ISSN 0123-3068
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About the journal

Basic information

THE SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF THE MUSEUM CENTER belonging to the Universidad de Caldas is biannual, a specialized journal in charge of making public the research results on Natural History and related biological sciences.
The journal publishes original articles on the conservation of biological collections or on different aspects of Museology in Natural History.
It was founded by Ricardo Walker and Julián Adolfo Salazar Escobar in 1995.
Its abbreviation is Bol. Cient. Mus. His. Nat. and it must be used in bibliographies, charts and bibliographical references.

Information services

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Publindex: B category
Zoological Record


The copyright belongs to the Universidad de Caldas.

Photocopying of papers or texts for academic purposes is authorized provided the source is quoted.


Universidad de Caldas. Vice-rectory of Research and Post grades. Museum Center. Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences.

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Universidad de Caldas, Centro de Museos

Universidad de Caldas, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Centro de Museos
Oficina de Revistas Científicas
Calle 65 No. 26–10. Manizales – Colombia
Teléfono: (57) (6) 8781500 Ext. 11222
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