ISSN 0121-053X
printed version

ISSN 2346-1829
online version



Scope and policy

Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica journal belongs to Masters degree in Linguistics of the Faculty of Education Sciences from Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, which finances the editing and publishing of the journal. The office is located in the central building C213. The webpage link of the journal is:; the email address is: /; the telephone number is: (57-8) 7405626 extension 2475.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica journal accepts original papers of types 1, 2 and 3, established by the Colombian Research Institute, Colciencias:

    1) Full research article (20 pages): gives a succinct account of the findings in a finished research study. The body of the text must include the following elements: introduction, methodology, results, and discussion.

    2) Reflection article (15 pages): presents the findings of a finished research study on a specific subject matter, from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective.

    3) Review article (20 pages): presents the findings of a finished research study through the analysis, systematization and integration of published or unpublished research results in a given field of knowledge, accounting for new advances and trends in the development of the language sciences. This type of article registers a detailed bibliographical revision of at least 50 references.

Formal standards for the presentation of articles

Authors always must follow the subsequent guidelines for style and presentation of work:

  1. The first page must contain:
  2. Title of article: no more than 12 words and avoiding the use of abbreviations, symbols and acronyms.

    Name(s) of author(s) and e-mail address (es). Please include the following information in a footnote:

    • Type of article
    • Author(s) name(s)
    • Brief CV (academic titles and country of origin of institution(s) author(s) is (are) ascribed to)
    • Name of research group, if applies
    • Institutional affiliation of author(s).
    • Origin of grants or financial support for the research; if applies.
  3. The second page of the article will include: abstract, key words, and translation of abstract and key words into English. In 150 words or less, the Abstract will present the objectives of the article, and a brief description of its content and results. The journal will add a translation of the abstract into French and Portuguese. The Key words are between 3 and 6 selected terms or short phrases which semantically constitute the essential topics or issues of the dissertation.
  4. From the third page onward, the following items will be developed: introduction, body of the work (methodology, results and discussion), conclusions and bibliographical references.

The article must be not exceed 20 letter size pages (81/2 x 11 inches). The font and letter size will be Arial, size 12, 1.5 line spacing, and for all long quotations, paragraph indent, font and letter size Arial 10, line spacing 1.0. All paragraphs will have a 5-point indent (5 spaces). There will be a line space between each paragraph, and between the different article sections. Titles and subtitles will be marked with Arabic numbers. Italic type will be used for words in foreign languages.

Footnotes will be used exclusively for clarification, explanation or providing further concepts or information that the author considers must be left outside of the text include. Footnotes with the symbol (*) will be used to include the type of article, a brief CV of the author, country of origin and research group.

Graphs, photographs, tables, etc., will be appropriately referenced and explained in the text. They must be titled, sequentially numbered and include figure captions describing image and source. They must be located directly after the paragraph in which they are mentioned. It is the author's responsibility to find and provide the journal with the authorization to publish the required figures.

Citation and reference norms

The citation and bibliographical reference style established by the journal is based on the sixth edition APA citation guide. References must be listed, in alphabetical order, at the end of the document. Bibliographical references for magazines and/or books shall include, in the following order: full last names and first name initials of the author(s), year of publication, title of article (in regular type), publication place (followed by a colon), name of magazine and/or book in italic type (volume and pages in the case of magazines). For example:

For articles

Fonseca Jiménez, H. (2009). Mirá con lo que me salís.

Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica

, 14, 59-78. Tunja: Uptc.

When the authoring of a paper corresponds to five authors or more, the bibliographical references must have the last name and name of the first author followed by the expression et al.

For books

Cisneros Estupiñán, M. et al. (2013). La alfabetización académica y lectura inferencial. Bogotá: Ecoe Ediciones.

Domínguez Rey, A. (2008). Palabra Respirada: hermenéutica de lectura. Madrid: coedición UNED.

For internet sources

References for internet sources will include: title or description of document; date (may be of publication, revision or access); full URL ("uniform resource locator") address. Authors will be identified, if possible. For example:

Sal Paz, J. y Maldonado, S. (2009). Estrategias discursivas: un abordaje terminológico. Revista de estudios literarios. Recuperado de

It is important that all references incorporated into the body of the text correspond to the bibliography. It is not convenient to include works not cited in the text in the "bibliographical references". The Editorial Board recommends including at least 2 current sources in the "Bibliographical References".


Do not use italic type in quotations. Nevertheless if it does appear in a quotation, it must be indicated if the emphasis is made by the original or by the author.

Quotations of 40 words or less (short quotations) must be incorporated into the text and enclosed within quotation marks. After these (only) the following information is registered, in parenthesis: author's last name, year of publication and page number. For example:

Cárdenas (2008) sugiere que los "terapeutas en casos de deserción pueden haber validado, sin darse cuenta, la negatividad de los padres hacia el adolescente y no responder adecuadamente a las necesidades o preocupaciones de éste" (p. 541).

According to, "individual differences have been found regarding emotional intelligence" (Goleman, 2003, p. 122).

Quotations of 40 words (long quotations) or more are placed in a free standing block of typewritten lines, starting the citation on a new line, in the same place where a new paragraph would begin, 5 spaces from the left margin in all lines of the quotation, according to what has been previously said, in Arial 10 font, 1.0 interline spacing and omitting quotation marks. If there are more paragraphs in the quotation, the first line of the second, third paragraph, etc. must be indented. For example:

No hay nada en el presente tan irritante y preocupante para mí como la alienación del pueblo en relación con sus propios asuntos públicos. Y creo que el descontento es peor porque se cocina a fuego lento en lugar de arder abiertamente, y que es en extremo parecido al estado espiritual de Francia antes de que estallara la primera Revolución (Engel, 1956, p.954).

In case of 2 or more publications existing in the same year, add lowercase letters to the publication date; for example: Amar (1999a), Amar (1999b).

Personal communications (email, discussion groups, telephone conversations, bulletin boards, etc.) are quoted and referenced only within the text, but are not included in the list of bibliographical references. For example:

García, C. (Personal communication, April 27, 2000).

The previous style guidelines contribute to the uniformity and aesthetic presentation of the journal. They also constitute a required parameter for evaluation and selection of the articles for publication.

Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement

- The journal accepts articles in the following languages: Spanish, English, French or Portuguese.

- The journal staff is constituted by an editor, an editorial assistant, an editorial committee, and a scientific committee, in charge of endorsing the editorial and scientific quality of the journal. Each one of the members is assessed yearly, taking into account the visibility of his/her academic production in journals of related areas.

- It is directed towards researchers in the field of Language Sciences as well as scholars and professionals of Humanities and Social Sciences.

- The central objective of this semesterly publication is the disclosure of research findings framed in one of three research lines: Language and Communication, Language and Society, Language and Pedagogy; the Editorial Committee receives contributions that provide insights into key issues in the fields of: Linguistics, Grammar, Phonetics and Phonology, Critical Discourse Analysis, Psycholinguistics, Semiotics, Semiolinguistics, Language and Mass Media, Language and Information/Communication Technologies, Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics, Sociology of Language, Ethnolinguistics, Pedagogical Models and Curricular Design Applied to Language, Applied Linguistics, Pedagogy of Reading, Writing and Orality.

- Articles submitted to Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica journal must be in accordance with national and international copyright norms, must be original and unpublished, and must not be submitted simultaneously to other academic journals; papers which have been previously published by other magazines will not be accepted.

Article submission and author's obligations

- The author accepts that his/her article to be subject to evaluation for possible publication. He accepts responsibility for the contents of the text; additionally, he/she receives the comments made by peer reviewers (referees) and the editorial committee in order to adjust the article to the academic, scientific and editorial criteria suggested. The author may be consulted during the evaluation and editing process to answer requirements on formal aspects and content of his/her article.

- The author commits to respecting third party copyrights, given that any copyright violation is under his/her own responsibility. If the article reproduce bibliographic information, charts, graphics, diagrams, illustrations, pictures, etc., the author agrees to ask permission to use and publication. Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica journal, the Editor, the Editorial Committee and Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, will make responsible the author, of the article for violations in the case of a copyright lawsuit.

- The Editorial Committee will inform to the author or authors, in written form, the reasons for non-approval the sent article. It will request to the authors of the approved articles, a letter of originality and a license to assign rights to Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica by completing a copyright release form, in which the author authorizes Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica journal and Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia the use of his/her patrimonial rights (reproduction, public communication, transformation and distribution). With this authorization, the journal and the University may publish the article in printed and electronic form. As soon as the author assigns his/her rights of the article, to Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica, the journal has the legal attributes to use and disseminate it, according to the decisions of the editorial committee.

Peer review / reviewer's obligations

- Once the article is received and read, the Editorial Committee will determine if it has the technical standards established by the journal as the relevance, scientific and writing quality. If the article has these standards, it will be assigned to the review and evaluation by two peers of specialized readers in the respective area. When the peers review the article, they will send their results by email. The evaluated paper may have three results: suitable for publication, suitable for publication with corrections or not suitable for publication. If the paper is evaluated as suitable for publication with corrections, the author will be informed of these and he/she must commit to developing them or decide not to do this. If the author doesn't accept the corrections, then he/she must inform the Editorial Committee of his/her decision by means of a written letter. The evaluation process will take one (1) month starting on the date of reception of the paper, and peer reviewers will have fifteen (15) calendar days to produce a concept on the academic quality of the paper. The Editorial Committee will take the final decisions on which articles will be published and the number of the edition in which they will take part. It must be clarified that when differing opinions emerge between the two academic peers, the article will be sent to a third party in order to settle the controversy. The instructions emerging from the peer review, will be known by each author, who will be advised, in written form, that the evaluation process of his/her article will be kept in strict anonymity; that is, that the author will not know the name of the peer reviewer of his/her article, neither will the peer reviewer know the name of the author (a double blind reviewing process).

- The editorial committee is in charge of selecting peer reviewers for article evaluation. These must mostly be external to the editing institution, and must have no conflict of interests regarding the article to be reviewed. If the reviewer has a conflict of interests with the research the article emerges from or with the mode of financing, he/she must express his reasons to the editorial committee in written from.

- There is an evaluation tool of the articles that stipulates: the rating scale, the minimum score approving, the types of articles to point the appropriate aspects of content and formal aspects of their respective assessment criteria and ranges score.

- The peer reviewer of each article has the authority of accepting, rejecting or approving it with modifications. The journal assures confidentiality of the names of the reviewers, total and partial results of the evaluation.

- Receive an article does not mean commitment to Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica for its publication; once that the peer reviewer and the Editorial committee approve the article, it will be published.

- An article accepted for publication with corrections, according to peer observations will be returned to the author(s) in order to develop the pertinent corrections. Once corrected, it must be resubmitted to the Editorial committee in a period of no longer than ten (10) calendar days. If the author exceeds the determined time period, the article will not be published. In the other hand, an article not accepted for publication will be returned to the author(s) along with the corresponding observations made by the peers reviewers, and will not be accepted for further peer review in the present journal.

- The authors of the published articles in the journal will receive two free copies of the issue in which it was included.

Editorial obligations of the journal

- The editorial committee and scientific committee of Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica are responsible for designing the guidelines for authors, defining the editorial policies of the journal, and advocating for its scientific and editorial quality.

- The scientific committee is in charge of defining the criteria of academic quality for each published issue, as well as advising the editorial committee and editor about improvements.

- The editorial committee is in charge to define the parameters of each call for papers, selecting the best articles, previous evaluation, to be published, guaranteeing the national and international standards of scientific quality. Therefore, it is also in charge of highlighting any corrections, rectifications, clarifications or justifications of a possible error made in the editing process.

- The Editor is who receives the articles, presenting them to the Editorial Committee, assigning peer reviewers and monitoring the evaluation process. Also, the editor agrees to do the evaluation process as confidential form applying the double-blind system.

- The Editorial Assistant is in charge of overviewing all the editorial process, keeping the minutes of the committee meetings, notifying authors, peers reviewers, committee members and the scientific and academic community. The Editorial Assistant is also responsible for managing information of the journal and processes of legal deposit, exchange, subscriptions, indexing, evaluation, editing and publication of the articles in each issue of the journal.

Editorial ethics

- During the editorial process for each issue, the editorial committee will keep strict vigil over each step of the process, from the reception of articles until the publication of the issue.

- Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica journal commits to safeguarding the ethics of the scientific publication and the persons implied therein: readers, authors, committee members and peer reviewers.

- If any ethical publication parameter is violated, the journal will inform the implied person and the community in general of the reasons for the violation, in written form.

- The archive, data bases, and complete academic file of the journal will be kept in reserve, and its integrity will be guaranteed.

- Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica journal commits to complying with the intellectual and ethical standards of a scientific publication, placing the publication's entitlement to open access over any business transaction.

- Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica journal, its committees and editor commit to publishing corrections, clarifications, recantations and excuses whenever necessary.

- The journal constantly is controlling and avoiding plagiarism and fraudulent information in the publications, although the legal responsibility falls upon the author. The journal considers relevant and necessary, to promote transparent and honest information management, by means of the ethics and editorial politics of the journal.


Sending of manuscripts

- The author must register as user of Cuadernos de Linguistica Hispanica's Open Journal System (OJS) in the following link:, from this platform the author may submit his article; the author may also submit his article through the journal's email addresses: / This journal has guidelines for authors, which may be consulted in the electronic and print versions.

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Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

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Tunja, Colombia