ISSN 1794-9998
printed version


Scope and policy

The articles must be original, unpublished contributions and should be sent to the Journal's Editor via e-mail to; Supported text formats include Microsoft Word. The document should not exceed 28 pages, references included. Formatting requirements are: letter-sized document, double spaced, 3.0cms margins in all sides. For additional details about style and format please adopt completely the international journals published by the APA (American Psychological Association, 2001, 5th edition).

Along with each document please include full details for each author:

  • Full names
  • research group
  • Institution
  • Postal address
  • E-mail

The reception of a manuscript will be confirmed immediately, the author will be notified about the state of the document in a period no more than 6 months. Eventually the final acceptance of an article could depend on suggestions and modifications sent by the editorial committee advisors. The authors will get an offprint of the articles.

If an article is accepted for publication, the printing and reproduction rights of any kind and media are automatically assumed by the editor; although, any reasonable request by the author for a permission of reproduction of its contributions will be attended.

The withdrawal of an article must be asked by sending an official letter to the editor; this request will be effective after the editor's response by an official letter.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

For details about style and format please adopt completely the international journals published by the APA (American Psychological Association, 2001, 5th edition). For more infromation visit

Sending of manuscripts

Please send mail to:

Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Santo Tomás
Cra. 9 No. 51 - 11, Bogotá D.C., Colombia

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© 2010

Universidad Santo Tomás
Facultad de Psicología

Universidad Santo Tomás
Facultad de Psicología
Carrera 9 No. 51-11
Teléfono: (571) 587 87 32 / (571) 587 87 97 Exts. 3350 - 3351 - 3321
Fax: (571) 676 12 58 Exts. 110 - 111
Bogotá D.C., Colombia