ISSN 0120-1263
printed version


Scope and policy

The journal Escritos is a scientific publication by the Department of Theology, Philosophy and Humanities (Escuela de Teología, Filosofía y Humanidades) of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. It was founded in 1974. It covers the areas of Philosophy, Literature, Classical Studies, Humanities, History and Poetry. It aims to present reflections and current researches in those fields. The contents of the journal are intended for students, professors, researchers, graduates and professionals of the fields of Philosophy and Literature, and every reader interested in those areas of knowledge. Escritos is published twice a year.

Submissions should be presented in the format of scientific paper, reflection essay, review or personal creation. The journal is divided in four (4) sections: Philosophy, Literature, Creation and Reviews.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

  • The paper should be typed in Microsoft Word, 1.5 line-spaced on letter-sized paper with 3cm margins on every side, using 12 pt. Arial font.
  • The maximum number of pages is 25 (including charts, graphics, references and notes).
  • The title should be presented in Spanish and English.
  • A brief profile of the author should be included stating at least the following information: author’s full name (first, middle and last names), id number, last degree and the year in which it was obtained, institutional affiliation, country, affiliation to any research group (if applicable), description of the research project related to the paper (if applicable) and e-mail address.
  • An analytic abstract in Spanish and English of up to 200 words should be included. This abstract should contain the main idea of the paper, its aims, the methodology used, the most important findings and the conclusions.
  • A list of 5 key words in Spanish and English should be included. It is recommended to use the respective thesaurus according to the area of knowledge worked.

Quotation Format

The Journal Escritos adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined by the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, seventh edition.

The MLA citation format uses a brief parenthetical acknowledgment to indicate the information correspondent to every quotation (either direct or indirect) used in writing the paper, such information is included within parenthesis as part of the text. Usually, the author’s last name and a page reference are enough to identify the source from which you took the quote or the idea. Footnotes are only used for explanatory notes or for providing additional information. It is suggested not to use them in a large number and they should be included in the text.

  • Direct quotation
  • When the quotation comprises less than four (4) lines, it is included within the paragraph and enclosed with quotation marks to outline them, e.g., the idea we have developed so far is expressed as it follows: “In any case, there is one sense in which we dream of the Middle Ages so that our era can be defined as a new Middle Ages” (Eco 73).

    If the quotation appears in a sentence containing the author’s last name, include only its location within the parentheses, e. g., Umberto Eco suggests that: “In any case, there is one sense in which we dream of the Middle Ages so that our era can be defined as a new Middle Ages” (73).

    If the direct quotation comprises more than four (4) lines, display it in a freestanding block of text without using quotation marks and indenting this block 1.25cm from the left margin. In this case, the parenthetical acknowledgment should be included after the full stop that concludes the quotation. The paragraph following this freestanding block should not be indented, e.g.,

    Francis Bacon in his essay Of Unity in Religion states that:

    Religion being the chief band of human society, it is a thing when itself is well contained within the true band of unity. The quarrels and divisions about religion were evils unknown to the heathen. The reason was because the religion of the heathen consisted rather in rites and ceremonies than in any constant belief; for you may imagine what kind of faith theirs was, when the chief doctors and fathers of their church were the poets. (10)

  • When paraphrasing, summarizing or referring to an idea contained in a work, the exact location where the idea is found should be included within a parenthetical acknowledgment, e.g., Foucault in his book The Birth of Biopolitics asks for the reason of the State in the context of governability (70).
  • When citing two or more works by the same author, put a comma after the author’s last name and add the title of the work or a shortened version formed with the first or key words of the title, in such a way that the reader is able to differentiate the different sources, e. g.,
  • In the paragraph or the text:

    • “It was the most economical, the most elegant solution to the problem, and all the pieces of our millennial puzzle fit together” (Eco, Foucault’s Pendulum 448).
    • “This is why books like the Metaphysics of Aristotle or The Critique of Pure Reason have more commentators than readers, more specialists than admirers” (Eco, “Cogito Interruptus” 221).

    In the Reference List:

    • Eco, Umberto. “Cogito Interruptus”. Trad. William Weaver. Travels in Hyperreality. London: Picador, 1987. 221-238.
    • Eco, Umberto. Foucault’s Pendulum. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989.
  • When citing indirect sources, i.e., when citing a work that has been cited by someone else, use the abbreviation qtd. in (“quoted in”) before the indirect source you cite in the parenthetical reference, e.g.,
    • Heidegger (qtd. in Marion 128) presents an analysis of the subject.
    • In the referenced text the previous analysis is presented (Heidegger qtd. in Marion 128).

    In the reference list, you should include only the indirect source, i.e., the work cited.

  • When there is a non-textual reference you should use the abbreviation cf., e.g., (cf. Orrier 23). This is an optional criterion.
  • When citing Ancient Authors and Common Literature, the author’s name and the title of the work should be referenced entirely, e.g., as is stated by Aristotle in Metaphysics. Quotations within the text should be referenced using parenthetical acknowledgment. Titles of the work, either within parenthetical reference or in the reference list, could be written entirely or by using the correspondent abbreviation of the Greek-Spanish Dictionary (Diccionario Griego-Español), e.g., Aristotle. Metaphysics 1084b, or Arist. Met. 1084 b1. For the commonly referenced and studied works in verse, the exact page where the quotation is located should be omitted. Instead, you should indicate the title of the work in italics, and cite by divisions (act, scene, canto, book, part) and line, with periods separating such divisions; e.g., “Illiad 9.19” refers to book 9, line 19 of Homer’s Illiad.
  • Papers including texts or words in Greek should include the font SGreek or Greek.

Reference List


Author’s Last name(s), Name. Title of the work. City: Publisher, year of publication.

Soto Posada, Gonzalo. Diez aproximaciones al Medioevo. Medellín: Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2003.

A work with two authors
Arenas Gutiérrez, Mario, y Nelly Martínez Restrepo. Las frías colinas. México: Tricolor, 2003.

A work with three authors
Cardona, José, Angélica Durango, y Esteban Patiño. Las noches con sus penurias. Canarias: Silbido, 2000.

A work with more than three authors
Corrales Benítez, Jairo, et al. El vacío de la ópera. Maracaibo: El Roble, 1998.

A translated work
Smith, Peter. Genealogía del alma. Trad. Arturo Callejas. Santafé de Bogotá: Bravo, 2006.

An Article in a Reference Book
“Title of the Article”. Title of the Reference Book. Edition. Year of publication. Medium of publication.

“La caída del agua”. Biología natural. 2ª ed. 2008. Print.

A Multivolume Work

  • If all of the volumes are used: Author’s Last Name(s), Name. Title of the Work. Number of volumes. City: Publisher, year of publication.

Ricoeur, Paul. Tiempo y Narración. 3 vols. México: Siglo XXI Editores, 2001.

  • If only one volume is used: Author’s Last Name(s), Name. Title of the Work. Number of the used volume. City: Publisher, year of publication.

Ricoeur, Paul. Tiempo y Narración. Vol. II. México, Siglo XXI Editores, 2001.

A Work in an Anthology

Author’s Last Name(s), Name. “Title of the entry”. Name of the Work. Ed., Trad., or Comp. Editor’s, Translator’s or Compiler’s Full Name. City: Publisher, year of publication. Pages of the entry.

García Peñares, Alfredo. “Umbral de Occidente”. El mundo. Ed. Juan Barrera. Buenos Aires: Perfiles, 2001. 95-115.

Periodical Publications

An Article in a Scholarly Journal
Author’s Last Name(s), Name. “Title of the Article”. Name of the Journal Volume. Issue number (year of publication): Pages of the article.

Ruiz Alzate, Jacobo. “Aquellas voces en el vestíbulo”. Diario de la crítica 24.2 (2002): 34-51.

An Article in a Magazine
Author’s Last Name(s), Name. “Title of the Article”. Title of the Magazine Day Month (abbreviated) Year of Publication: Pages of the Article.

Suárez, Felipe. “Los festejos callejeros”. Lente 12 May. 2008: 33-35.

An Article in a Newspaper
Author’s Last Name(s), Name. “Title of the Article”. Title of the Newspaper Day Month (abbreviated) Year of Publication: Section corresponding to the article.

Cruz, Federico. “Las afecciones políticas”. Diario local 08 Sep. 1994: A3.

Web Publications

Citing a Website
Title of the Website (in Italics). Name of Website’s Editor (if available). Date of Access (Day Month Year). If you wish, for all of the web publications you can present the URL of the Website in angle brackets.

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. 09 Feb. 2009. <>.

An Article in an Online Database
Author’s Last Name(s), Name. “Title of the Article”. Name of the Journal Volume. Issue number (year of publication): Pages of the article. Name of the Database. Date of Access (Day Month Year).

McGrady, Donald. “Dos sonetos atribuidos a Gabriel García Márquez”. Hispanic Review 51. 4 (1983): 429-434.Jstor. 03 Feb. 2009.

A Book Online
If the online version has not been published before, indicate the date of the online publication and the name of the sponsor. If there is a print version, indicate the publication information (i.e., City: Publisher, year of publication).

Author’s Last Name(s), Name. Title of the Work. City: Publisher, year of publication. Date of Access (Day Month Year).

Dix, Robert H. The Politics of Colombia. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1987. 15 Mar. 2009.

An Article in a Scholarly Journal Online
Author’s Last Name(s), Name. “Title of the Article”. Name of the Journal Volume. Issue number (year of publication): Pages of the article. Date of Access (Day Month Year).

Trinchero, Hugo, Alejandro Balzote, y Sebastián Valverde.“Antropología económica y ecológica: recorridos y desafíos disciplinares”. Cuadernos Antropología 26 (2007): 07-19. 05 Feb. 2008. <>.

An Article in a Magazine Online
Author’s Last Name(s), Name. “Title of the Article”. Title of the Magazine Day Month (abbreviated) Year of Publication. Date of Access (Day Month Year).

Santana, Gabriel. “La incertidumbre laboral”. Diario económico. 23 Nov. 2008. 03 Dic. 2008.

An Article in a Newspaper Online
Author’s Last Name(s), Name. “Title of the Article”. Title of the Newspaper Day Month (abbreviated) Year of Publication. Date of Access (Day Month Year).

“Incremento de la lectura de los colombianos”. El Mercurio. 04 Jun. 2007. 14 Jun. 2008.

Sending of manuscripts

Paper submission

  • Papers could be sent either through Open Journal System (OJS) ( or via e-mail.
  • The author is required to guarantee the authenticity and originality of the paper, to send the authorization to Escritos for the publication and diffusion of the paper, which could be published either print or online if it complies with the Publication Politics and the Ethic Declaration of the journal. The author is also required to guarantee that the paper has not been published somewhere else and has not been submitted simultaneously to any other journal.
  • The direction of the journal will acknowledge receipt of submissions on up to ten (10) working days.
  • Originals will not be returned under any circumstance.
  • Escritoshas the right to decide whether the paper is published or not.

Peer Review Process

  • The Editorial Team will determine whether the publication of the paper is pertinent or not. At all times the journal will keep the author updated about the status of the paper within the editorial process.
  • Every paper will be sent through a double blinded peer-review process that will establish whether the contribution must be published or not. In case the papers is approved by one peer and rejected by the other, the journal will send the paper through a new blinded peer-review process that will settle the matter. This process will take between eight (8) and twelve (12) weeks.

Sending Information
Papers could be sent via e-mail or by logging in to OJS website of the journal: (

  • E-mail address:
  • Mailing address:
    Escuela de Teología, Filosofía y Humanidades
    Revista Escritos
    Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
    Circular 1ª No. 71-01 Bloque 6, piso 4
    Apartado Aéreo 56006 / Medellín-Colombia
    Telephone number: (57) (4) + 3544530 Ext. 12133.

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Creative Commons License All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License

© 2006 Escuela de Teología, Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Escuela de Teología, Filosofía y Humanidades
Revista Escritos
Circular 1ª No. 71-01 Bloque 6, piso 4
Apartado Aéreo 56006 / Medellín-Colombia
Teléfono (57) (4) + 3544530 Ext. 12133