ISSN 0124-6127
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The journal Discusiones Filosóficas accepts original contributions such as research papers, reviews, translations and articles on its topics of interest (philosophy on all fields and philosophy of literature). These contributions are published in Spanish, English or Portuguese, unless the author explicitly requests a Spanish Translation. The journal also invites the readers to send short texts in response to previously published articles, as well as reviews of specialized books published recently. The collaborations should be sent to the Editorial Board.
The texts should follow the established norms for each case (see article format in each edition), and be accompanied by an abstract no longer than 150 words, preferably including its Spanish translation, and at least four key words. A printed (Word program) and a CD copy of the proposals should be sent to the Editorial Board. Proposals exceeding 7000 words (including the abstract) will not be considered. All of the articles will be subjected to anonymous evaluation by expert readers, in the order of arrival. Electronic versions can also be mailed to the following e-mail address: In each article the authors must include their institutional affiliation as well as some basic professional and investigative information.

The bibliographical references can appear as foot notes or integrated in the text, in parenthesis, in the following way: (author's last name, year: page number). In the last case, the complete references should appear at the end of the text.

For the issue corresponding to the semester January-June, the journal receives potential articles until March the 31st. For the issue corresponding to the semester July-December, the journal receives potential articles until September the 30th. The contributions received after these dates will be considered for publication in the following semester. All of the articles are subjected to a double blind evaluation. The authors will be notified of the referees' decision within the two months following the reception of the proposals. Only articles that satisfactorily pass the evaluation process will be published.

Contributors must sent their proposals to Departamento de Filosofía, Universidad de Caldas - Sede Palogrande: Cra. 23 No. 58-65 piso 2. A.A. 275. Phone: (57)(6) 8862720 Ext. 21151. Electronic versions can also be sent as attached files to its editorial board, E-mail:


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© 2010

Universidad de Caldas, Departamento de Filosofía.

Universidad de Caldas, Facultad de Artes y Humanidades, Departamento de Filosofía.
Oficina de Revistas Científicas
Cra. 23 No. 58-65 piso 2. Manizales - Colombia
Teléfono: (57) (6) 8862720 Ext. 21151
Fax: (57) (6) 8781500 Ext. 11622