ISSN 0120-5587
printed version



General Instructions

All contributions must be sent to the email address of Linguistics and Literature ( in Word format, with information about authorship in a separate file. Articles in linguistics that contain special characters must also attach another file in PDF format. Authors can also register as users of the journal and upload the file to the OJS3 platform.

The cutoff dates are as follows:

  • Cutoff on February 15: materials received will be considered for the July-December issue of the same year.
  • Cutoff on August 15: materials received will be considered for the January-June issue of the following year.

Works submitted to Linguistics and Literature should not be in the evaluation process for any other publication.

Authors who have participated in a call must wait until the following year to participate again, so they cannot apply to two consecutive calls.

Co-authorship is only allowed for contributions with up to three authors.


Evaluation Process and Editorial Times

Once the Editorial Committee verifies that the articles meet the basic requirements of the journal, the texts are sent to two internal or external pairs at the University of Antioquia for evaluation under the double-blind peer review system. Articles are selected based on criteria of quality, relevance, originality, investigative rigor, and unpublished character. Evaluators may accept, accept with modifications, or reject articles proposed through an evaluation form designed for this purpose. In cases where the two evaluations of an article are radically opposed, a third evaluator will be consulted. In cases where, due to its theme, evaluators cannot be found for a specific article, it cannot be considered for publication. In all cases, the journal will notify authors of the Editorial Committee's decision via email within a maximum period of two months. The receipt of texts does not imply their publication.

If the article is accepted with changes, the author has a period of two weeks to submit the new version with the respective corrections. Once accepted for publication, articles may undergo a style correction process. During the editing process, the journal may communicate with authors for possible queries.

The journal Linguistics and Literature will send authors a publication authorization form, which they must return signed, thereby granting the rights to publish their texts in the print and electronic versions of the journal.

The reproduction and reprint rights of works published in the journal Linguistics and Literature belong to the editor. Authors must wait six months and request in writing from the Editorial Committee of the journal the permission to reproduce the published material. In any case, the name of Linguistics and Literature must appear in all reproductions.

Each author is responsible for the interpretations, approaches, and opinions expressed in their work. The Editorial Committee assumes no responsibility for the opinions expressed in published works, and these do not represent the thoughts, ideology, or interpretation of the Editorial Committee or the Scientific Committee.


Presentation of Texts



In order to ensure the impartiality of the evaluation process, texts should not contain the author's name anywhere.

Authors must also submit an additional file with a brief curriculum vitae (100 words maximum), including the following information: full names, last academic title achieved, current institutional affiliation, institutional email, academic background, and identification codes (ORCID, H5). This information will be published in the "Authors" section. This file should also include information related to the respective research project and any acknowledgments or clarifications deemed necessary.

Linguistics and Literature adheres to the presentation standards recommended by APA, 7th edition (2020). All texts must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Page configuration in letter size, with 1.5 line spacing and Times New Roman font size twelve points. Avoid the use of automatic styles.
  2. The sections of the article must maintain the following structure and format:
    • Introduction
    • Section Title
    • Section Title
      • Section Title
    • Section Title (and so on for subsequent sections)
    • Conclusion (or its equivalent)
    • Bibliographic References
  3. The length of the articles should be 15 to 30 pages, including the abstract, bibliographic references, and citations; the latter two sections should not exceed ten percent of the text. Articles should have a short title that reflects their specific content, along with its translation into English.
  4. Articles should include, on their cover, an abstract (maximum of 100 words) and 5 keywords that must also appear in the body of the text. The abstract should clearly include: introduction, method, results, and discussion. Both the abstract and keywords must be translated entirely into English.
  5. Quotations of up to forty words are incorporated into the text in Latin quotes (“...”). Quotations exceeding forty words are included in a separate indented paragraph. The font size in these highlighted quotes should be eleven points, and their line spacing should also be 1.5 lines.
  6. References in the body of the text adhere to the author, year, and page system enclosed in parentheses (Viñas Piquer, 2002, p. 45). Avoid the use of automatic citation generators.
  7. Footnotes should be reserved for marginal comments by the author or for submissions and should be brief, avoiding excessive use. The font size should be ten points, and the line spacing should also be double. The footnote number will come after the punctuation mark.
  8. Enumerations should be marked with dashes or long dashes (—), and centuries should be indicated in small caps.
  9. Tables, graphics, figures, diagrams, and maps must be original, numbered, and accompanied by an explanatory caption. Photographs, if not original, must have the corresponding reproduction rights. In addition, tables, graphics, and figures with statistical information must be editable within the article, i.e., they cannot be attached as image files. This will facilitate the text layout task.
  10. The list of bibliographic references should go at the end of the article and should only include the sources cited in it.
    • For books:

      Viñas Piquer, D. (2002). History of literary criticism. Ariel.

    • For book chapters:

      Landaburu, J. (2000). Classification of indigenous languages of Colombia. In M. S. González and M. L. Rodríguez (Eds.), Indigenous languages of Colombia. A descriptive overview (pp. 25-48). Caro y Cuervo Institute.

    • For printed journal articles:

      Rigano, M. E. (2006). Power relations and courtesy in peninsular Spanish (14th-15th centuries): "señor" as a key lexical field. Linguistics and Literature, 50, 117-135.

    • For electronic journal articles:

      Vega Cernuda, M. A. (2013). Stellar moments of translation in Hispano-America. Mutatis Mutandis, 6(1), 22-42.

  11. Regarding the use of references, we recommend citing primary and original sources, especially if they belong to Latin American authors. Mention of secondary or tertiary sources is discouraged.
  12. As a final requirement, all links to websites must be deactivated. Additionally, there should be no automatic text styles, bullet points, or numbering throughout the text.
  13. For more details, you can consult the APA guidelines, 7th edition (2020), at APA Standards, 7th edition, 2020

Note: Our main reference sources for editing and proofreading upcoming works are the Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Doubts and the latest edition of the Spanish Language Spelling, both works of the RAE. We refer authors to them in case of doubts.

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Medellín, Colombia
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