The Publishing Committee of DYNA asks for the collaborators of the
Magazine, who consider the following instructions when presenting articles
to consideration of the Committee for their publication.
- The authors send their works to the Director of the Magazine, A.A
1027 of Medellín, or to the M7-201 office of the Mines Faculty. Three
copies of the article with a letter are required where the data of
and electronic affiliation and mailing dresses of the main author are
briefed. The letter remisoria must state that all the authors are informed
and in agreement with putting under the article DYNA consideration.
- The article must be unpublished and it cannot simultaneously be put
under the examination of other magazines or periodic publications.
- The extension of articles will be of 15 pages to double-spaced, in
Spanish or English, so large paper letter, including in them a summary
(maximum of 150 words) in Spanish (Resumen) and English (ABSTRACT)
and the "key words" (also in Spanish and English). The articles cannot
be class notes and when it is about a translation or the use of material
protected by "rights of intellectual property" will have to count on
the due authorizations of the authors.
- All articles will be put under the evaluation of two juries, designated
by the Publishing Committee. The exceptions to this requirement will
be decided by such committee.
- The articles that are accepted for publication, must be sent in magnetic
(diskette of 3 ½ ", D-ROM, etc.) in processor "Word 6,0" (or compatible
with this one) and two printed copies.
- With respect to graphs, tables and figures, these will have to be
processed like "objects" (of way to facilitate the layout of the magazine);
for it the program can be used that is desired. It is suggested to
send them in black and white or tones of gray, being avoided the polichromas.
- Figures that are not i electronic, appear in photography or paper
albanene and red Chinese.
- If the text includes photographies, its presentation in black and
white is recommended, kills, with good resistance. The photographies
are due to mount in leaves of the same size of the text. In the other
aspects the treatment is similar to the one of the figures.
- The presentation of the article will be in agreement with articles
of this number. They do not admit "footer" for reasons of layout of
the magazine.
- On the foot of the title of the article the name of the author (or
authors) must be included, its professional identification or institutional
connection, its email.
- The references will have to go in the end with the following format:
- Articles of magazines:
Allen, J. S., R. M. Samelson, P. A. Newberger, Chaos in a model
of forced quasi-geostrophic flow over topography: an application
of Melinkov's method, J. Fluid Mech., 226, 511-547, 1991.
- Books:
Baker, G. L. y J. P. Golub, Chaotic Dynamics: An introduction,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990.
- Chapters of books:
Lewis, P.A. W., B. K. Ray, y J. G. Stevens, Modeling time series
by using Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS), En:
Time Series Prediction: Forecasting the Future and Understanding
the Past (Eds. A.S.Weigend y N. A. Gershenfeld), SFI Studies
in the Science of Complexity, Proc. Vol. XV, Addison-Wesley,
297-318, 1994.
- Congress Memories:
Last name, N., S. Autor, and T. Autor, Title of the Communication.
Memories XIX Latin American Congress of Scientific Communications.
Cordova, Argentina, Volume II, 219-228, October 2000.
- Report of an organism or Government:
U.S. EPA. Status of Pesticides in Reregistration and Special Review.
EPA 738-R-94-008. Washington, DC:U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, 1994
- Theses:
Jacobs J. Regulation of Life History Strategies within Individuals
in Predictable and Unpredictable Environments [ PhD Thesis ].
Seattle, WA:University of Washington, 1996
- References of Internet:
NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center. Advancing Understanding
and Predictions of Climate Variability. Available: http://www.cdc.noaa.gov
[ mentioned 8 of August of 1998 ].
- Data nonpublished:
Last name, N. Datos nonpublished
- Personal Communication:
Last name, N. personal Comunicacio'n