ISSN 0121-5256 E-ISSN 1909-7700 |
Editorial policy
MED is the scientific review of Universidad Militar Nueva Granada Medicine Faculty. Its main aim is the diffusion of original works that contribute to expand knowledge in Medicine and Healthy Sciences. Editorial Policy of the magazine MED Magazine accept and agree the guidelines established by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (, by Equator Network ( and by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (, in order to ensure a high quality in scientific publications, its integrity, impartiality and the keeping of ethic principles that govern medical researching. Copyright No other publication must reproduce totally o partially the papers, not even the abstracts, without written permission by the Editorial Committee of MED Review. Editorial process Every manuscript postulated by authors to be published in MED Magazine will be, first, checked by Editorial Comitee and, later, sent to external evaluation of scientific pairs related to the topic and content of the text. For making this step easier, authors must send and suggest the name, the relation and the e-mail of two possible national, and one international, evaluator. The name of suggested evaluators won't appear in the content of manuscript. When the author receives concepts from evaluators, he must answer as soon as he gets, with modifications incorporated at the text, not after two weeks. If during the next four weeks MED Magazine has not received the answer of the authors, Editorial Committee will not continue with the process. If there is disagree, authors will express their concepts to editor in chief, which will send them to a second or third evaluator. The Editorial Committee will take a definitive decision, which will be opportunely communicated to the authors. MED Magazine Editorial Committee has the authority of accept or reject the manuscripts in checking. When editorial and style correction process ends, galley proofs will be sent to the authors for their approval, within a maximum period of 72 hours. We inform the MED Magazine has a nature of open access. Metadata of quotes for selected manuscripts for publishing will be deposited in crossref ( |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
In order to consider a manuscript, authors must attend at Comitee of Medical Journal Editors recommendations, which are published as Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (Updated December 2013) ( Manuscript must have the following sections: Presentation sheet: • Title (maximum 165 characters) Abstract: the abstract, semi-structured, will have till 300 words. Purposes of study and researching, methodology used, results and the most important conclusions will be described in it. Key words: Five words in each languages must be elected; authors may consult Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud (DeCS) of index of Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud (LILACS) in; to verify the key words in English there are the Medical Subjetc Headings (MeSH) of Index Medicus in English title (maximum 165 characters) and Abstract Text: The text must be written in Word, letter type Arial, number 12 in double space, with margins of 2,5 cm at least. Titles and subtitles will be written en minuscule letter and text extension won’t pass 10,000, including charts and graphics. On introduction: it must express the purpose of the paper and an abstract of the logical ground of the study or watching. It must mention just the strictly pertinent references, without an extended revision of the topic. Within introduction there must not be the results of research. On materials and methods: Methods, population, samples, techniques and followed procedures will be detailed, in order to be reproduced. On results: Those will be showed as a logical sequence within the text, together the tables, figures and illustrations, making emphasis on the most important observations. Organized data in tables or illustrations won’t be repeated in the text. On the discussion: The meaning of results and its limitations must be explained, including implications to future researches, but without repeating them in detail, as it is made in results section. New and relevant aspects of the study will be emphasized, and conclusion from the results will be formulated, avoiding the approaches not to have scientific grounds. The relation of conclusions with study objectives must be established, avoiding general sentences. Figures, tables and photos: the biggest quantity of figures tables and photos for each paper is eight, and the will be included at the end of the file, after bibliographic references. Titles and legend that explain each one will be specified. When images do not be of author property, he will take the responsibility of add the respective authorization by who has the publishing rights. Squares, conceptual maps, photos, graphics will be sent separated, as a supplementary file in tif format (Tagged Image File Format) of 200 dpi (dots per inch) or JPG. They must be with their respective photo caption, giving the source from they were taken, year, title and its place inside the text (page number) On the thanks: At the end of the text, author may give one or more thanks declaration to people that made essential contributions to the work. Financial Support: The type of support must be specified: financial, technical, logistic, or other. On the conflicts of interests and on finances: If there is a conflict related to the research, it must be expressed by the author. Researching works must specify the financial sources. MED Magazine adds suggestions given by ICMJE and adopt the form of Declaración de Potenciasles Conflictos de Intereses. This is why the form must be completed by each one of the authors that sent the manuscript, with the remission letter. The form may be downloaded in that address: On bibliographic references: those will be numerated in sequence, following the order of mention by first time in the text (mention order system), according to suggestions of Vancouver rules: If a reference is quoted more than once, its original number will be used in future quotes. Abstracts won’t be used as references. When it is an accepted article, but not yet published, this will be quote inside the references as “in press” or “next to be published”; for this last case, it is necessary a permission from the author and checking it has already been accepted for publishing. The correct abbreviation of the quoted magazine is in the list of periodical publication of Index Medicus (; if the magazine does not appear, the complete name of it must be written. Just the names of the six firsts authors must be transcript, followed by et al. We recommend the addition of national and Latin-American references, so Lilacs, Publinde, Latindex, Redalyc, Sibra and other bibliographical sources may be consulted. In case of dudes about the correct way to quote a reference (article, book, thesis, web site, etc) it is suggested to consult, where there are examples of all and each one of possible cases. Electronic form: Manuscript must be send in word, better if it is the 97-2003 version. Figures must be sent as supplementary file in tiff format (Taged Image File Format) of 300 pdi (dots per inch), together the word file. Power point and word graphics are low resolution, the, they must not being included in electronic format. Illustrations are printed in a column (75 mm) or in two columns (153 mm); then, they must be sent in the size they will be printed. If illustrations are in color and they are sent in electronic format, the must be sent in CMYK files in tiff format (Tagged Image File Format) of high resolution. If image does not have text, the best resolution for CMYK files is of 300 pdi; if text is included, suggested resolution is 600 dpi and, if they are black and white, of 1.200 dpi. Preferred source for graphics is Helvetic. If the files are of Macintosh, the must be converted to one of the formats said. It is required a complete list of the sent files, which includes the programs of used format. |
Submission of manuscripts
Besides the complete uploaded en OJS platform of the magazine, It will be sent an original letter signed by every author, where they ask to consider the paper for being published, in which every one say they know and agree with its content, and the manuscript has not been published before, not has been considered to simultaneous publishing in other magazine. In this letter, every author gives the publishing rights to MED Magazine (form added). Editorial process of manuscript will be beginning just when the remission letter is received. When a manuscript is considered to publishing in MED Magazine, authors accept with his signature, explicit or implicit, that: 1) They know in detail instructions for authors and they have followed them so right. In case of acceptance for publishing, authors just keep copyright of their articles; publishing and reproduction rights will be property of MED Magazine. This is why the papers will not be partial or totally reproduced without written permission of the editor in chief. In the same way, authors will give exclusively to Medicine Faculty of Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, the reproduction, distribution and translation rights, by any media or support, pressed, audiovisual or electronic. The content of the print papers in MED Magazine is author’s entirely responsibility, so it does not represent editor, or members of magazine, not even Medicine Faculty’s thoughts. General information about manuscripts MED Magazine prints scientific works, written in Spanish or English, in the following categories. Original article of scientific and technological researching: unpublished file that shows in detail the original results of basic, experimental, clinic, epidemiologic or socio-humanistic researching projects. Short article: Brief paper that shows original, partial and preliminary results of a scientific and technological researching that, generally, requires a soon diffusion. Presentation of case and clinic cases series: File that presents the results of a study about a particular situation in order to show the technical and methodological experiences considered in specific case or a case series. It has to include an actualized systematical revision of literature about analogue cases. Revision of topic: It is the analysis, systematization and integration of researches results, published or unpublished, about a field of science and technology, in order to explain development advances and tendencies. It is characterized by gives a careful bibliographic revision which includes the last published reports in recognized databases. Correspondence to the editor: These are critical, analytical or interpretative positions on the paper already published in the magazine, or other topics that, according to the Editorial Committee, are important contributions to the discussion of a topic by the scientific community of reference. |
DE CONFORMIDAD CON LOS REQUISITOS LEGALES Y CESION DE DERECHOS DE AUTOR Y DE PUBLICACION ACERCA DEL MANUSCRITO TITULADO Remitido para su publicación a la Revista MED , los abajo firmantes y autores del mismo declaran: * Que se trata de un trabajo Original Nombre___________________________ Nombre___________________________ |
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Universidad Militar Nueva Granada.
Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Transversal 3 No 49-00.
Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
Tel.: (57-1) 6403664-6409420