ISSN 1794-6190
Printed version


Scope and policy

ESRJ publishes the results from technical and scientific research on various disciplines of Earth Sciences and its interactions with several engineering applications.
Works will only be considered if not previously published anywhere else. Manuscripts must contain information derived from scientific research projects or technical developments. The ideas expressed by publishing in ESRJ are the sole responsibility of the authors.

We gladly consider manuscripts on the following subject areas:

  • Geophysics: Seismology, Seismic Prospecting, Gravimetric, Magnetic and Electrical methods.
  • Geology: Volcanology, Tectonics, Neotectonics, Geomorphology, Geochemistry, Geothermal Energy, Glaciology, Ore Geology, Environmental Geology, Geological Hazards.
  • Geodesy: Geodynamics, GPS measurements applied to geological and geophysical problems.
  • Basic Sciences and Computer Science applied to Geology and Geophysics.
  • Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences.
  • Oceanography.
  • Planetary Sciences.
  • Engineering: Earthquake Engineering and Seismology Engineering, Geological Engineering, Geotechnics.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Guidelines for preparation of your manuscript

  • Manuscripts must be written entirely in English, and must be spell-checked using a word processor. Please make sure that structure and grammar are appropriate. Keep in mind that ESRJ is a wide-scope journal and your article may be read by scientists from other disciplines.
  • Prepare your manuscript using letter-size pages (216 mm × 279 mm). Please use size 12 Times New Roman or Arial fonts, with a double line spacing.

Figures,Tables, and Equations

  • Limit figures to no more than five (5) shades of grayscale. If you use elements such as lines, line stripes, dots, or specific symbols, make sure they will be easily distinguished when reduced for publication.
  • Please use CorelDraw or Canvas formats for creating your figures, if it is not possible use Tiff, Gif o Jpg.
  • Please always include geographic coordinates and/or scale in maps.
  • The sizes of letters are very important. Try to use the same size text throughout a figure. Figures will be reduced in size for publication. Use Times Roman or Arial fonts. Avoid using light text on dark background.
  • Try to create figures that are as close as possible to the size they will appear in the printed version of ESRJ.
  • Try no to use too much black in your figures. For example, some journals have found that record sections with too much black reproduce poorly.
  • We require the use of S.I. physical units (m, kg, s).
  • Every figure must have a number and a figure caption. The latter describes, as completely as possible, the content of the graphic. Please make sure that all symbols and abbreviations are fully explained.
  • Please be aware that because we are a self-financed journal, at present, high costs do not allow us to publish color figures. All figures will be published in black and white or gray scale. Please prepare your figures accordingly.
  • All tables should be numbered, have a title and must be in Ms. Excel format.
  • Please send us the tables, figures and their corresponding legends in separate files.
  • Please number all equations at the right.
Format for References

References should be arranged alphabetically by author and should follow the format that appears in the examples below.

  • Reference to a paper published in a Journal:
    Barrow, J. P. and Smith, C. (2004). Ground motions in colombian basins, Earth Sciences Research Journal. 10, no. 1, 824-832.
  • Reference to a book:
    Kodiak, D. C. and Gómez, D. (2003). Geology and Seismicity, International University Press, Bogotá, Colombia, 256 pp.
  • Reference to an edited book:
    Bonilla, O. P., Tapias, D. and Ortega, F. (2002). Water supply in desert areas, L.P. Posada (Editor), Geological Special Publication No. 2, Colombian Society of Geologists, Bogotá, Colombia, 115-125.
  • Reference to a Thesis:
    Smith, J. (2006). Pipelines and constructions in seismic regions, Ph.D. Thesis, School of Geociences, International University, Bogotá, Colombia.
  • Reference to a technical manual:
    International Institute of Geological Sciences (1999). Methodology for Estimation of Model Parameters: Technical Manual, Latinoamerican Disaster Management Agency, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Reference to a report:
    Colombian Earthquake Research Institute (COER) (1990). Report on seismicity in Colombia, Earthquakes Bulletin, 3.
  • Reference to a conference:
    Sánchez, J. J., Smith, J. and Barrow, J. P. (2004). Volcanology and hazards assessment, 4th National Conference on Geology and Geophysics, Bogotá, Colombia, August, 436-444.
  • Reference to a web site:
    Aragón, P. B., Rosas, R., Taborda, P. and Koyohama, Y. (2005). Internet Site for Data on Earthquakes, Latinoamerican Commission, Earthquakes Programme, http://www.geociencias.unal (last accessed February 2004).

Sending of manuscripts

Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts submitted to ESRJ will only be considered if they have not been or not will be reproduced in the same extension and form in a different journal. Contributions falling into the following categories will be considered for publication:

  • Regular Papers: Regular papers constitute most of the works published in ESRJ and contain original information (e.g. that has not been published, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere). There are no limitations to the lenght of regular papers, but we encourage authors to express their views in a concise manner. From our experience we have found that the shorter the paper, the better they are received.
  • Brief Contributions: To be considered as a Brief Contribution, your manuscript must contain original information that may be more limited in lenght and scope than a Regular Paper. Sometimes authors wish to concisely share their research and may do so through a Brief Contribution, which should be limited to six (6) pages or less, including any figures.
  • Comments, Praise, and Replies: Sometimes differences in opinions and views arise from published reasearch and the Earth Sciences community may benefit from open discussion. Sometimes an author´s outstanding contribution may be publicly praised, as a way to aknowledge the good work. Comments on and Praises to contributions as well as their Replies, should not exceed two (2) pages in lenght.
  • Translations of Articles: There are many papers (specially classic papers) that represent momentous facts in the Earth Sciences history. Some other important articles remain unknown to the Spanish-Speaking or English-Speaking science communities because these articles are published in foreign languages. Translations of articles may be submitted to ESRJ provided that written authorization of original publishers is obtained.
With the exception of Comments, Praises, and Replies, all submissions must contain the following parts:
  • TITLE.
  • NAME(S) OF AUTHOR(S). Please underline the name of the corresponding author.
  • ABSTRACT. Should not exceed 300 words. A list of key words must appear following the abstract.
  • DATA.
  • AUTHORS´CONTACT INFORMATION. Please provide contact information that includes: Affiliation, e-mail, physical address, telephone, and fax numbers.
  • APPENDIX. (If any).
If a manuscript falls in the Brief Contribution category, the following sections may be joined:
All submissions will undergo peer-review by experts in the subject area being considered. Usually two reviewers are assigned, one of them may be a local scientist.

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© 2007

M.Sc in Geophysics, Geosciences Department, Sciences Faculty, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Carrera 30 No 45-03,
Ed. Manuel Ancízar, Of. 326
Bogotá, Colombia
Tel 57 1 3165000 Ext. 16539