ISSN 0120-5307
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ISSN 2216-0280
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Articles Acceptance general criteria

Nursing professors, practitioners and students, as well as other health disciplines and related social areas from Colombia and from around the world can submit articles for inclusion in the journal Investigación y Educación en Enfermería. Authors are responsible for their articles content including those changes suggested by the Publishing Committee. Our journal reserves all legal copy rights to print and reprint. The submitted articles must be original and unpublished and the submission of a paper neither implies obligation to publish, nor commitment with regard to the publication date. It is also required that all authors be a journal subscribers.


Selection, edition and publication

The articles and other scholarly writings submitted will go through the following selection process: in the first review the accomplishment of criteria defined by the journal that are described in the guidelines given to authors will be verified; after that, the article's academic and scientific value is scrutinized through a system of national or international evaluators who are experts in different areas and who are autonomous from the Journal Publishing Committee. Finally, the Publishing Committee, based on the Journal's general criteria, the article's academic or scientific value and the external evaluator's opinion that the article merits publication. In the publication of the different articles, the journal exercises its right to review the style in order to achieve more accuracy and briefness in the text.


Type of articles and specifications

The publishing vocation of the journal has established the following preferences for articles submitted: Editorial articles; papers of scientific investigation and technological development; articles from original reflections about a problem or particular topic; review articles; summaries of contributions; conference papers; books reviews; scientific essays that present a well documented opinion of the author about a specific topic within our publication; translations; transcriptions; discussions; communications and health care practice experiences.

Articles can be submitted for approval in the following languages: Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.

Articles must be submitted in the following format:

a) Manuscripts must be submitted via e-mail to

b) Microsoft Word must be used to write the text. The text should be double-spaced and not exceed 20 letter pages, without additional spaces between the paragraphs and title. The font to be used is Times New Roman 12. Right and left margins should be set at 3 cm and top and bottom margins should be set at 4 cm. The pages will be enumerated successively.

c) Each manuscript must be accompanied by a submission letter from the principal author. It should state that the materials are unpublished and that it will not be submitted to any other publication before knowing the decision of the journal. The author(s) will enclose their résumé and signed copyright agreement that indicates that if the article is accepted for publication, the copyrights of print and reprint are an exclusive property of the Journal Investigación y Educación en Enfermería.

d) The manuscripts must include a summary in both Spanish and English. When the article is in English, Portuguese or French; the summary must be submitted in Spanish, English and the original language. It is important that the summaries in another language have not been generated by a product translation's software since they have serious grammatical problems.

e) The summary should not exceed 250 words. In those cases where the article was derived from investigation, it must indicate clearly: the exact study objects, place and date of elaboration, basic methodology, results and main conclusions. If the article is related to a type of material it must include: the author's intention or targeted public and a summary of it's content and conclusion(s). It should not exceed 200 words.

The summary must be followed by 3 to 10 key words. It is recommended to check the Descriptors in the Health Sciences (DeCS) in: In order to verify the key words in English you should consult Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) available from

f) The Journal ''Investigacion y Educación en Enfermería'' related to Nursering supports political clinical essays registers of the global health organization and the International committee of Medical Journal editors recognizing the importance of those iniciatives to samples and international spread about information based on clinical studies. As a consequence of that, the articles accepted, to be published in 2007, are just those clinical researches which have receive an identification number in some of the accepted registers in Clinical essays by the global health organization and the international committee of medical Journal editors which those web-sites are availables in the International committee. The identification number may be registered at the end of the summary.

g) If the paper is derived from a study it must state the associated study and the beginning and end dates. In addition, it should include information about any scholarship or funding received from an organization or group with private and public interest such as OMS, OPS or other funding sources that supported the study on which the article is based.

h) If the manuscripts is a topic review, it must have a minimum of 50 biographical sources.

i) If an article is derived from a study it should contain the following: a 10 word title, summary, key words, abstract, key words, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, bibliographical references and bibliography.

j) First name and last name of each author should be noted immediately under the title and to the right hand side. In separate notes on the foot page the author's scholarly qualifications and positions, as well as the name of the institution in which they performed the study, mailing and electronic address for all authors and acknowledgement if is proper should be noted.

k) Any graphic material utilized, such as tables, pictures or figures, must be described in the text in the best possible position in which they must be inserted. Nevertheless, the compilation of this material must appear in individual sheets, at the end of the text, in sequential order and in accordance with its numeration. Citations from the table in the text must use expressions such as tables or figures, according to the case, followed by its corresponding Arabic number - between parentheses or not - and without abbreviating either the Numb (Number) or the symbol #. (Table 2; Figure 4)..

Both tables and figures are named tables; they must state a brief title on top and after that word table written in small font - except words that for their grammatical correctness demand the use of a capital letter-. Explanatory notes and source should be typed in the lower part. The information that appears in the table should not repeat what was already said in the text. The table columns must be separated with tab bar

It should be noted that an excess of pictures or graphical material is more expensive, diminishes the desirable effect and occupies too much space. For these reasons it is necessary to select your materials carefully.

l) Abbreviations and initials should be used as least as possible. They should be used and defined during their first occurrence and then the abbreviated form or initials should continue to be used from then on.

m) Authors have right to get two courtesy copies of the journal issue in which their article appears. In the case of multiple authors, the number of copies will be one per author.

n) Foot page notes are clarifying notes. They go in tiny font that appears consecutively in the lower part of each page. They are used to identify affiliation to (institution and department), the authors' addresses, some unpublished information sources or to give marginal explanations. Their use must be limited. For example:

José Lauro de los Rios Castilloa.

a Nurse and Doctor of Psychology, Professor and Researcher, Nursing School Universidad, Autonoma San Luis Potosí (UASLP), Mexico. E-mail: .

o) Textual citations are ideas that are transcribed textually between quotation marks to support or to contrast the expressed like:

''A brief textual citation of less than five lines and is inserted inside the text and between quotation marks, and the corresponding number is placed in the end, after the quotation marks and before the punctuation symbol'' (3).

p) Indirect citations are those that mention ideas of an author in your own words like this:

As Londoño (5) states, infant mortality worsens the quality of life in Medellín.


Bibliographical references

The bibliographical references must go at the end of the article ordered as they appear in the text. The citations must be numbered consecutively following the order in which they appear for the first time in the text. The number should be written in brackets and on the line before the punctuation signs if they exist. Authors must take special care in the elaboration of these references, in order to follow the Vancouver style guidelines that are adopted by the journal.
In order to verify how the references are prepared it is recommended to consult the available examples in Vancouver Style: requisites of uniformity for manuscripts presented for publication in biomedical journals. bibliographical.

Each reference must begin with the surnames and then the initials of all authors, without punctuation signs among them, it can be quoted up to a maximum of six authors. If they are seven or more, the three first ones must be quoted and then the abbreviation et al added. If they are several authors, their names must be separated with commas.

When the author of a book is the director / coordinator / editor / compiler, you must registers the surnames and initials of the name followed by the corresponding designation separated from this one with a comma. Example: Friedman HH, coordinator.

If the author is an institution you should refer the full institution name followed by the document's title.

When a document is quoted more than once, you must separate them by commas in the bibliographical reference of the corresponding page of each citation, but if they are one next to the other, the first and the last one must be mentioned separated by a hyphen.

When the title has a subtitle it is separated by with a colon (:) followed by a space.

When a document is quoted more than once, you must separate them by commas in the bibliographical reference of the corresponding page of each citation, but if they are one next to the other, the first and the last one must be mentioned separated by a hyphen.

Only original documents must be citied, avoid reference writings through third's opinions or summaries of documents if possible, reference only full writings.

Not published papers such as reports, conference papers, protocols, personal writings, papers submitted but not accepted yet, etc, should not be included as references, but they can be part of the main text as ''not published observations'', having in mind that when they are personal writings or paper submitted to another journal you must have a written authorization from the author.

The following paragraphs show examples of references of different type of sources. Observing both the order of theirs elements and punctuation:

1 Journal Articles:

Author/s. Article title; subtitle; international abbreviated journal title. Year; volume (number): initial and final article pages. For example:

Torres A, Sanhueza O. Desarrollo de la autoestima profesional en enfermería. Invest Educ Enferm. 2006; 24(2): 112-19.
It is recommended to consult the international abbreviations for journals' titles in

2. Books and monographs:

Author. Title. Edition number. Publication city: Editorial; publication year. citation page. For example:

Burke MM, Walsh MB. Enfermería gerontológica: cuidados integrales del adulto mayor. 2ª ed. Madrid: Harcourt Brace; 1998. p.650.

The edition number is recorded when it is different from the first one.

3. Chapter of book:

Chapter author/s. Chapter title. In: book director / coordinator / editor / compiler. Book title. Edition. Publication place: Publishing house; year. Initial - final pages of the chapter. For example:

Mehta SJ. Abdominal pain. In: Friedman HH, coordinator. Medical Diagnosis Manual. 5th ed. Barcelona: Masson; 2004. P.183-90.

4. Paper presented to a congress, symposium, seminar, etc.

Must point out in the references the corresponding notes as they have been published.

- Works presented in conferences, congresses, symposiums, etc

Paper author(s). Title of the paper. In: Seminar, symposium, congress etc name. city of publication: Publisher; year of publication. initial – and final page. For example:
Rodríguez D. Factores terapéuticos en los grupos de ayuda mutua. En: Seminario taller de familias afectadas por la violencia: conference compilation. Santafé de Bogotá: Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar; 1996. P.109-17.

- Compilations of congress, symposium, seminar, etc.

Title of the congress, symposium, seminar, etc. Meeting place; dates. City of publication: publishing house; year of publication. For example:

Seminario taller familias afectadas por la violencia. Santafé de Bogotá October, 1995. Santafé de Bogotá: Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar; 1996.

5. Materials from electronic sources:

Indicate electronic documents by using brackets around the text. For Example: [Internet]

For the documents in line the date of consultation access registers preceded of the word and between square brackets. Example: [cited: October 19, 2005]

- Article from Internet journal

Article Author/s. Article title. Brief title of journal [Internet]. year month [date of consultation]; volume (number): pages numbers (if available]. Electronic URL. For example:

Alconero Camarero AR, Casaus Pérez M, Iglesias Martín R, De la Friera Rubia V, Noriega Borges MJ, Fadón Izaguirre A. El corazón de los jóvenes. Enferm Cardiol [Internet]. 2006 [cited: February 23, 2007]; 13 (38): [13-18]. Available from:

- Monograph in Internet

Author/s or Director / Coordinator / Editor. Title [Internet]. Edition. Publication place: Publishing house; year [cited date ]. Electronic page. For example:

Mulhall PL, editor. Nursing research: a qualitative perspective [Internet]. 3rd ed. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers; 2001 [cited: February 23, 2007]. Available from:,M1

- CD-ROM, DVD, Diskette, etc.

Author/s. Title [CD - ROM, DVD, Diskette, as applicable]. Edition. Place: Publishing house; year. For example:
Franco Agudelo S. El cuidado de la salud: el quehacer y el saber en la trascendencia del ser [CD - ROM]. Tunja: Acofaen; 1999.

6. Audio-visual material

Author/s. Videotape title [videotape, video, cassette .., as appropriate]. Place of edition: Publishing house; year. For example:

Instituto de Seguros Sociales. Protección Laboral (). \Brigadas de emergencia empresariales. [Video recording]. Santafé de Bogotá: Institute de Seguros Sociales; 1998

7. Legislation (laws / decrees / orders)

Title of the law / decree / order. Name of the Official Bulletin, number, (publication date). For example:

Estatuto Marco del personal estatutario de los servicios de salud. Ley 55/2003 de 16 de diciembre. Boletín Oficial del Estado, nº 301, (17-12-2003).

8. Thesis or dissertation

Author. Dissertation or thesis title [doctoral dissertation or thesis]. Publication place: Publishing house; year. Pagination. For example:

Montoya Echeverri ME, Castañeda Bedoya J. Efectos de la posición decúbito prono en pacientes con síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda guía de intervención de enfermería [Monograph Specialist in Nursing Care to Adult on Critical Condition of Health]. Medellin: Universidad de Antioquia Facultad de Enfermería; 2002. 53 p.

9. Unpublished sources and summaries.

It corresponds to articles already accepted but still unpublished
Author/s. Article title. International abbreviation of the journal title. In press Year. For example :

Leshner AI. Molecular mechanisms of cocaine addiction. N Engl J Med. In press 1997.


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© 2012 Facultad de Enfermería

Universidad de Antioquia - Facultad de Enfermería
Revista Investigación y Educación en Enfermería
Calle 64 Nro. 53-09, Apartado Aéreo 1226, Medellín-Colombia
Teléfonos: (574) 21063 35, (574) 210 63 37 - Fax: (574) 211 00 58