ISSN 0120-0283
printed version

ISSN 2145-8553
online version


Scope and policy

The Bulletin of Geology, the scientific journal of the School of Geology at Industrial University of Santander, is an international quarterly publication intended for original and high quality studies in the Geosciences. The Bulletin of Geology is formed by the Editorial Board, a International Scientific Committee and a Panel of Arbitrators, among which there are with professionals in the country and abroad.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

General: if it is possible, authors are recommended to check a recent edition of the journal to review styling of the publication. The document must be done using word processor, in letter size (21.59x27.94 cm), double-spaced with margins of 3.0 cm (top and left) and 2.5 cm (bottom and right), in Times New Roman, size 12. The authors should be identified, including a phone number, e-mail address, and ORCID. The work pages are not numbered.

Paper Length: Papers should not be up to 35 pages, including tables and figures, although in special circumstances longer papers will be considered.

Text: papers should be typed according to the following order: Title in English, author’s name(s) and surname(s), affiliation(s), address(es), e-mail address and ORCID of each of the authors, Abstract (not exceeding 300 words) and up to six keywords, Title in Spanish and Resumen (not exceeding 300 words) and up to six keywords, which will be followed by the main text, including introduction, theorical framework, methodology, results, discussion, concluding remarks, acknowledgements, references. The title should be short, precise and informative. The corresponding author should be identified with a number and footnote, no other footnotes should be used. The Resumen and the Abstract should express the nature of the research work and contain the most outstanding conclusions in a single paragraph.

Units, symbols and abbreviations: International System of Units (SI) should be used. Only internationally agreed abbreviations should be used.

References: In the text refer to the author’s surname, followed by year of publication; for example, “According to Whitney (1998), the tectono-metamorphic evolution...” or “…with results obtained later (Spear, 1998)”. For two authors use their surnames, separated by “and”, and followed by year of publication; for example, “...according to Prigogine and Defay (2002)” or “…recently reported by different authors (e.g., Schairer and Yorder, 2003)”. For three or more authors use surname of the first author followed by “et al.” and year of publication; for example, “Soares et al. (2001) have determined…” or “…diffusive homogenization of originally zoned garnets (e.g., Tracy et al., 2004)”.

Oral communications should be cited in the text, by refering to the author’s surname (with initials of the name), followed by “oral communication”: (Medina, L., oral communication). Manuscripts under review should be cited in the text, by refering to the authors’ surname, followed by “manuscript under review”: (Fernandez et al. manuscript under review). Manuscripts in print should be cited in the text, by refering to the authors’ surname, followed by “manuscript in print”: (Vargas and Reyes, manuscript in print).

All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following the acknowledgements. It should be arranged alphabetically by authors' surnames. Several references from the same author should be organized chronologically and distinguished by a, b, c,… after year of publication (for the same year of several publications). Journal names should be spell out completely. In the case of theses, the granting institution and their location should be given. In the case of references of papers presented (and published) in scientific meetings, the title of the paper, complete name of the event, place, date and number of pages within the Memoirs should be included. Avoid the inclusion of references published only as Abstracts.

References should be carried out as shown in the examples given below, according to the international APA standard.

MacKenzie, W., y Adams, A. (1997). Atlas en color de rocas y minerales en lámina delgada. Barcelona, España: Masson, S.A. BOOK

Chapters in books:
Whittaker, E. (1977). Determination of atomic occupancies. In: D.G. Fraser (Ed). Thermo-dynamics in geology (pp. 99-113). Dordrecht, Holanda: D. Reidel publishing Co. CHAPTER IN BOOK

Paper in journals:
Skelton, A., Graham, C., and Bickle, M. (1995). Lithological and structural controls on regional 3-D fluid flow patterns during greenschist facies metamorphism of the Dalradian of the SW Scottish Highlands. Journal of Petrology, 36(4), 563-586. PAPER IN JOURNAL

Special publications not serialized:
Audemard, F.A., Machette, M., Cox, J., Dart, R., and Haller, K. (2000). Map and database of quaternary faults in Venezuela and its offshore regions. US Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-0018. Comprende mapa a escala 1:2.000.000 e informe, 78p. SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS NOT SERIALIZED

Conference proceedings papers:
García, C. (1998). Espectros infrarrojos de biotitas metamórficas. X Congreso Latinoamericano de Geología. Buenos Aires, Argentina. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS PAPERS

Unpublished works:
Author or authors, year and location of the works should be cited. UNPUBLISHED PAPER

Restrepo-Pace, P.A. (1995). Late precambrian to early mesozoic tectonic evolution of the Colombian Andes, based on new geochronological, geochemical and isotopic data. Ph.D Thesis, University of Arizona, USA. THESIS

Electronic sources:
Simandi, G. et al. 1998. Kyanite, muscovite, garnet in metasediments. Consultado el 6 de marzo de 2008.,ELECTRONIC SOURCE

Illustrations: The illustrations (photographs, maps and diagrams) are all to be referred to as “FIGURE”, followed by the corresponding arabic number. All illustrations should have high-resolution, presented in JPG format and suitable for their reproduction. Each illustration should be cited in numerical order of appearance in the text. The illustrations are to have a caption in the lower part, following the word FIGURE and the corresponding arabic number. They should be fixed to the page margins. Maps must have a maximum size of 17 cm x 22 cm. Photographs that are submitted digitally should be saved at the minimum resolution 1.000*1.000 pixels at the scale of final printing. Resolution/scanning: Photographs should be imaged at a minimum of 300 dpi and saved as jpg. The figures should accompany the manuscript, but should not be included within the text. Each figure will be presented on a separate sheet, indicating where they have to be inserted into the text. Authors should avoid colors that do not properly print in black and white.

Tables: The tables are all to be referred to as “TABLE”, followed by the corresponding arabic number. All tables should be carried out as Word or Excel files, and suitable for their reproduction. Each table should be cited in numerical order of appearance in the text. The tables have a caption in the upper part, following the word TABLE and the corresponding arabic number. They should be fixed to the page margins. The tables should accompany the manuscript, but should not be included within the text. Each table will be presented on a separate sheet, indicating where they have to be inserted into the text. Footnotes to tables should be typed below the table and should be referred to by superscript lowercase letters. Authors should avoid colors that do not properly print in black and white.

The figures and tables must be referenced within the text, before being presented. Decimals must be separated by dots if the article is written in English and commas if the article is written in Spanish

Acceptance: Papers will be reviewed by the Editorial Board in order to verify that they follow the instructions to the authors of the review Boletín de Geología. Papers do not follow them will be returned to the author(s) for corrections. The articles will be evaluated for at least two referees. If both of them agree to reject the paper, this will not be accepted again for publication in the Boletín de Geología. If only one referee rejects the paper, the Editorial Board will select a third evaluator and from his (her) concept a final decision will be taken

The results of review will be communicated to the author(s) for making the corresponding modifications, if necesary. The names of reviewers will remain anonymous except although they want to reveal their names. In the last case, is expected that authors mention their names in the Acknowledgments. Papers submitted to the Boletín de Geología will be accepted for publication only when authors have fully reviewed and corrected the manuscript following the recommendations of the referees.

Publishing Policy:After the acceptance of the papers for publication, the manuscript will be revised by the Editorial Board if is necessary. No charge will be make for publication of any paper, if the printed pages are within the limit specified above. None of the submitted manuscripts, including text, figures and tables, will be sent back to the author(s) to minimize the work load on the editorial staff after the paper be accepted for publication. All ideas expressed in the papers of this review are only responsibility of their author(s).

Copyright: Once your paper has been accepted, all authors must sign the “Transfer of Copyrigh” agreement. By this agreement the Boletin de Geología journal protects right's authors.

Sending of manuscripts

The Boletín de Geología allows sending items in any of the following options.

  1. Perform sending by journals platform
  2. Send the document to the any of the following emails: - boletindegeologí

As part of the submission process, are required authors to suggest that your shipment meets all the following elements, and agreeing to have shipments that do not meet these guidelines may be returned to the author.

  1. The shipment has not been published previously or been sent previously to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to / the publisher / a).
  2. The file is sent in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect.
  3. Web addresses have been added to the references where it has been possible.
  4. The text is double spaced, font size is 12 points, is used instead of underlined italics (except URLs), and all illustrations, figures and tables are within the text in their proper place and not at the end altogether.
  5. The qualifying text and bibliographic style specified in the Guidelines to Authors which can be found in About the Journal.

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© 2022

Escuela de Geología
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Carrera 27, Calle 9
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Escuela de Geología
Edificio Jorge Bautista Vesga, Oficina 213
Bucaramanga - Colombia
Telefax: (57-607) 6344000 Ext. 2860