The Journal publishes papers in the following categories: 1) Scientific and technological research article. Document that presents, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The structure usually contains four major contributions: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions. 2) Reflections article. Document presenting finished research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective, on a specific topic, using original sources. 3) Review article. Document results of completed research which analyzed, systematized and integrated published or unpublished research results, in order to render an account of the progress and development trends. It is characterized by a careful literature review of at least 50 references.
HiSTOReLo also publishes book reviews. These documents are critical readings of recent writings, which must be located in a recent historiographical context. The extension of a critical review should be between 1000 and 2000 words.
The Journal, likewise, publishes Essays and Reflections on theoretical, historiographical and methodological issues with local and regional emphasis.
The Editorial Board also considered a section of "Letters ". These are critical, analytical or interpretive positions on documents published in the Journal, which in the opinion of the Editorial Committee are an important contribution to the discussion of the topic by the scientific community of reference.
HiSTOReLO considers the publication of other texts categories, such as Translations (articles or documents of historical value), Reports (document presents the results of a study on a particular situation in order to present the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. Includes commented systematic review of the literature on similar cases); News (offers titles recently published texts related to regional or local history, and books that theoretical, methodological or historiographical) and interviews (conducted dialogues with teacher-researchers recognized at the local, nacional and international level).
Articles should fulfill the following requirements:
1. The authors should send in separate document the following information: full name, author’s profession, academic titles (Ph.D., Masters, or other), institutional affiliation or place of current work, email address and, if the article being a product of research, information on the project to which it belongs (the name of the project and the institution which finances it).
2. The manuscript proposed that is sent, must not include any of the above data.
3. They should be written in Word format, in Times New Roman font, 12 points, double spaced, page numbered, and on letter-size pages.
4. They should have 2.5 cm margins on each side: top, bottom, left, and right.
5. The text can be the range between 7000 and 10000 words, including abstracts and keywords. The bibliography, photographs, maps, charts, illustrations and tables are counted separately. The footnotes should be done in Times New Roman 10 font, in 1.5 line spacing.
6. The article should have an Abstract in Spanish, not longer than 200 words, with its respective translation in English. The Title of the text should also be presented in both languages. We require that this information be registered on the article submission form.
7. There should be between three and six key words which identify the article, in English as well as in Spanish. We require that both sets of words be included in the article submission form. The keywords should reflect the content of the document, which is why it is necessary that they indicate the precise themes of the article, recovering the areas of knowledge in which the article is found, and the main concepts. It is recommended that the author (or authors) review(s) the terms and hierarchies established on the bibliographical lists (THESAURUS), and that he/she/they check that the title, abstracts, and keywords match.
8. The article must be written in a style which is comprehensible for audiences from different academic disciplines.
9. HiSTOReLo uses the author-date style format of the Chicago Manual of Style for presenting citations and references included in the article. The authors should keep in mind the details on punctuation (commas, periods, colons, parenthesis, etecetera.) which the style demands, as well as the information it requires. The bibliographical list should include the references which have been cited within the text (to a 1:1ratio), numbered, and in alphabetical order. The examples which show the differences between the form for citing within the text (T), and the form for citing on the bibliographical list (B), are presented in the following examples:
A book with one author:
T: (Ginzburg 1986)
B: Ginzburg, Carlo. 1986. El queso y los gusanos. Barcelona: Muchnik Editores.
A book with two or three authors:
T: (Drennan, Herrera y Uribe 1989, 25-36)
B: Drennan, Robert, Luisa Fernanda Herrera, y Carlos Alberto Uribe. 1989. Cacicazgos prehispánicos del Valle de la Plata. El contexto medioambiental de la ocupación humana. Tomo 1. Bogotá: Departamento de Antropología - Universidad de Pittsburgh y Departamento de Antropología - Universidad de los Andes.
Four or more authors:
T: (Laumann et al. 1994)
B: Laumann, Edward O., John H. Gagnon, Robert T. Michael, y Stuart Michaels. 1994. The social organization of sexuality: Sexual practices in the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Chapter of a book:
T: (Saldarriaga 2004, 32-46)
B: Saldarriaga, Lina María. 2004. “Aprendizaje cooperativo”. En Competencias ciudadanas: de los estándares al aula. Una propuesta integral para todas las áreas académicas, eds. Enrique Chaux, Juanita Lleras & Ana María Velásquez, 102-135. Bogotá: Ministerio de Educación Nacional, Universidad de los Andes.
Jornal article:
T: (Lozada 1973)
B: Lozada, Javier. 1973. “A cincuenta años del Círculo de Filosofía Analítica”. Pensamiento. 12: 33-45.
Documents found on the internet:
T: (Miguel 2005, 70)
B: Miguel, Edward. 2004. “Tribe or nation? Nation building and public goods in Kenya versus Tanzania”. World Politics 56 (3): 327-362. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/world_politics/v056/56.3miguel.html.
Newspaper article:
T: (Martin 2002)
B: Martin, Steve. 2002. “Sports-interview shocker”. New Yorker, May 6.
Review of a book:
T: (Duque 2008)
B: Duque, Juliana. 2008. Reseña del libro Alimentación, género y pobreza en los Andes Ecuatorianos, de Mary Weismantel. Revista de Estudios Sociales, 29: 177-178.
Thesis or dissertation:
T: (Amundin 1991, 22-29)
B: Amundin, Mats. 1991. Click repetition rate patterns in communicative sounds from the harbour porpoise, Phocoena phocoena. Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Estocolmo.
Presentations of papers:
T: (Doyle 2002)
B: Doyle, Brian. 2002. Howling like dogs: Metaphorical language in Psalm 59. Ponencia presentada en el Annual International Meeting for the Society of Biblical Literature, Junio 19-22, en Berlin, Germany.
10. The articles which include file primary sources should present the references in numbered footnotes, in such a way that the reader may easily identify and access the documents in the corresponding file. It is necessary to indicate: the File abbreviations, Section, Collection, vol./leg./t., f., and place of publication, date, and other pertinent information. The first time, the complete name of the file is cited with the abbreviation in parenthesis; and after that, just the abbreviation. The primary references should be in alphabetical order in the reference section.
11. Tables and references should be presented while taking the following indications into account:
It is recommended not to use a large number of tables. Each table should be presented on a separate page at the end of the text and should have the following heading:
Table 1. Title of the table
The numbering of the tables should be consecutive. It is necessary to indicate within the text the spot where each table should be placed. This instruction is presented in parenthesis in the following way:
{Insert Table 1 here}
A moderate use of tables is also recommended. The information which is presented in the tables and the figures should not be the same. The figures should be clear and legible. Color figures are not acceptable. These should be presented on a separate page at the end of the text and should have the following heading:
Figure 1. Title of the figure
The numbering of the figures should be consecutive. It is necessary to indicate within the text the spot where the each figure should be placed. This instruction is presented in parenthesis in the following way:
{Insert Figure 1 here}
12. If the authors want to highlight words or phrases in the text, they should use cursive.
13. When acronyms or abbreviations are used, first note the complete equivalency followed by the corresponding acronym or abbreviation, and then use just the respective acronym or abbreviation.
14. When transcribed verbatim texts of more than three lines should be in Times New Roman size 10 inch and run a text into the text block above. |