ISSN 1692-8156
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Basic Information

The International Law: Revista Colombiana de Derecho Internacional, publishing by Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, the main purpose of the review is to present to all the academic community, the results of the investigations developed within the different areas of the international law; the review also summarizes books, judicial decisions and juridical relevant events. International Law is a biannual publication.

The first version of International Law: Revista Colombiana de Derecho Internacional was presented to the academic community on June of 2003 by the Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. The objective of the Review, and the reason why it was founded, was to show that the international law and the international policy are different but extremely related fields. In that way, with the direction of the Father Luis Fernando Álvarez, Academic Dean of the School of Law in that time, and the support and constant work of a group of academics integrated by María Clara Lózano Ortiz de Zárate, Eduardo Mantilla Serrano and Javier Cortázar Mora, it was possible to present the first number of the Review, which met investigation results and articles from the different areas of the international law. Since it was born, the Review has been dirigida to lawyers, researchers, academics, students and, in general, scholars of social sciences

Its abbreviated title is Int. Law: Rev. Colomb. Derecho Int., and it should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic strips.


Information Services

The articles published in International Law: Revista Colombiana de Derecho Internacional are indexed or summarized by:

  • PUBLINDEX; the review is classified in 'B' category.
  • CLASE (Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades).
  • Latindex (Universidad Autónoma de México).
  • Dialnet (Portal de difusión de la producción científica hispana - Universidad de la Rioja).
  • Redalyc (Red de Revista científicas de America Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal).
  • Ebsco Host.



Copyright owner: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Review rules about the articles reproduction: The contents of the articles are exclusive responsability of the authors. The texts can be reproduced by citing the source.

About the copyright policy of International Law: Revista Colombiana de Derecho Internacional , the Review follows Copyleft rules.

 International Law: Revista Colombiana de Derecho Internacional allows articles reproduction by citing the source.



The review is sponsored or financially supported by 'Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas' ( Law School ) from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, and 'Centro de Estudios de Derecho Intrernacional Francisco Suárez S.J' (CEDI) ( Francisco Suárez S.J Center of International Law Studies) of the same institution.

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© 2009

Facultad de Ciencias Jurídica
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Calle 40 # 6-23 Piso 6°, Bogotá, Colombia
PBX (57 1) 3208328 ext. 5202 - 5213