ISSN 0120-8942
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eISSN: 2027-5366
digital version


Focus and Scope

Framed by the institutional fundamentals of the Universidad de La Sabana, and pursuant to the tenets of the curriculum of its School of Law, Díkaion is a serious, high-level journal dedicated to legal information on the fundamentals and current aspects of the various institutions concerned with private or public law, as well as background information, general remarks and opinions in the legal realm, both national and international. The Journal respects ideological positions and encourages continuous dialogue on them. Accordingly, its contents are intended to generate academic discussion and reflection aimed at validating possible solutions to the socio-legal issues being raised and their subsequent impact on the scientific and social environment.

Peer Review Process

All articles are reviewed by the Editorial Board to verify full compliance with the criteria requested in these instructions. Should any of the respective requirements not be met, the author(s) will be informed accordingly.

After being reviewed by the Editorial Board, the articles are sent to expert peers who evaluate their scientific and academic quality. The identity of the authors is not disclosed to the reviewers, nor do the authors know who is reviewing their work. Once the designated external and internal academic peers have given their opinion, a decision is made to publish the material with modifications, to accept the material definitively, as is, or to reject it.

The Journal will notify the author(s) within a prudent period that shall not exceed 60 days. After being accepted and once all adjustments or modifications have been made, if such be the case, the articles are submitted for copy editing. This process respects each author's particular style and, in no case, does copy editing imply any changes whatsoever in the contents of an article.

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Author Guidelines

Díkaion is a legal journal edited by the Faculty of Law of the Universidad de La Sabana (Bogotá, Colombia). Díkaion accepts original and unpublished articles, critical research, reviews and summaries based on any subject or area of law, focusing on the analysis of the fundamental elements of legal science. Díkaion strives to go beyond merely descriptive or normative works to examine the elements and principles which constitute the pillars of the theory and practice of law.

  • All material presented for publication is submitted to an anonymous and confidential arbitration process conducted by internal evaluators and others not involved with all of whom may formulate comments and suggestions. The Editorial Board informs the author, normally within approximately three months, if the work has been accepted for publication. If so, any comments or suggestions from the evaluators are provided at that time.

  • The author of a work selected for publication will receive the galley proofs of the text, for immediate proofreading. The author will receive three complies of the edition of Díkaion in which the work appears.

  • The author is advised to keep a copy of all material submitted for publication. Works that are not selected for publication will not be returned.

  • Responsibility for the opinions expressed in Díkaion rests solely on the author.

  • Articles and critiques may not exceed 12,000 words. Reviews or summaries may be no longer than 2,000 words.

  • The material must be submitted in full; that is, it must include an introduction, an abstract in Spanish, English and Portuguese, five key words to help classify the material, the body of the text, captions for all photographs or illustrations, a bibliography and all other contents that are part of the work. The abstract must be at least 200 words and must describe the purpose of the article, essay or study and the methodology used.

  • Once an article has been approved for publication, the author must sign the Declaration of Originality of Written Work.

Materials to be submitted for review must be sent by this publish system, Clic here to start a new process.

Biliographic references

Bibliographic references must appear at the bottom of the page, as footnotes, never in the body of the text. The following format is to be used:

  • Book: author's first and last names (surname in Versasalita), the title of the work (in italics), place of publication, publisher, year of publication, page or pages cited (all separated by commas).

Antonio Enrique PÉREZ LUÑO, Derechos Humanos, Estado de Derecho y Constitución, Madrid, Tecnos, 1984, p. 249.

  • Translation: the name of the translator is listed after the name of the publisher.

John S. HAMMOND, Decisiones inteligentes, Bogotá, Editorial Norma, trans. by Jorge Cárdenas, 1999, p. 625.

  • Chapter in a book or article in a collective work: author's first and last names (surname in Versalita), "Title of the Work" (normal script and in quotation marks), first and last name of the compiler or editor, (the surname versalita) indicating or using AA.VV. in the case of multiple authors with no indicated editor, Title of the Work, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, pages cited.

Pablo LUCAS VERDÚ, "Constitución de 1978 e interpretación constitucional. Un enfoque interpretativo de la Constitución española," in Ignacio IGARTUA (editor), La interpretación de la Constitución. Demarcación y perspectivas, San Sebastián, Universidad del País Vasco, 1985. p. 46-51.

  • Journal or magazine article: author's first and last names, "Title of the Article," Name of the Journal or Magazine (in italics), number (year in parenthesis), pages cited.

Pablo NAVARRO, "Sistema jurídico, casos difíciles y conocimiento del Derecho," in Doxa. Cuadernos de Filosofía del Derecho 14 (1993), p. 243.

  • Newspaper article: author's first and last names, "Title of the Article," Name of the Newspaper (in italics), date (day, month, year), pages cited.

Eduardo POSADA , "Los argumentos reeleccionistas," El Tiempo, 8 May 2009, A24.

  • Reference online: author's first and last names, "Title of the Article", editorial source, date of publication (if available), website, date accessed.

Victoria ROCA PÉREZ, "Derecho y razonamiento práctico in C. S. Nino," Universidad de Alicante, 2002,, accessed: 15 May 2008.


The bibliography is to be arranged in a single alphabetical list by the author's last name (or the surname of the first author in the case of a work with multiple authors), pursuant to the structure and form indicated above. Reference to chapters in a book or articles in a collective work or magazine must include the first and last page numbers of the work in question.

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© 2012

Universidad de la Sabana
Facultad de Derecho

Universidad de la Sabana
Facultad de Derecho
Campus del Puente del Común, Km 7, Autopista Norte de Bogotá
Teléfono: (57-1) 8615555 Exts.: 2021-1413-1411. Fax: 1412.
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