ISSN 0120-4645 - e-ISSN: 2256-5078 |
Scope and policy
The journal Cuadernos de Administración is a periodic quarterly, disciplinary and thematic publication which has as its principal aim to publish the thinking on administrative, accountable and financial frontiers in order to support the process of education and learning of the plans of study of college, post degree, research and wider activities. The magazine receives contributions in Spanish, English or French. The magazine accepts three types of works according to the criteria established for the classification of Colombian magazines of science and technology in the Bibliographical National Index, Publindex from COLCIENCIAS: 1. Papers of scientific or technological research. the author presents original results of research. 2. Papers of reflection. Presents results of research on a specific topic from the analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the authors, from original bibliographic sources. 3. Papers of review. Presents the result of an analytical review of the literature on a specific topic, systematizing or integrating the results of the research already published, in order to take into account the advance and the trends of development of this topic. They include a careful and wide bibliographical review (with at least 50 references). The editorial process is the responsibility of the General Editor, the evaluation process is carried out by Double blind couple, the content of the articles is the responsibility of the authors. The article must be original, there must be no prior publication. The authors must upload the articles to the OJS platform and be verifying the status of the process. The magazine receives only original and unpublished works to publish as scientific papers, that is to say that have not been published before in any printed, electronic or digital way (other magazines, memories of a congress, web pages, CD-ROM, etc.) and that are not being simultaneously considered for publication in any other way. The process of evaluation in its first stage is realized by the general editor of the magazine, the pre-selected papers are sent for evaluation by anonymous experts in the subject matter of every paper, and finally they are evaluated by the editorial committee. The general editor is the only one responsible for the notification of the publication, or not, of the papers and the status of their evaluation process. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
I. Format of papers The author or the authors must accompany their paper with a letter or e-mail directed to the general editor of the magazine, where they certify the originality and the unpublished character of the work, and the exclusivity of his remission to the magazine Cuadernos de Administración de la Universidad del Valle. The works are accepted for final publication after a rigorous process of review of their academic quality. For its evaluation, the document must fulfill completely the following properties: II. Estructure of papers Works must have the following structure and meet the following requirements: 1. Title. The title must represent clearly the content of the work in maximum 12 words. If possible, the title must not use abbreviations or acronyms. 2. Authors. The authors must include the complete first name, the initial of the second name and the last name of every author, in that order. As a footnote to the first page in arial 10 (with an asterisk for the first author, double asterisk for the second one, etc.), they must include the principal information of every author like: highest academic degree, name of the institution and department in which they works, mentions of honor, e-mail and complete mailing address. 3. Analytical abstract. In the original language and translated to Spanish: * Between 150 and 300 words * Explain the subject of the paper in a thorough way, detailing: origins, methodology, consequences and results * Is a summary analysis of the paper, a synthesis of concepts, approaches or ideas, following the structure of the original text, highlighting key elements and maintaining the central idea 4. Key words (In the original language of the paper, with translation to Spanish). There must be a maximum of 7 key words and must go separated by commas. 5. Principal text. It is obligatory to fulfill the following sections: 1. Papers of scientific and technological research: 2. Papers of reflection: 3. Papers of review: 6. Text Citations The Text Citations must fulfill the international procedure APA (American Psychological Association – 6th. edition), for the case of citations at the beginning or within a paragraph should include the first surname in small letters and the year of publication in brackets, for example González (2007) or "González in 2008…", when the citations are at the end of the paragraph, include the first surname in brackets in small letters, a comma and the year of publication, for example (González, 2007). If the paper includes a text, graphic, table or any other complete element of another paper or book also write after a comma, the letter “p” followed by a point and the number of the page, for example: (González, 2007, p. 295), in case of multiple authors, use the letter “&” as a connector in English, for example: (González & Galvez, 2008), in case of three or more authors include the surname of the first author in small letters followed by " et al. ", and the year of publication, for example (Zapata et al., 2009). 7. References At the end of the paper in alphabetical order, without numeration, first-line indented should include only the texts mentioned in the paper. These must be written following the procedure APA (American Psychological Association – 6th. edition). When it is necessary to include several papers by the same author, type them in order for the year of publication from the oldest to the most recent. If you include several papers by the same author in the same year, it is necessary to include letters at the end of the year, starting with the letter “a”.
Sending of manuscripts
The works presented for consideration by OJS platform |
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