ISSN 0123-5923 |
Scope and policy
Estudios Gerenciales is the Ibero-American journal of management and economics focused primarily on the thematic areas of organizational management, entrepreneurship, innovation, marketing, accountancy, finance, public administration, quantitative methods, economic development, industrial organization, international trade, economic policy and regional economy. Its main objective is the dissemination of research related to the above topic areas that generate tools for the study of Ibero-American community and its current economic and administrative context. Estudios Gerenciales, through the publication of relevant highquality previously unpublished articles subject to a doubleblind peer review process, is generally aimed at researchers, students, academics, professionals interested in the most recent research and analyses in economics and management in Ibero-America. Articles can be submitted in Spanish, English or Portuguese and, as editorial policy, the journal seeks a balance of articles by authors from different Ibero-American countries or other regions.
Target audience Estudios Gerenciales is generally aimed at individuals (academics, professionals, and students) and institution interested in the most recent researches and analyses in economics and management, localized in Ibero-America. Our main interest is the dissemination and generation of knowledge, in order to with the journal establishes exchange and subscription relations with:
Form and preparation of manuscripts
Articles can be submitted in Spanish, English or Portuguese. The articles must consist of the following items:
a) Title in both Spanish and English. The title must be clear and precise. It is not to exceed 20 words. b) Brief author's profile. It is written underneath the author's name. It must include: author's institutional filiations, job title, mailing address, and e-mail address for contact purposes. If an article is written by several authors, then one of the authors must be selected as the corresponding author. c) Analytical abstract in both Spanish and English. The abstracts are not to exceed 120 words in length. They must include: objective, methodology, and the most important result or recommendation that arises from the work. d) Keywords both in Spanish and English (no fewer than 3, no more than 5). e) Colciencias1 and JEL2 classification of all articles. f) If applicable, authors must attach basic information of other research work that gave rise to their articles, sources of funding, and acknowledgements, if any. a) Introduction. It provides the background and purpose of the research work. It also discusses the central theme of the article. b) Methodology and results. It presents and justifies the chosen methodology. Then it goes on to provide a detailed discussion of the methodology and present the results of applying the methodology. c) Conclusion. It emphasizes the most important aspects of the article, but it is not a summary of the article. It focuses on recommendations and constraints and proposes future lines of research. d) Bibliographic references. Bibliographic references must be provided following the APA style (please see below, at the end of this document)4 e) Annexes a) Length: The articles are not to exceed 30 pages in total (including bibliography, tables, charts, and annexes). b) Text and page format requirements: font: Times New Roman; font size: 12, page size: letter size; interline spacing 1.5; and 3-cm margins on all sides of the article. c) Articles must be written in the third person singular (impersonal form). Proper punctuation, spelling, and language must be used. Authors are responsible for conducting a stylistic review of their articles before submitting them to the Journal.
1.This classification reflects the category of the type of document based on its structure and research level established by Colciencias, which is the Colombian institution responsible for fostering science and research in Colombia. For detailed information about the twelve different categories of articles, please check the following website: 2. JEL classification, please see: 3. Readers are advised to check the structure of articles previously published in Estudios Gerenciales where they will find examples of the ideal structure of a scientific manuscript: 4. For further information, visit the following websites: or
APA GUIDELINES FOR PRESENTING BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Bibliographic references must be provided in the body of the article in the two following ways: as narrative (only the year of publication is enclosed in parentheses, e.g. Last name (year)); and as reference (the author's last name and the year of publication are enclosed in parentheses, e.g. (Last name, year)). If an article is written by more than two authors, the last names of all authors are quoted the first time, and then only the first author's last name followed by "et al." Authors are encouraged to read the summary of APA's basic guidelines at the following website of the journal:
Last name, initial(s) of the name (year). Title of the article. Name of the journal, Volume (Number), range of quoted pages. For example: Last name, first and middle name initials (year). Book Title (edition number, vol.). Publication city: Publisher. For example: Article or chapter author. (Year). Article or chapter title. In Book Editors names (Eds.), book title (article or charter page numbers). Publication city: Publisher. For example: Name (year, month). Title of the contribution. En chair's name (chair), symposium title. Short description if need, city, country. For example: Last name, first and middle name initial(s) (year). Title. Retrieved on day/month, year from the following html address. For example: |
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