ISSN 0120-3479
Printed version



Scope and policy

Lenguaje welcomes unpublished works in all disciplines dealing with language, preferably the product of research, whether in the form of articles (final reports or research, essays, systematic work on an area, reviews of a particular problem, analysis of systematized educational experiences) or in the form of book reviews. All submitted articles are reviewed by the editorial committee in order to determine the relevance of it publication. Once approved by the Committee members, the article will be sent to two anonymous reviewers, one internal and another external to the Universidad del Valle. In case that a referee approves it and another one rejects it, a third one will be appointed. The Editorial Committee will select articles to be published, after examining the concepts of peers.

After volume 36(2), Lenguaje adopted the APA International Publication Norms.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Research papers are classified under Colciencias categories, as follows:

1) Article of scientific and technological research. Document that presents, in detail, the original results of research projects. The structure generally used contains the following main elements: introduction, theoretical framework, methodology, results and conclusions.

2) Article about reflection. A paper that presents research results from an analytical, interpretive or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, resorting to original sources.

3) Review article. Result of a research paper, analyzing, and integrating the research findings published or unpublished, on a field of science or technology, in order to account for the progress and the trends of development. It is characterized by a careful review of the literature of at least 50 references.

Also other texts are accepted, such as:

- Short article. Brief paper that presents preliminary or partial original results of a scientific or technological investigation, which usually requires a quick diffusion.

- Case report. Document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation in order to announce the technical and methodological experiences considered in a given specific case. It includes a commented systematical review of the literature on similar cases.

- Topic review. Document resulting from the critical review of the literature on a particular topic.

- Translation.

- Discussion paper not derived from research.

- Book review.

•Extension of the articles: the maximum length of papers is 30 pages on letter size paper (including references and annexes, if any), in Times New Roman 12, with margins of 3 cm each side of the sheet and a spacing of 2.0. You should not use double spaces or special line spacing between paragraphs.

• Research articles: The articles resulting from research completed or in progress must include a footnote on page, on the first page, stating: title research, institutional context, participants, funding sources, start and completion.

• Title, abstract and keywords: Articles should include title, an abstract of 100 words to reflect the purpose and content of the article, and keywords in all three languages accepted by the journal: Spanish, English and French.

• Information on the author (s) should include an abstract (maximum 80 words) with basic data of the author's full name, institution, position, professorial status, educational level and degree earned, teaching and research areas, and e-mail address.

Tables and figures

• In addition to the main text, an article may contain figures or tables. The tables are used to present statistical information or text summary form. Figures can be drawings, photographs, graphics, flow charts or diagrams.

• The inclusion of tables within the text should be preceded by the name and number of occurrence (without the symbol or the abbreviation for number). In addition, each figure must be accompanied by a brief description (legend) located below it, and giving account of its content and facilitating its understanding. If the table or figure, or part thereof, has been taken up or adapted from another author or source, include a mention under the table or figure legend, like this: "Adapted from Chou, 2003".

• In the tables of quantitative data only the horizontal dividing lines must appear noticeable, not the vertical one. Exceptionally, the vertical ones can be marked if they are strictly necessary for the organization of information.

• All artwork must be submitted separately, as attachments, numbered and with its own title, it also must indicate exactly where the text should appear. For example: [Here Figure 1: Taxonomy of functions dependent on the text].

Foot notes

• They must be numbered in the text and should not be too long; they are used, by way of comments or digressions, to complement or extend the text important information.

• Do not use footnotes for references page to include bibliographical references, they should go to the end.


APA norms require a list of references and not a bibliography, therefore, include only those sources used for the research and the paper that can be recovered.


Sending of manuscripts

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Universidad del Valle

Universidad del Valle, Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje
Campus Meléndez - Calle 13 N° 100-00, Building 315 (Cali - Colombia)
Tel: 057(2)339 8497 - 057(2)3212100 Ext. 2472
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