ISSN 0120-0062
printed version

doi: 10.15446/ideasyvalores


Scope and policy

Ideas y Valores, Colombian Journal of Philosophy, publishes three issues a year (April, August, and December). It welcomes unpublished articles on different areas of philosophy, in Spanish, English, or Portuguese. The journal also designs and publishes supplements on specific authors or topics whenever there are special academic events or at the request of the academic community (these supplements do not interfere with the journal's regular publishing schedule).


a. It is understood that the authors' opinions are their exclusive responsibility and that they do not represent the criteria of Ideas y Valores or the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

b. The acceptance of advertisements does not imply approval or endorsement of the respective products or services on the part of Ideas y Valores or the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Form and preparation of manuscripts


The total document should not exceed 25 letter-size pages, in 12-point font, 1.5 spacing (approximately 11,000 words). Files must be in .doc or .rtf format. The document should include the title of the article, the name of the author, institutional affiliation, e-mail (preferably the institutional e-mail), street address, an abstract (in the original language and in Spanish, neither of which should exceed 150 words), and a maximum of five keywords in both the original language and in Spanish.Footnotes should limited to the minimum: if the comment is essential, it should be included in the text; otherwise, it would be best to do without it. Bibliographical references should be included in the body of the article, following the MLA citation system (Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th ed.). The final list of Works Cited should also follow MLA guidelines. For further information regarding use of the MLA system, click here.

Writing Legible Manuscripts

Ideas y Valores accepts unpublished research articles that must be carefully prepared for the journal. In order to foster communication and strengthen our academic communities, we publish texts in Spanish and Portuguese; however, we also publish texts in English, when the authors are not Spanish or Portuguese speakers. It is essential for authors to pay special attention to paragraph and sentence construction, taking semantic, syntactical, and orthographic aspects into account, as well as to the argumentative structure of the text, in order to ensure an adequate presentation of the problem and readability for both peer reviewers and the future readers.

By publishing an article, authors generally seek to generate a dialogue with the potential readers that make up the academic communities in the specific area of study. The effectiveness of such dialogue relies on the cogency, scope, and soundness of the argument set forth. Therefore, we encourage contributors to generate interesting, suggestive, and critical dialogues that either trigger or revisit debates that are of interest to contemporary readers.

Contributions submitted to Ideas y Valoresare evaluated through anonymous peer review. The result of the review is communicated within a time period no greater than ninety days. Accepted contributions are published in the order in which they were received, except in the case of supplements.

Sending of manuscripts

The file(s) should be sent to the following e-mails: or Contributions must be unpublished (which means that they cannot have appeared in electronic publications or on websites such as Scribd, Academia, or other existing electronic means of publication and dissemination. Any articles sent for evaluation by Ideas y Valores should not be simultaneously submitted for consideration to other journals.

Please bear in mind that you must have a user account in order to send articles through our web page. If you have not yet created an account and you wish to send an article, you must select the author role; if you already created an account with a different role, add author role in order to send the article. If you have trouble logging in or creating a user account, please contact us.

Once the document is sent to our email address - - or uploaded onto our web page,the authors will be informed of the time period for publication (which depends on the journal's schedule, which is established according to the order of approval of the articles). Once an affirmative response is received, the article is sent to evaluation.

Guideline for reviews

Book reviews may be of three types: a) descriptive reviews, which inform the future reader about the contents of the book and some of its characteristics; b) analytical reviews, which examine the contents of the book in order to point out its scope and delimitations; and c) critical book reviews, which involve a genuine engagement with the book, highlighting its achievements, discussing its theses, and, perhaps, proposing alternative theses. Documents should not exceed 15 letter-size pages, in 12-point font, 1.5 spacing (approximately 7000 words). Files must be in.doc or .rtf format. The document should provide the relevant information regarding the reviewed book, including publisher and number of pages, the name of the reviewer, institutional affiliation, e-mail, and street address. In order to submit your review through the web page, click here, or you may write to us at: or

Ethical considerations

1. Author

Please read carefully the following considerations before submitting your manuscript to Ideas y Valores:

1.1 Exclusivity of Submission

Articles submitted to Ideas y Valores should not be simultaneously submitted for consideration to other journals, since this compromises the originality of the articles and the rights regarding their publication. Any previous version of the article that has been uploaded onto the web so it can be read and commented on by other academic peers should be withdrawn at the moment the article is submitted to the journal.

1.2 Plagiarism and Self-plagiarism

a) It is unacceptable to partially or totally reproducetexts by other authors,without adequate citation of the source.

b) It is unacceptable to partially or totally reproduceone's own texts that have already been published elsewhere, without explicitly including, in a footnote, the information regarding said publication.

1.3 Diligence

The authors are responsible for carrying out any tasks deriving from the peer review and publication process, such as:

a) Revising the text and including the corrections suggested by the peer reviewer;

b) Responding to the observations and questions arising during the editing process (copy editing, proofreading, and adaptation to journal guidelines).

These tasks must be carried out within the time periods agreed upon by the author and the journal.

2. Peer Reviewers

2.1 Competence

a) Peer reviewers should only accept to read articles on subjects they have command of.

b) If, during the reading process, peer reviewers realize that they do not have sufficient knowledge of the topic, they should inform the editorial team so that another reviewer is appointed (

2.2 Independence

Peer review is carried out according to the double blind method in order to guarantee the independence and seriousness of the opinions. If, at any point during the reading process, reviewers find that there is any type of ethical impediment or conflict of interest that could affect their opinion, they should inform the Editor as soon as possible.

2.3 Peer Reviewer Opinions

a) Peer reviewers are expected to approach the articles from a serious and coherent academic perspective. Opinions that are excessively brief and the use of weak arguments to approve or reject an article are not useful because they can give rise to justified responses by the authors, which would unnecessarily prolong the evaluation process.

b) It is necessary to evaluate the presentation and the argumentative coherence of the text, regardless of whether the reviewer agrees with the ideas set forth in the paper.

c) The result of the evaluation must be useful for both the author and the Editor. On the basis of the evaluation, authors are expected to be able to reformulate, correct, or validate their work, and the Editor will be able to make a well-argued decision regarding

publication or rejection.

2.4 Diligence

a) Once peer reviewers accept the request for evaluation, they will have 60 days to submit their opinion.

b) If, during the evaluation process, it becomes evident that the agreed upon deadline will not be met, reviewers must inform the Editor in order to modify the initially established time period.

c) Please bear in mind that the timely response of the authors also relies on the reviewers' cooperation.

2.5 Impersonation

Reviewers are asked to read articles after their academic preparation, research experience, and publications have been analyzed, Therefore, it is unacceptable to delegate the responsibility acquired to a third party (e.g. a co-researcher, graduate student, or others).

2.6 Use of Information

The manuscripts received by the reviewers are original and unpublished. Any inappropriate use of the arguments, information, or parts of the text received shall be considered an extremely serious breach of ethics.

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Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
Carrera 30 # 45 - 03, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Departamento de Filosofía.