ISSN: 0121-8417 |
Scope and policy
The Historia y Sociedad journal was founded in 1994 by Professor Luis Antonio Restrepo Arango. It is a publication financed and edited by the History Department from the Human and Economic Sciences Department at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Medellín). The goal of the journal is to create a space for the publication of historical research done by national and international researchers, and to promote the circulation of these contents among undergraduate, master, and doctoral students, and among the general public, to contribute to the ongoing academic discussion and to the strengthening of historical knowledge and human sciences. The journal is intended for a scientific public with an extensive academic background and specialized in local, national and global history (of Colombia, Latin America and the world), and in historiographical and theoretical analyses and research in similar disciplines. Original, unpublished results of research, reviews, book reviews and transcriptions are published in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The journal is published semi-annually, in printed and electronic formats, in January and July. Free-access contents are available in PDF and XML formats in the digital version. The journal runs all manuscripts through a plagiarism and content similarity detection tool. Authors or readers do not have to pay, under any circumstances, any fee for submitting, publishing, or accessing the electronic contents of the journal. |
Ethics and good practice statement
The journal defines the following criteria and recommendations regarding scientific publishing ethics1: General criteria2 References included in the article must be sufficiently detailed so that the study can be refuted or replicated. Fraudulent and deliberately inexact statements constitute a behavior against publishing ethics. Privacy rights of human beings must be respected. Authorship3 An author is an individual who makes a substantial contribution to an academic article. Three criteria must be met to acknowledge authorship: substantial contribution to the research conception and design; data acquisition; analysis, and interpretation of the study; drafting or revising the article for intellectual content, and approval of the final version. The order of authorship must be a joint decision of the coauthors. There are three types of authorship that are considered unacceptable: "Ghost" authors, who contribute substantially but are not acknowledged (often paid by commercial sponsors); "Guest" authors, who make no discernible contributions, but are listed to help increase the chances of publication; and "Gift" authors, whose contribution is based solely on a tenuous affiliation with a study. Before starting the research, it is recommended to document the functions of each author and the way in which authorship will be acknowledged. It is unacceptable to lie about the participation of a person in the research or publication. If a contribution is considered “substantial”, the person’s authorship should be acknowledged, be it as an author or collaborator. No authorship should be assigned without the person’s consent. Some groups list authors in alphabetical order, sometimes including a note to explain that all authors made equal contributions to the study and the publication. Duplicate publication4 Authors have an obligation to make sure their paper is based on original–never before published–research. Intentionally submitting or re-submitting work for duplicate publication is considered a breach of publishing ethics. Duplicate/multiple publication occurs when two or more papers, without full cross-reference, share essentially the same hypotheses, data, discussion points, and/or conclusions. This can occur in varying degrees: literal duplication, partial but substantial duplication, or even duplication by paraphrasing. One of the main reasons duplicate publication of original research is considered unethical, is that it can result in "inadvertent doublecounting or inappropriate weighting of the results of a single study, which distorts the available evidence". Articles submitted for publication must be original and must not have been submitted to any other publication. At the time of submission, authors must disclose any details of related papers (also when in a different language), similar papers in press, and translations. If a submitted article is being reviewed and the evaluation stage is unknown, it is recommended to wait for the editorial concept before submitting the article to a different publication. Avoid submitting a previously published article to another journal. Avoid submitting articles describing essentially the same research to another journal. Always indicate previous submissions (including meeting presentations and the inclusion of results in registers) that may be considered duplicate publications. Avoid writing about your own research in two or more articles from a different perspective or about different aspects of the research project without mentioning the original article. It is considered manipulative to create several publications from the same research. To submit an article to a journal published in a different country or language, authorization from the original publication must be obtained. When submitting the article, indicate all the details regarding related articles in a different language and existing translations. Source acknowledgement Authors must cite all publications used during research. Information obtained in a private way must not be used without explicit written authorization of the source. Reutilization of tables and figures requires authorization of the author and the editor, and it must be adequately mentioned in the table or figure label. Information obtained during the course of confidential services, such as arbitration manuscripts or subvention applications, must not be used without explicit and written authorization of the author of the work involved in such services. Research fraud5 Research fraud in scientific publishing consists in reporting data or conclusions that were not generated by a rigourous research process. There are two types of fraud in research and scientific publishing: Data fabrication: Making up research data and results, and recording or reporting them. Data falsification: Manipulating research materials, images, data, equipment, or processes. Falsification includes changing or omitting data or results in such a way that the research is not accurately represented. A person might falsify data to make it fit with the desired end result of a study. Before submitting an article, it is recommended to read carefully the editorial and data policies of the journal. Never modify, change or omit data intentionally, including research material, processes, equipment, tables, citations, and bibliographical references. Both fabrication and falsification of data are serious forms of misconduct because they result in a scientific record that does not accurately reflect observed truth. Authors must adequately handle the data supporting research, paying special attention to recollection, production, preservation, analysis and communication of data. Keep a detailed record of all raw data, available for access in case an editor requests it, even after publishing the article. Plagiarism policy6 One of the most common types of publication misconduct is plagiarism–when one author deliberately uses another's work without permission, credit, or acknowledgment. Plagiarism takes different forms, from literal copying to paraphrasing some else's work and can include: Data, ideas, concepts, words and phrases. Plagiarism has varying levels of severity, such as: How much of someone's work was taken (a few lines, paragraphs, pages, the full article); what was copied (results, methods, or introduction section). Plagiarism in all of its forms is considered an unethical conduct and is unacceptable. Exact copy is only acceptable if the source is indicated and all copied text is between quotation marks. We remind you that it is essential to acknowledge the work of other persons (including that of your advisor or your own work) as part of the process. We recommend against reproducing original works word by word, totally or partially, without authorization or report of the original source. We suggest keeping a record of the sources used for research and where they were used in your paper. Paraphrasing is only acceptable if the source is appropriately reported and if the original sense of the source’s meaning is not changed. Use quotation marks and cite all contents taken from a previously published source, even if you say it with your own words. The journal Historia y Sociedad uses two strategies to protect its own and third party intellectual property, that is, to correct malpractice in scientific publishing (plagiarism, self-plagiarism, falsification, authorship, fragmentation and conflict of interests). The first is to require authors to sign the following documents: documentos Formato autorización para publicación de obras and Formato cesión de derechos patrimoniales, in which they state that the manuscript is original and that it is not being evaluated by any other publication. The second is to check all contributions using the antiplagiarism and similarity revision tool (Turnitin) to identify serious misconducts regarding intellectual property (inappropriate, altered or non-existing citation). If authors practice plagiarism (inappropriate citation) or self-plagiarism (duplicate data from previous publications), the manuscript will be immediately withdrawn from the evaluation process and authors will be notified, including a justification. Correction of published articles7 When authors discover significant errors or inaccuracies in their published work, it is their obligation to immediately notify the journal and cooperate in the correction process. The editorial team must respond promptly to retraction, correction, complaint and clarification requests, ensuring appropriate measures that lead to the resolution of the problem. If an error is identified in published content, the editorial team must include all relevant corrections and clarifications in the journal’s website. 1 See Wilson E. Colmenares M, “Ética en la publicación científica”, Dirección Nacional de Bibliotecas. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2014 and texts on ethics in the scientific publication Elsevier. 2 Elsevier, «Ethics. Conducting research», retrieved August 8, 2014, 3 Elsevier, «Autoría. Ethics in research & publication», retrieved August 8, 2014, 4 Elsevier, «Envío simultáneo/múltiple, publicación duplicada. Ethics in research & publication», retrieved August 8, 2014, 5 Elsevier, «Fraude en investigación. Ethics in research & publication», retrieved august 8 2014, 6 Elsevier, «Plagio. Ethics in research & publication», retrieved august 8 2014, 7 Elsevier, «Ethics. Writing an article», retrieved august 8 2014, |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
Norms for authors The journal, Historia y Sociedad, publishes original research and review papers, as well as book reviews and transcriptions in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.
Article Reviewing and editing processes After the closing of submission dates, papers are reviewed by the editorial team. During the first filtering stage, the editorial team considers the following criteria: title, abstract (according to the IMRD structure: Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion), theoretical framework, conclusions, sources and bibliography. Papers that pass the first filter continue to the second stage, where they are reviewed by external peers. This is a double-blind review process carried out by two academic peers who are, in most of the cases, external to the institution. In the event of contradictory reviews, a third reviewer will be appointed. The time estimated to report the concept regarding a paper (accepted or rejected) is approximately of 6 months, starting the date of reception of contents. Adjustments suggested by the reviewers and the editorial team must be taken into account by the author. These modifications and corrections of the manuscript must be implemented by the author within the dates specified by the editorial coordinator of the journal; to do so, authors are given approximately 15 days. After reception of the modified paper, the author will be notified of its approval or rejection. The editorial team has the final word on the publication of papers and on the issue in which they will be published. Publishing dates will be respected as long as authors send the required documents on time. The journal has the right of editing and style editing. During the editing process the editorial team may consult with authors. Emailing is the privileged way to communicate with authors during the reviewing and editing processes. Content format Papers Papers must be between 7000 and 11000 words long, including abstract, notes and bibliography. They must include an abstract in Spanish, English and Portuguese (250 words maximum). Papers must include from 3 to 6 key words, preferably extracted from the Unesco Thesaurus ( Manuscripts must be submitted in letter paper size, with 1.5 point spacing, 2.5 cm margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, and respecting the following specifications: Subdivisions within the text body (chapters, subchapters) are not enumerated. Paragraphs are not indented and there is no spacing between them. Footnotes appear in Arabic numbers and the call within the text is done before punctuation marks. For extensive quotations, the call is done after the final punctuation mark. Terms in Latin and words in a foreign language are highlighted with italic font. Words or sentences are highlighted with italic font. The first time that an acronym is used, it must appear in parenthesis after the full name; thereafter, only the acronym used. Textual quotations that exceed four lines must use the extensive quotation format, with left and right margins (1cm indent on each side), single spacing, 11 point font size, and without quotation marks. The goal of graphic elements included in the manuscript is to support or complement the argumentation; for that reason, each graphic element must be mentioned in the text, preferably using parenthesis (see figure 00). The classification of graphic elements is as follows: “Figure” refers to photographs, illustrations, maps, and diagrams; “Table” corresponds to information presented in double-entry charts (rows and columns). Figures and tables are independently enumerated: a consecutive enumeration for figures and a different consecutive enumeration for tables. Each graphic element must have a title and be sequentially enumerated and accompanied by its respective identification (image footer and source). Graphic elements must appear right after the paragraph in which they are mentioned. Images must be independently attached in digital format (JPG or TIFF in high resolution). If permits are required to publish the images, it is the author’s responsibility to obtain them and submit them to the journal. If these requisites are not fulfilled, the journal makes no commitment to publish the images. The bibliography will be included at the end of the paper, in 12 point Times New Roman font, with 1 point spacing, without indentation and enumerated. Full references in alphabetical order of all works used to write the article must appear. Titles not referenced in the footnotes should not be included. The bibliography must be organized as follows: References
B- Full name of archive (acronym), City-Country. Section 1: Name of section 1, Fonds: Name of fonds 1 (Series: Name of the series); Name of fonds 2 (Series: Name of series). Section 2: Name of section 2, Fonds: Name of fonds 1 (Series: Name of the series); Name of fonds 2 (Series: Name of series). Fonds are presented in alphabetical order.
Online publications |
Sending of manuscripts
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© 2013 | Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Económicas Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín |
Carrera 65 Nro. 59A – 110, Núcleo El Volador, bloque 46, piso 1, Apartado Aéreo # 3840
Medellín, Colombia
Tel.: (57-4) 4309000 Ext. 49216