ISSN 1900-9607 |
Scope and policy
The production, application and divulgation of academic and scientific knowledge, are priorities in universities, involving constant and rigorous pursuit of knowledge and understanding of basic research and specific problem solving with applied research, finding optimal, effective and economical alternative solutions to problems in the area starting with theoretic fundamentals. Therefore, the disclosure of this knowledge must be an element on a local, national and international level; for it and with the social responsability that we commits us, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 2006 founded the journal CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, which is a biannual online publication and with open access, which seeks to divulgate academic and scientific information in the areas of veterinary medicine and animal production. Manuscripts submitted to the journal CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, must be original and not previously published, therefore articles that are published or submitted for peer review to other journals in the local, national or international context, will not be accepted. Pair review process The evaluation process for all manuscripts postulated to the CES journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry is double-blinded, and the process is as follows:
Contents The contents of the journal are the following: Editorial. Space reserved for communications by the publisher. Letters to the editor. Opinions on recently published discussion topics. Responses from the editor and / or author (s) Space reserved for responding to readers queries. Original article. A document that presents, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The structure usually contains four elements: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions. Reflection article. Document presents completed research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective, on a specific topic using original sources. Review article. A document resulting from a completed investigation, analyzing, systematizing and integrating published or unpublished research findings, on the field of science or technology, in order to account for the progress and trends of development. It is characterized by a careful review of the literature of at least 50 references. Short article. A short document which presents preliminary or partial original results of scientific or technological research, which usually require a quick diffusion. Clinical case report. Document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation in order to present the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific clinical case. Includes an annotated systematic review of the literature in similar cases. Subject review. Document resulting from the critical review of the literature on a particular topic, very innovative in its emphasis on depth. A thorough review of the literature of at least 50 references must be carried out. Reflection article not derived from research. A document which presents research results completed from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective on a specific topic using original sources. Research summaries. Summaries of published or unpublished research of high relevance and scientific value. Space for academic and scientific diffusion. Consists of a document prepared by the author, in which ideas and concepts are presented on a specific academic or institutional topic. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
General rules of publication Scientific names. To be written in italics, should be capitalized at the initial letter of the genera and lower at the initial letter of the species (e.g. Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli) Drafting of document. This should be performed according to international standards for writing scientific papers, in terms of syntax, abbreviations, symbols, acronyms, atomic, zoological, botanical, and chemical nomenclatures, among others. You must use the International System of Units (SI). Names written in a different language should be in italics. Type of units. The International System of Units (SI) will be used. You must leave a space between number and unit, except for the percent (%) and dollars ($) sign that will always be attached to the figure. Units of measure should not be used in the plural or use a point (e.g. kg instead of kg, kg.). When a unit of measurement applies to several numbers, it accompanies only the last value (e.g. 2 to 4 kg instead of 2 kg - 4 kg). The decimal comma must be expressed. Citations and references. Quotations in the document should be numbered in superscript and in alphabetical order, just as with references Conflicts of interest. We do not accept articles that have conflicts of interest between public and private companies, universities, or any natural or legal person. General structure of publication of the contents Original article. Title. Should be written in Spanish or Portuguese and English, in Arial 14, centered, with only the first letter capitalized, bold and not to exceed 25 words. Scientific names included in it should be in italics (e.g. Bos taurus, Clostridium tetani, Brucella abortus) (see general rules of publication section). Authors. The names must be centered and should be written as follows: full names, not including punctuation between them, followed by the superscript in italics indicating the affiliation of each author, followed by a coma and abbreviated academic degrees, separated by coma. Each author should be separated by semicolons (e.g. Mara Patricia Arias1, DVM, PhD; Jhon Didier Ruiz Buitrago2, DVM, MSc). The name of each author must have a link to the resume in the CvLAC (if have CvLAC). If it is the corresponding author, note it with superscript asterisk after the affiliation (e.g. Maria Patricia Arias1*). Affiliation and correspondence. Should go under the authors, focused and starting with the superscript for each author. Include full personal details (eg: 1Grupo INCA-CES, line of research is pathophysiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University CES). If the corresponding author, you must specify the complete postal and electronic address (e.g. 1* Grupo INCA-CES, line of research is pathophysiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University CES, Calle 10 No. 43 A 50, office 235, the Village Quarter, Medellin, Colombia. E-mail: Abstract. This title should be lowercase and bold and it’s content not in bold. It should include the researched problem, objective, concise description of the materials and methods, results and conclusions. The limit is 250 words and must be an analytical summary. Key words. This title should be in boldface, followed by a colon. The keywords must be in alphabetical order, and without boldface lowercase. There should be three to six words (not sentences) related to a topic. You must use keywords that are included in the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) or other specific descriptor in the area of research. Introduction. The title must be in lowercase and bold. It should contain the current state of knowledge of the subject matter, tested hypotheses, objectives and rationale. Materials and methods. This title should be lowercase and bold. This section can be subdivided into subheadings. If you include subtitles they should proceed as follows: first-order subtitles in italics, not bold, and starting on the next line, a description of the procedure. Second-order Subtitle also written in italics and without bold, with a period and the description made immediately after. All teams used shall include in parentheses the headquarters and the host city (e.g. Equipment X, Medellín). Always refer to the active and not trade names, if required to make a strict reference to a trade name, it should be cited in a footnote. This section should include the following: Endorsement of the Ethics Committee for animal experimentation: Enter the date, number of certificate of approval of the Ethics Committee for animal experimentation, the concept of the type of risk with which it was granted and the institution that owns the committee. Type of Study: Indicate the type of study, the study objective and sample size used. Location: If it was a field study, the geographical position should be described, the coordinates of the site, weather conditions, area of life, among others, leading the reader to have an accurate idea of geo-climatic conditions of the experiments, to allow reproducibility thereof. Methods: Those methods used by authors, should be described completely. If a method has been described by other authors, make the respective reference. Those methods modified by the authors, should be referenced including the exact description of the modifications and should be described with sufficient precision so as to be reproducible. You must use the International System of Units (SI). Statistical analysis: The procedure used, the changes made to data to facilitate analysis, the statistical models, the significant level and types of mistakes made must be clearly outlined. Include the names of the software used and its respective license number Results. This title should be lowercase and bold. Headings and subheadings in this section shall be governed as indicated in Materials and Methods. The results chapter should be completed in past tense. The level of statistical significance must be enclosed in parentheses (eg, p <0.05, p <0.01, p> 0.05). Levels greater than 99.9% reliability is quoted as (p <0.01). Tables and figures should be cited or referenced in this section in strict order of appearance. The citation in the text can be done in two ways: as seen in table 3, and the results showing no statistically significant differences (see table 2). Tables and figures (including photographs), will have Arabic numerals followed by a dot and in bold. The name of the table or figure should not be in bold and end with a point (Table 1. Xxxxx. Or Figure 1. Xxxxx.). The title should be placed at the top, center, if a table or on the bottom and centered, if a Fig. The first letter of the column headings and rows will be capitalized. Tables should carry only horizontal lines between the title and the box, between it and the contents of the table, and between content and sources Do not use vertical lines. Headers units should be indicated in parentheses. The numbers, letters or asterisks refer to the foot of the table or figure, or particular statistical meanings shall be in Arial 10 and superscript. Also, in special cases, at the foot of the table with Arial 10 specific comments on the explanatory table or figure, such as the meaning of acronyms may be made. Discussion. This title should be in lowercase and bold. It is a separate section to the results and includes the major contributions of the authors, explaining and contrasting their results with other work. Differences are interpreted to raise the relevant assumptions, conclusions and recommendations. Avoid speculation and refer to issues or hypotheses that are related to the subject of the document. Conclusions. This title should be lowercase and bold. They are specific statements about the results and discussion of them should not be speculative. Acknowledgements. This title should be lowercase and bold. It may mention institutions, individuals or corporations who funded or supported the research in some way. References. This title should be in lowercase and bold. In the "References" section, they are cited in alphabetical order with Arabic numerals. In the text, references should be cited in Arabic numerals in superscript, the end point must follow the numeric citations (e.g. problem compatible with renal failure 1, 5, 9.). The wording of the references should conform to the Vancouver citation style, taking into account that the names of journals are abbreviated according to Index Medicus parameters, with no points after each abbreviation. They should be written in their original language. The international abbreviations can be found in "List of journals indexed in Index Medicus"; the Spanish journals, in the catalog of "Instituto Carlos III". Example of citation: Original articles Original articles (1 - 5 authors): Author/s. Article title. International journal abbreviation year; volumen (number):initial - final page of the article Vásquez NA, López YS, Escobar EE. Regulación de la maduración del oocito bovino por ampc. Rev CES Med Vet y Zootec 2006; 1(1): 100 - 109. Original articles (> 5 authors): It should be written exactly like to point 1 until the sixth autor, after you must add et al., in italics. Arias MP, Sánchez H, Coral E, Acosta L, Zuluaga J, et al. Estimación de La intensidad de trabajo en un grupo de caballos criollos Colombianos de diferentes andares. Rev CES Med Vet y Zootec 2006; 1(2): 18 - 32. Institution or organization as author: Universidad CES. Manejo de praderas en trópico alto. Rev CES Med Vet y Zootec 2012; 1(2): 15 - 23. Does not indicate the autor name: Fertilización en gramíneas (editorial). Rev CES Med Vet y Zootec 2008; 3(1): 25 - 35. Volume with supplement: Cabrera PA, Ordóñez OE, Cortés JA, Rodríguez JM, Villamil LC. Prevalencia de parásitos gastrointestinales zoonóticos (helmintos y protozoarios) en caninos del Centro de Zoonosis de Bogotá. Rev Biomédica 2003; 23(Suppl.1):153- 162. Books: Personal author: Cordero CM. Rojas F. Parasitología Veterinaria. 1ra ed. España: Mc Graw Hill; 1999. Editor as author: Canovas FM, editor. Avances en el metabolismo del nitrógeno: bioquímica, fisiología y biología molecular. 1 ra ed. España: Agapea; 2000. Book chapter: Carroll EW. Control genético de la función celular y herencia. En: Porth CM. Fisopatología: salud- enferemedad: un enfoque conceptual. 7ª ed. España: Panamericana; 2006. p. 119 - 134. Monographs and thesis: Restrepo JS, Escobar AF. evaluación de algunos parámetros fisiológicos del Raygrass bestfor (Lolium perenne), bajo condiciones de estrés hídrico. Tesis de pregrado, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, universidad CES, Medellín, 2007. 51 p. Online references: Upton SJ. Animal Parasitology. Topic 32. Haemogregarines (suborder: Adeleorina). KansasState University 1999; [acceso: 26 de noviembre de 2007]. URL: Material unpublished: Cid, M. S. ; Fernández Grecco, R. C. ; Oesterheld, M. ; Paruelo, J. M. ; Cibils, A. F. ; Brizuela, M. A. Grass-fed beef production system of Argentina's flooding Pampas: understanding ecosystem heterogeneity helps improve livestock production. Outlook on agricultural in press 2010. Personal communication: They are cited in the text only (no references) indicating the author, affiliation and year. Reflection article. The structure of a reflective paper will be: title, affiliation and correspondence, abstract, keywords, introduction, topic development, conclusions and references; retaining the format described for original research articles and the general rules of publication. The development of the issue will be structured in a coherent and independently by the authors. Review article. The structure of a review article will be: title, affiliation and correspondence, abstract, keywords, introduction, theme development, conclusions and references; retaining the format described for original research articles and the general rules of publication. The development of the theme will be structured in a coherent and independently by the authors. Short article. Must conform in substance to the sections and standards established for original research articles, but differ from these in that its size is significantly smaller. Clinical case report. The structure of a clinical case report is: title, affiliation and correspondence, abstract, keywords, introduction, evaluation of the patient (with subtitles: anamnesis, clinical examination findings, diagnostic aids), treatment approach, discussion, conclusions and references; retaining the format described for original research articles and the general rules of publication. Subject review. The structure of a topic review will be: title, affiliation and correspondence, abstract, keywords, introduction, topic development, conclusions and references; retaining the format described for original research articles and the general rules of publication. The development of the issue will be structured in a coherent and independently by the authors. Reflection articles not derived from research. The structure of a reflection article not derived from research will be: title, affiliation and correspondence, abstract, keywords, introduction, topic development, conclusions and references; retaining the format described for original research articles and the general rules of publication. The development of the issue will be structured in a coherent and independently by the authors. Research Summaries. The structure of a research summary will be: title, affiliation and correspondence, abstract, keywords, introduction, topic development, conclusions and references; retaining the format described for original research articles and the general rules of publication. Space for academic and scientific diffusion. The structure of the space for academic and scientific diffusion will be: title, affiliation and correspondence, abstract, keywords, introduction, topic development, conclusions and references; retaining the format described for original research articles and the general rules of publication. The development of the issue will be structured in a coherent and independently by the authors. Acceptance and publication of manuscripts Receipt of items does not imply the obligation of the Revista CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia to publish them. They are subject to review by the editorial board and subjected to double-blind evaluation by national and international peer reviewers. The evaluation process is anonymous, both for the author, and for the evaluator seeking to ensure fairness, academic excellence and scientific rigor throughout the editorial process of the Journal As soon as the manuscript is finally adopted by the editorial committee, it is included as material for publication of the Journal Veterinary Medicine CES according to available space in the volume to be published. Neither the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine or the Revista CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, are responsible for the concepts expressed in published articles, the responsibility lies with the authors. Copyright and diffusion In the case that the document is accepted for publication, the author must sign the “author’s record”, where the originality of the document is affirmed and authorizes the CES Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry to exercise all rights of publishing and reproduction, on websites and databases locally, nationally and internationally. Frequency of publication The CES Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry was founded in 2006 and is published twice a year. The two issues per year are published in June and December. Open access ability The CES Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry provides free access to its website and all published volumes. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this magazine without prior permission of the publisher or author. This is consistent with the definition of open access BOAI, thus fulfilling the scientific, academic and social commitment to the development, socialization and free exchange of basic and applied knowledge. Statement of editorial ethics and good practice The CES Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry is committed to conducting a fair and objective editorial process for all the authors who trust us with their valuable publications based on the principles of honesty, scientific quality, editorial quality and positive feedback of knowledge. This ensures high standards of ethics in the double-blind review process and takes all necessary measures to prevent fraud and plagiarism. Privacy Statement The names, emails and addresses published in the CES Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of the magazine. |
Sending of manuscripts
The receipt of documents does not imply the obligation to publish, and they will be subject to review by the editorial board and will have a double-blind assessment. Authors should adhere strictly to the following guidelines:
Documents can be sent to our journal in three ways:
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© 2006 | Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad CES |
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