ISSN 1794-8886
electronic version



Form and preparation of manuscripts


Guidelines for the writing of manuscripts

1. In order to be published in "Memorias", the manuscripts should be either:

a) Investigative report
b) Reflection type essay, based on investigation results
c) Theoretical revision

2. The manuscripts should be uploaded to the OJS system of the Universidad del Norte. For this purpose, the author should first register and follow the instructions of the software. The link to register is:
Any additional information can be requested to the editor-in-chief of the journal, available at

3. A preliminary revision will be done to verify length, format, and general quality of the manuscript before deciding upon sending the text to a peer or rejecting it immediately.  If the text is rendered to peer-revision, the external peer will not know the author's name or affiliation.
Peer-revision will center in aspects such as coherence, relevance, intellectual rigour, and clarity in order to issue a concept (positive or negative) whose format has been previously given to the peer by the journal. Additionally, in case of being necessary, suggestions will be done to the authors. The editorial committee will revise for a second time the document, taking into account the concept of the peer, and will later send the results of the correction to the authors. In case that some corrections of the article are required, they will be done by the authors. The articles that satisfactorily complete this process will be accepted and sent to Ediciones Uninorte for their publication. 

4. The length of the manuscript should be of minimum 20 pages without including bibliographical references. Font Times New Roman, 12 pt is required.

5. The style of the manuscript should be in accordance with the guidelines specified in the web page.

6. If the manuscript contains tables or graphs, it is mandatory to attach the original documents from where they were taken, following the instructions of the OJS system to upload the files.

7. The manuscript should include an abstract of maximum 200 words, in both English and Spanish, and a brief biography of the author or authors in which profession, degrees, present occupation, and email address.

8. The manuscripts should be sent to the journal with a three-month period of anticipation to the publishing date of the new edition. The acceptance will be notified to the author or authors.

9. The opinions expressed in the manuscripts of the journal are solely those of the author.

10. It is mandatory to fill and send the contract of assignment of intellectual property rights.

11. The citation format must be at the end of each page and according to the guidelines of the journal, which are as follow

11.1 Book citation:

Name and last name of the author. Name of the work in italics.  Publisher. City, year. Pages.

If it's necessary to specify the pages, it should be done as follows:

P. 23. If it's only one page

P. 23 s.  If it's one page and the one that follows.

P. 23 ss.  If it's one page and the followings (short extension).

P. 23 - 54 If it's a long text.

For example:

Emile Durkheim. The elementary forms of the religious life. Free Press. New York, 1965.

If page citation is necessary:

Emile Durkheim. The elementary forms of the religious life. Free Press. New York, 1965.
P. 23 - 54.

Citation of a series:

Name and last name of the author. Title of the article or text. In: Title of the book that contains the referenced text. Publisher. City, year. Pages

In case that the repetition of the source is necessary:

The same consequent reference:


The same reference but not consequent:

Name and last name of the author. Two first words of the title (…). Op. Cit. Pages.

11.2 Reference of documents from historic archives.

For the first time:

Place of the inquiry. Section. Title of the document. Place and Date of creation of the document. Number.

For example:

Archivo General de la Nación. Caciques e Indios. Carta de Santiago López de Castilla, Antonio Narváez y Basilio García, a Juan Francisco Gutiérrez de Piñeres, Regente Visitador, en que anuncian el envío de los documentos relativos al nuevo arancel de los derechos de los oficiales reales. Santa Marta, 1789. Folios 424.

To cite references in the same place for the second time and forward:

Abreviación del lugar de la consulta. Sección. Título del documento. Lugar y Fecha de creación del documento. N° de Folios.

For example:

AGN. Caciques e Indios. Carta de Manuel Contreras, al Visitador General, Juan Francisco Gutiérrez de Piñeres, en que le notifica que está haciendo las diligencias necesarias para remitir el arancel de los derechos de los oficiales reales. Santa Marta 1782. Folio 503.

11.3 Citation of an article or text in a magazine:

Name and last name of the author. Title of the text. In: Title o the journal in italics. Volumen, number. Place, date of edition.

For example:

Gabriela Medrano. Los Ritos Patrios en Maracaibo durante el gobierno de Juan Vicente Gómez. En: Memorias Revista digital de historia y arqueología desde el Caribe. N° 12. Barranquilla, 2010.


Sending of manuscripts

It is mandatory to previously register and identify in order to send articles and for the purpose of verifying the process of article reception.

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