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Estudios Socio-Jurídicos is aimed at the Socio-Juridical research community of Iberoamerica with the intention of presenting, each semester, to the academia community, and to society at large, the best reflection of research being conducted in this field. The journal is a peer-reviewed media for scientific distribution which seeks to contribute to the development and diffusion of research in Socio-Juridical studies, placing an emphasis on the observation and analysis of reality, which is to say, in the search for the fundamentals of juridical systems, and in the knowledge of their effects and consequences. |
Original articles presented to the Editorial Committee must follow the following process: (a) an internal review of the article is conducted regarding the type of article being presented (according to the Colsciencias categories) and of compliance with all formal requisites. If the article does not correspond to any of the category types set by the journal or does not comply with the formal requirements or if the required authorization to publish is not signed, the article will be returned to the author. (b) A review by an internal peer and an external peer, selected in a confidential manner by the Editorial Committee, is conducted. If the review indicates that article is acceptable, or acceptable with adjustments (or changes) the article is published following a final review by the author. If the is unacceptable this is communicated to the author and the article is returned. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
Unedited articles which are the result of research must comply with the following requirements for consideration by the Journal: It must fit within one of the following categories (Colsciencias): "Article of scientific and technological research Article of reflection: Review Article A submitted article must include: 1. Cover: The cover page must have the title of the article in Spanish and English, the name (s) of the author (s), their institutions, including the city and country, the source of financing of the research project or of the author (s), a brief (no more than 4 lines) of the author's CV, complete address and email. It should indicate if the article has been previously presented at any kind of conference or has been written for another entity. 2. Abstract and key words. The author (s) must provide, in Spanish and English, an abstract of the article of no more that 15 lines. It should also indicate key words which will facilitate the indexation of the article (maximum 5) in both languages. 3. Authorization to publish: The author (s) must complete and sign the publication authorization and forward it in either physical or electronic form.. This requirement must be complied with in order to submit articles for consideration by the Journal. 4. The following are the parameters of formal presentation::
5. The text must comply with the bibliographical requisites and style guide set out in the Rules for Authors which can be found in "About the Journal". Bibliographical references shall be ordered numerically. In the same way, all cites or tables being referred to in footnotes must be indicated by small, sequential numbers on the right side. In addition, the following style must be applied: Books
Journal Articles
Chapters of Books
Internet Articles
Newspaper Articles
Unedited articles arising from research activity are to be prepared in a word processing programme compatible with the following formats: Microsoft Word, RTF, Open Office or WordPerfect. They must follow such steps as permit a blind review of the document, eliminating any mention in the body of the article that World allow identification of the author or if his/her institutional affiliation. To present articles for consideration by the Journal it is preferable that the Editorial Management System be used- available at: http://revistas.urosario.edu.co/index.php/sociojuridicos/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions The article and authorization may also be sent to the Universidad del Rosario, Facultad de Jurisprudencia, c/o Dra. Rocio del Pilar Peña Huertas (co-editor of the Journal), Calle 14 No. 6-25, Bogotá, Colombia, or by email to the following email addresses: estudios.sociojuridicos@urosario.edu.co and rocio.pena@urosario.edu.co |
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© 1999 | Universidad del Rosario |
Facultad de Jurisprudencia, Universidad del Rosario
Calle 14 No. 6-25
Bogotá, Colombia
Tel: (57) (1) 2970237