluated by one evaluator and negative by other, one third is appointed, and based on his/heropinion the document inclusion is decided in the publication.The author’sidentity shall not be disclosed to the evaluators and theevaluators’ names shall not be disclosed to the author. 4. Based on the evaluators’ opinion, Committeeshall decide if the article is published or not. In any case, the 5. Once changes are received from the author, Editorial Committee shall send the manuscript to copyeditor and/or proofreader. Once corresponding edition iscompleted, manuscript is returned to the author for his/her approval in a term no longer tan five(5) working days. Authors should send authorization and state preciselythe changes he/she does not accept, this authorizationmakes him responsible for all the statements madein his/ her article, including those submitted to changesby copyeditor and/or proofreader and authorized by authors. 6. If five(5) working days after reception of document,autor/s have/s not made any statement regarding contents, Editorial Committee shall assume thathe/she/they accept/s editorial changes that were made. 7. Authors should forward the Publindex formdata to Editorial Committee. |
The journal Avances en Enfemería and its contentsare property of Universidad Nacional de Colombia.Before submitting a document, please verify if it satisfiesthe following specifications: — Letter of assignment of rights: Manuscripts should besubmitted with an authors’ letter, stating that materialsare unpublished. Acurriculum vitae must be attached by authors. — Document shall not exceed5 000 words or25 letter-sizepages. It is typed in Times New Roman font size12, double space/writting (2,0), and using 2.5 cm margins for all four sidesof the format. — Document pages should be numbered. Cover Title:title must be visible, which should be accurate, no more than 80 characters, and translate from native lenguage into English, Spanish and Portuguese.Within the text should NOTdescribe the presentation of author/s, but it should included in a separate file and consist of: full names, educational background, current position and job institutionhe/she/they is/arepart of, updated email address to contact him/her/them, city and country. Abstract:manuscript will include abstract in Spanish,English and Portuguese, must have no more 250 words wich should capture the article’s objective, keypoints and conclusions of research.In original articles, abstract structure must presentthe Purpose, Methods, Results and Conclusions.For review articles, reflections, translations, the abstractmust include purpose, summary and conclusion. Key words (or descriptors): manuscript must include from 3 to 5 descriptors or key words in Spanish, English and Portuguese and they must macth up with DeCS (BIREME). Website at: Note: Document does not mention any comercial names of drugs, equipment or material, unless it isstrictly necessary. Grants and subsidies:If the writting is a result of a research work it shouldinclude the name of the original research.For the case of sponsored research that have beensponsored or funded by any institution, manuscript has afinal section in which the sponsor is mentioned. Conflict of interest (COI) Authors must fill the CERTIFICATION OF ORIGINALITY. Visit: GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR STRUCTURE AND SUBMITTING ORIGINAL ARTICLES (IMRAD FORMAT) 1. Introduction: In this section authors should includethe objective or purpose of the research and logicalargument. 2. Materials and Methods: It includes the type of study, phenomenon studied, process of selection of thestudypopulation specifying time and place as well instrumentsand methods of analysis used. If it is applicable, the ethical aspects covered in the study and approvalof corresponding Ethics Committee must be included. 3. Results: Results should be logically organized, withguideline of purpose and answers of research question. They must contain data and their corresponding analysis. Incase tables, charts, graphs and images are used, theymust be numbered following the order they were quotedin the text. The titles should be brief and clear. In addition,sourceof figures,graphs charts, images, sketchs, line drawings, maps, photographs information should be presented on the file program used to create them (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Paint, etc.). 4. Discussion: In this section new and main considerations from research will be highlighted, along with the conclusions that be arised from them. It shouldpoint out the authors’ interpretations and explanations related to their original hypotheses and studied literature sources, which must be consistent with research. It may include the implications for clinical practice and recommendations for future investigations. 5.Bibliographic references: The journal Avances en Enfermeríafollows the guidelines for bibliographical references ofthe International Committee of Medical Journal Editors(Vancouver Standards). See: Bibliographic references should be numbered consecutively in brackets and in normal size, according to the order of appearance of the citations in the text. Examples of the presentation of documents and corresponding references arepresented asfollows:
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Facultad de Enfermería,
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Ciudad Universitaria,
Bogotá, Colombia. Tel.: (57-1) 3165000 ext.17018