ISSN 1692-8857
printed version

ISSN 2011-7477
On-line version



Scope and policy

Eidos, a philosophy journal is a serial academic publication, which was developed as a means of expression of the Humanities and Social Sciences Division of Universidad del Norte. Its objective is to disseminate trends in research and theorization in the area of philosophy. Eidos is a space for socializing the work of members of the philosophy research community at national and international level.  

Articles can correspond to these kinds of texts:

• Reflection article

• Scientific research article

• Review article 

The editorial committee will study each article through its internal and external arbitration process and will decide on its convenient publication. In some cases it will accept an article after some modifications or will suggest the most convenient form for a new presentation.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Articles must fulfill the “norms for referencing texts and reference lists” of the American Psychological Association - APA, 2008 edition. Examples:

    a) Book

    Marsden, J.E. & Tromba, A.J. (1991) Cálculo vectorial (3ra Ed.). Wilmington, Delaware, EE.UU.: Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana.

    b) Book chapter

    Loan, C.J, & Moos, R.H. (1994) Life stressors and mental health: Advances in conceptualizing stress resistance. In W.R. Avison, & I. H. Gotlib (Eds.). Stress and mental health: Contemporary issues and prospects for the future (pp. 250-290). New York, NY, EE.UU.: Plenum

    c) Specialized review

    Ordoñez, C.L & Ordoñez, J.C. (2004). Cuando el cambio pedagógico es solo metodológico. Revista de Estudios Sociales, 19, 33-50

    d) Referentes notes:

    - Paraphrasing or summary

    Según Sánchez (1991); (Sánchez, 1991); En 1991 Sánchez …

    - Textual

    El objetivo de los estudios explicativos es “responder a las causas de los eventos físicos o sociales” (Hernández, Fernández & Baptista, 1991, p.66).  

The first page must contain:

    • Title of the article (in original language and English); it must be short, specific and provide information.

    • Name(s) of author(s)

    • Academic degree and institution affiliation

    • Address(es) and e-mail(s) of author(s)

    • Origins of funds and support received (if any) 

Articles in Spanish, English, French, German and Portuguese will be accepted.  

The second page must contain a 100 to 150-word abstract. When articles are written in a language different from Spanish, the abstract must be written in the original language and in Spanish. Each abstract must include the corresponding key words. 

Book references within the text must be in parenthesis with a comma between the author or last author and the publication year, between the years of the same author; a semi colon between different authors. If there are more than three authors in one work just mention the first person and use et al.; if the authors are three, mention all of them and use conjunction and before the last name.


Sending of manuscripts

TArticles must be sent to Eidos editor, Carmen Elisa Escobar to the following e-mails: or

All articles should be sent with the “Article Arbitration Form” correctly filled. This form is available at eidos web page to be downloaded:

Once an article is accepted for publication, authors must fill and send the copyright release form, which can be downloaded at the official web page of Eidos.

The opinions expressed in these articles are the solely responsibility of the authors.

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