ISSN 2027-4688
Printed version



Editorial Policy

Fronteras de la Historia receives unpublished contributions in the area of Colonial Latin American History. We receive original articles, product research and contributions and bibliographical essays in which realizes contributions and notable developments regarding colonial world. In addition, books reviews published 5 years before the call for papers.

Anonymous evaluators will review the text. When the call for papers closes the Editorial Commitment board two specialists jurors, who will give their verdict in the coming months. Text could be accepted, accepted conditioned on certain changes or rejected.  Manuscript will be evaluate for a third examination if the results of the evaluations have discrepancies. All this process will take 6 months approximately.  When the final examination is “accepted conditioned on certain changes”, the authors should include the modifications mentioned by the examinations. During the editorial process, the Editorial Commitment could contact authors if it is necessary.


Standards on Submitting Manuscripts

  • The journal includes Authors information, Articles, Reviews, and Standards on Submitting Manuscripts.

  • Manuscripts Standards:

    • Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12 points, single line spacing. Articles and bibliography essays must not be longer than 60.000 characters, including the bibliography pages at the end. At the beginning of the manuscripts, have to be include the summary (Spanish and English). Reviews most not be longer than 12.000 characters.

  • Manuscripts have to be send with title, author name and his information. Maps, illustrations or graphics include in the article have to be attached in JPG or TIFF format (300 DPI). Licenses of images use have to be transact by the authors. Fronteras de la Historia use the MLA (Modern Language Association) form citation.

  • Our journal is a bimestrial publication. First fascicle from January to June (Call for papers from June 1st to July 30th), and the second one from July to December (Call for papers from 1st December to 30th of January). Articles send to Fronteras de la Historia have to be originals, and authors should not present it to another journal.


Submitting Manuscripts

Papers have to be send in Word for Windows to the journal E-mail.

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Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia

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