ISSN 0121-7577
printed version



Scope and policy

The Hacia la Promoción de la Salud (Toward Health Promotion) Journal is a semiannual publication of scientific character, indexed in the National Bibliographical Index Publindex of COLCIENCIAS. The journal is published in the Department of Public Health of the Universidad de Caldas since 1993, with a national and international distribution to academic organizations. Its purpose is to socialize the academic, research, projection and teaching experiences, of both professors and students, undergraduate and postgraduate; health, social and compatible area professionals of the country and Latin America, who contribute to the development of the following topics:

• Conceptualization on health and life
• Health education
• Healthy life styles
• Social communication in health
• Social market
• Health services direction
• Healthy public policies
• Favorable health atmospheres
• Negotiation and conflict dealing
• Social participation
• Strategic alliances
• Social and human development
• Social Sciences and Elath
• Academic matters

Form and preparation of manuscripts


The journal contains the following sections:

Editorial: point of view of the Publishing Committee, the publisher or invited authors.

Article of scientific and technological research: document that explicitly presents the original results of finished research projects, it must indicate: introduction, materials and methodology, results, discussion, conclusions and acknowledgements.

Revision article: document result of a finished research where published or unpublished research results are analyzed, systematized and integrated, on a field of science or technology, with the purpose of giving account of the advances and development tendencies. It is characterized by the presentation of a careful bibliographical revision of at least 50 references.

Reflection article: document that presents finished research results from an analytical, nterpretative or critical perspective of the author on a specific subject, based on original sources.

Academic matters: It displays information related to subjects of interest of the area: scientific normativity, regulation, announcements and events.

Article selection for publication

The study and the initial selection of writings are in charge of the Editorial Committee, which accepts or rejects the original texts, based on the scientific quality and the agreement to the journal topics. In addition, the Committee can ask for modifications and to correct what is considered necessary to the document to fit the journal's style. After this revision, it will be put under evaluation by Academic Pairs that emit a concept recommending or denying its publication. The reception of an article does not imply any commitment regarding its publication. A receipt will be given for each article, originals will not be returned, therefore, the author must leave copy of all the material sent.

Reproduction rights

If the document is accepted for publication the reproduction rights will then belong to the Universidad de Caldas. Each article must include a letter from the author specifying that the text is unedited, and indicating that the reproduction rights are exclusive property of the Hacia la Promoción de la Salud Journal. Additionally, the author is responsible for obtaining the necessary permits to reproduce any material protected by reproduction rights and must clearly specify the picture, figure or text that will be mentioned and its complete bibliographical reference.

The opinions, judgments and points of view expressed by the authors, are of their exclusive responsibility and they do not reflect the criteria or the Journal's policy.

Ethical aspects: whenever pertinent, an explanation will be included, on the procedures followed in the research in order to guarantee the fulfillment of the rinciples and ethical norms of the Declaration of Helsinki of 1975 and later revisions, in addition to Resolution 8430 of 1993 of the then Ministry of Health of Colombia.

Article presentation

Title and authors
The title of the work must not exceed 15 words.
Underneath the title the full name of each author must appear, centered and in italics. As a footnote, the maximum professional title reached, institution, city, country and institutional or corporative electronic mail address should be indicated.

All articles must have an abstract in Spanish, English and Portuguese, with an extension no greater than 250 words. It should include objectives, dates and places of the execution of the study, methods, results and conclusions. It should not include bibliographical abbreviations and references. It should be written in an impersonal manner.

Key words
Only the key words found in international data bases can be used. These can be consulted in the following web pages: Key words (Spanish):, Key words (English):

Body of the article
The documents that present researches are divided into: introduction, materials and methodology, results, discussion, conclusions and acknowledgements.

Introduction: it indicates the intention of the article; summarizes the logical reasoning of the study; It solely includes the pertinent references, without including results or conclusions.

Materials and methodology: it describes the type of study and its design, the selection of the population and the sample. It includes the characteristics of the subjects, when required. It indicates the methods, apparatuses and procedures used to obtain the data and its analysis. Results: it presents the results in a logical, concise and clear sequence. The results found in tables or illustrations should not be repeated within the text.

Discussion: it is based on the results obtained by the research, as well as the relation between them and the results obtained by other authors. It does not repeat aspects included in previous sections. It examines the implications of the findings, their limitations and their projections in future researches. It confronts the conclusions with the objectives of the study.

Conclusions: it indicates the research's most relevant findings from the point of view of the object of study. It is recommended that the research objectives are used as the basis for the conclusions' development, including the different dimensions of the problem proposed.

Acknowledgements: the authors can mention people and collaborators, as well as financing institutions, dependencies and institutions that supported their execution.

Graphs and figures
The graphs and figures must contain the source; otherwise, it will be assumed that it belongs to the author. They must contain a brief title, place, date and source. The heading of each column of the graph must include the unit of measurement. The illustrations (graphical, diagrams, drawings, maps, photographs, etc.) and the graphs must include their respective legend and titles, consecutively numbered, and its number will be the minimum necessary to explain the subject.

Abbreviations and initials
Abbreviations will be used the least amount of times possible, and preferably those that are recognized internationally. When they are mentioned for the first time in the text, they must be preceded by the complete expression.

They must be limited to the author's comments and explanations.

Bibliographical references
They should be elaborated in accordance to the Vancouver Norms: they should be indicated in the text, numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear, by means of Arabic numbers in parenthesis. The list of references will begin on a separate page at the end of the article.

It should be presented in alphabetical order by author or title (when the author is not known). Personal communications should be indicated in the body of the text, in parenthesis, with date and institution of the person presenting the communication; not on footnotes.
The following should not be included as references: unpublished documents, in spite of its presentation in conferences or congresses, sent articles for publication that have not been accepted or abstracts. If it's absolutely necessary to cite unpublished sources, these must be mentioned in the text in parenthesis or in a footnote. Some parts were taken from Journal of Public Health-, Vol.9 No. 2 Information and instructions for authors.


Sending of manuscripts

They should be presented in two ways:

1. The complete text should not exceed 25 doublespaced, letter-sized, one-sided, black ink printed pages. The margins must be 3 cm and the pages will be numbered consecutively.
2. A digital support, either a CD or an electronic mail, with the complete text in Microsoft Word program, Times New Roman, size 11.

It can be sent in either of two ways:

1. Universidad de Caldas, Facultad de Ciencias para la Salud. (Faculty of Health Sciences), Hacia la Promoción de la Salud Journal, Consuelo García Ospina. Edificio Miguel Arango Soto. Carrera 25 No. 48-57. Telephone number (57-6)8783060 extensiones 31127 - 31125.
2. Electronic mail:,

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