ISSN 1794-9165
Printed version

ISSNe 2256-4314
Electronic version



Focus and Scope

Ingeniería y Ciencia is a biannual publication that provides a space for the dissemination of research results
in basic sciences and their application to development and innovation in Engineering. The scope of submissions
accepted for publication is limited, however, to the following areas:

  • Biology
  • Biochemistry
  • Biophysics
  • Computational Biology
  • Biotechnology
  • Ecology
  • Conservation Biology
  • Sustainable Development
  • Differential Equations
  • Theory of Distributions
  • Numerical Methods
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Functional Analysis
  • Physics of Fluids
  • Physics of Plasmas and Electric Shock
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Surfaces and Interfaces, Films and Filaments
  • Industrial Electronics
  • Electronic Systems and Controls
  • Electrical and Industrial Processes
  • Optics
  • Optical Metrology
  • Applied Physics
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Fields and Particles
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Computer Science
  • Quantum Computing
  • Network Dynamics and Statistics of Crystals
  • Quantum and Solid Fields
  • Telematics
  • Hardware
  • Industrial Maintenance
  • Chemical and Bacteriological Processes
  • Telecommunications
  • Automation and Control
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Production Engineering
  • Operations Research
  • Materials
  • Civil Engineering
  • Earthquake Engineering and Seismology
  • Geology and Computational Geometry

Editorial policies

Ingeniería y Ciencia undertakes to publish its issues both in a digital and printed version and also to distribute
them in the most important national and worldwide indexes, databases and libraries. All articles received will be assessed by one or two area editors who will determine if the paper is appropriate for the journal scope and if it conforms to the basic content standards presented on website

The following aspects are considered for acceptability/rejection of submissions by the journal Committee:

  • Originality and novelty
  • Usefulness and interest
  • Clarity of presentation
  • Methodological rigor
  • Adequately supported conclusions
  • Relevance

Ingeniería y Ciencia aims at continuously improving its receipt, review, editorial and publication process for scientific papers. As a result, the journal adheres to COPE and Elsevier guidelines on publication ethics in order to avoid misconduct in publishing, to adopt streamlined procedures for correction and retraction, all of which ensure readers that each published paper has met all quality criteria. The opinions and concepts expressed by the authors in the papers included in this publication are their own exclusive responsibility and do not represent an official position of any institutional body.

The following reasons are grounds for immediate rejection of a manuscript:

  • Multiple submission
  • Deliberate use of false or inaccurate data
  • Plagiarism
  • Impersonation
  • Defamation
  • Falsification of information and documentation
  • Disclosure and conflicts of interest

Conflicts of interest

All authors should reveal in their manuscripts any conflict of financial or other kind of interests that could be interpreted to influence the results of the evaluation of their manuscript.

All sources of financial support for the project must be disclosed.

Examples of potential conflicts of interest that should be disclosed include job, consultancies, holding of shares, fees, paid expert testimony, applications for patents or registrations, and donations or other funds.

Potential conflicts of interest should be made public at the earliest possible stage of the evaluation.


It is understood that the corresponding author acts in good will, on behalf of all the authors listed in the paper, and that he accepts joint and several liability for the originality of the work submitted. Coauthors must agree upon the order of listed authors. For acknowledgement of authorship, Ingeniería y Ciencia adheres to the standard of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE-Vancouver). The journal Editor may require each author to specify their contribution to the paper. Team members who do not meet authorship
criteria may be included, with their permission, in the Acknowledgements
section or in an annex.

Privacy Statement

Personal information collected by this publication will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other third party.

Errors in published works

When an error or inaccuracy is discovered by authors in their published work, it is their obligation to promptly
notify the journal editor ( and cooperate with the correction. Likewise, the reviewers
and readers may send us, via email, comments and suggestions intended to improve our publication.

Type of articles and specifications

The editorial direction of the journal has defined the following types of articles to publish:

  • Scientific and technological research article: is a document that presents, in detail, the original results of research projects. The generally used structure contains four major parts: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.
  • Article of reflection: document that presents research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author on a specific subject, using original sources.
  • Review articles: document resulting from a research project where they analyze, classify and integrate the results of research projects published or unpublished, on a field of science or technology, in order to give an account of the advances and trends in development. It is characterized by bringing a careful literature review of at least 50 references.
  • Discussion: Document which presents a debate on points made in previous articles.
  • Response: Document that responds to a discussion document. It is made by the author of the article which gave rise to the debate.

About article

On the content

  • The author must indicate their institutional affiliation (School, Department, Institute, etc). If you belong to a research group, indicate it correctly, as well as your institutional e-mail address, city and country. It is important that the author retains a unique form of signature throughout his entire professional career to avoid the loss of part of their production. On the importance of having a unique form of signature, we recommend the following article >>
  • All manuscripts should bear a title, a abstract and key words in Spanish and English.
  • In theabstract, you comment, clearly and without humility, the contribution you make to the studied area. It should also contain a scientific context of the problem addressed and resolved, limitations of the prior approaches to the present work, advantages of the present work and future lines of work.
  • Keep in mind that the possibility that a manuscript be found and used depends in good measure on its accuracy -using words that communicate exactly what you want to say-; on its clarity -the text is read and understood quickly-; on its brevity -including only information relevant to the content of the manuscript; and on the clarity of the translations of the titles, abstracts and keywords. On the importance of a good title for your manuscript we suggest the following article>>
  • Every manuscript should have an introduction and/or a literature review with taxonomy of the revised bibliography, covering publications of articles in the past 10 years. Classic quotes and books are allowed but do not replace the review of recent research. The conclusion of this section must be the justification of the proposal presented in the article, i.e., the response of the present article to overcome the limitations found in the bibliographic review.
  • There should be a  methodology section that should support the final proposal of the second point in a formal manner. Theorems, lemmas, postulates, notation, glossary, algorithms, graphs, mathematical graphs, functions, equations, etc., must be formally discussed in this section with enough formalism to avoid ambiguity in what is understood by the reader. Where lemmas or theorems are not demonstrated, this must be explicitly mentioned and proposed as an object of another publication, or referred to a quote where they are resolved.
  • There should equally be a section of Results and Discussion where the properly organized results of the implementation of actions and algorithms in the previous point are unfolded. Graphs, equations, tables, etc., should also be used here. This section should have an area of interpretation and criticism of what has been found or produced, with technical comments on the quality or limitations of the achieved results. Again, a serious technical discussion of the relationship between methodology and the results is also expected here.
  • If your manuscript has an acknowledgements section, remember to correctly point out the names of those people, institutions and/or companies that collaborated in the realization of your  research. It is also recommended to include the information about the project which you are attached to and the Group of which you are a part, as well as the institution that supports it.
  • In the conclusions section it is set out the general merit of the article and the future directions of research in the subject.
  • In relation to the references, only those listed in document shall be included and they must strictly follow the citation model proposed by the journal (IEEE Citation Style).

The Writing
  • The drafting is done in the third person of the impersonal mode.
  • The texts must contain complete ideas and the derivations should form new sentences.
  • Punctuation, accentuation and spelling should be consistent with the rules of the Spanish language and its good use, when the paper is in Spanish. Similar requirements when it is in English.
  • The estimated length of the texts is of 20 pages.
  • Acronyms are explained the first time that they named for example: Corporación Autónoma Regional de las Cuencas de los Rios Negro y Nare (Cornare).
  • Avoid the use of sustained uppercase and italics characters.
  • Avoid abbreviations, for example, type “etcetera” and not “etc.”
  • Footnotes are used only for clarifications or additional comments.
  • When it comes to numbers, use comma for decimals. In LATEX they go between $$ with a dot.  LATEX automatically changes the dot into decimal with the appropriate space.
  • For references within the document, they are done with a number between square brackets. In LATEX, use the command \cite{}. Examples: [1], [9],10]. At the end of the article the references are listed in the order they were quoted.

About Figures, tables, and equations

  • Figures, tables and equations are placed after the paragraphs where they are referenced for the first time. In LATEX use the commands \ref{} for the call of figures and tables, and the command \eqref{} for the call of equations.
  • To the creation of figures, tables and equations, use the commands \begin{figure}–\end{figure}, \begin{table}–\end{table} and \begin{align}–\end{align}, respectively.
  • Photographs, images, maps and figures included in the document shall also be attached separately in EPS format with excellent quality.
    The caption of each figure is placed at its bottom; the caption of tables, at the top.
  • Only those equations to which an explicit reference is made in the document are numbered.

About References

The journal uses the IEEE Citation Style. Authors are strongly advised to use reference management
software such as Zotero, Mendeley or End-Note. For models or additional information on how to easily
manage references, visit our website

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© 2014

Escuela de Ciencias y Humanidades and Escuela de Ingeniería

Universidad EAFIT
Universidad EAFIT Carrera 49 No. 7 Sur - 50. Av. Las Vegas, Medellín, Colombia Tel.: +57 4 261 9500, ext. 9672