ISSN 1794-5887
printed version



Basic Information

Co-herencia is a half-yearly journal published by the Humanities Department at EAFIT University. Its purpose is to disclose findings generated by investigations, theoretical reflections, specialized debates, translacions, essays, and critical reviews on topics related to humanistic studies in general, and associated with literature, philosophy, history, politics and communication studies in particular.

Co-herencia is directed towards professors, researchers, students, and scholars within the disciplines or knowledge areas which comprise the ample spectrum of humanistic studies, but also to other readers with an affinity for the scholarly topics compiled in each volume. Its purpose is to be a forum of interdisciplinary discussion and a space for dialogue among peers on the contributions of humanities in determining a thinking and deliberating community in Colombia.


Information Services

The articles published in Co-herencia are indexed or summarized by:

  • SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online)
  • Biblioteca Saavedra Fajardo (Universidad de Murcia, España)
  • IBERA (Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Ibero-Amerika / Spanien / Portugal – DFG Alemania)
  • Clase (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
  • CREDI (Centro de Recursos Documentales e Informáticos – OEI)
  • CSA (Sociological Abstracts, USA)
  • DOAJ (Directory of Open Acces Journals – Lund University – Suecia)
  • Fuente académica (EBSCO)
  • GOOGLE Académico (-Scholar- USA).
  • LatAm-Estudios (América Latina y el Caribe)
  • Latindex (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
  • Índice Bibliográfico Nacional-Publindex (Colciencias-Colombia) Categoría B
  • Redalyc (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México)
  • Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory (New York, USA)
  • Vlex (Argentina, Ecuador, España, Chile, Perú y Venezuela)
  • Worldwide Political Science Abstracts Database (ProQuest, USA)



Information on copyright: Departamento de Humanidades, Escuela de Ciencias y Humanidades, Universidad EAFIT. Authorizing the photocopying of articles and texts for academic purposes or internal use of institutions, citing the source.



Co-herencia is financially supported by the Departamento de Humanidades and the Biblioteca “Luis Echavarría Villegas”, Universidad EAFIT.


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© 2011 Departamento de Humanidades

Universidad EAFIT
Carrera 49 No. 7 Sur - 50. Av. Las Vegas, Medellín, Colombia
Tel.: +57 4 261 9500, ext. 9774
