ISSN 0122-5197
printed version

ISSN 2248-6992
online version
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Scope and policy

Manuscript preparation

Manuscripts should be unpublished texts that present findings of completed historical research, discussion papers using research findings, or review papers that present thorough historiographical and bibliographical systemizations. Papers that are being reviewed or considered for acceptance by other publications may not be submitted for publication in Memory and Society. Additionally, the journal will consider publishing Spanish translations of papers published in foreign journals. These translations should include the title and publication date of the original text, the journal’s title, the editor’s address and a letter from the author or the editor in which the reproduction in Spanish is authorized. Reviews of books related to the contemporary discussion of historical knowledge should have a maximum length of seven (7) pages, double spaced, and should follow the structure described below.

Manuscripts should be sent in a Word file to Memoria y Sociedad’s e-mail address: The journal is published twice a year. In order to optimize review and editing schedules, deadlines have been established as following: for the first issue of the year manuscripts will be accepted until November 30th of the year before, for the second issue contributions may be submitted until May 30th.

Papers should include a separate sheet with the following information about the author(s): full name, nationality, postal address, e-mail, level of education, name of the university where the most recent grade was obtained, current affiliation, recent publications and subject areas of interest. Additionally, if the paper reports findings of original research, this sheet should include title, dates and sponsors of the research project in question.

Once Memoria y Sociedad receives the manuscript, the author will be sent a notification and the editing process will begin. The manuscript will be sent to the editorial board for a first selection round. The selected papers will be subjected to a double-blind peer review. Reviewers will fill out an evaluation form established by the journal. Once the articles are reviewed, they will be sent back to the authors for corrections according to the remarks of the reviewers. Authors will have a limited amount of time to send the revised version of their manuscripts. During the review and editing processes, contact between the journal and the authors will be via e-mail. The authors of the papers that are accepted to be published will sign a letter in which they state that the article is original, unpublished, and is not participating in other review or publishing processes. Once the articles are published, authors will receive one copy of the issue in which their paper appears, plus a digital copy.

The journal reserves the right to make style corrections, with prior notice to the authors for their approval. The content of articles is the exclusive responsibility of their authors, who guarantee that during its creation the Colombian law was not violated, and does not represent opinions of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Any use or exploitation of the content will respect Colombian legislation and the licenses or authorizations granted by the authors, and will serve the purpose of facilitating, disseminating and promoting research, learning and teaching.

General structure of manuscripts

Articles should include a title that represents its content and an abstract of no more than 150 words, which should offer information about the principles of the study and its aims, methodology, results and main conclusions. The abstract should be accompanied by four to six key words. Abstract and key words should be sent in both English and Spanish.

Titles and subtitles must be numbered (1, 2, 3, 3.1, 3.2, etc.) and in bold font, while introduction and conclusions should not be numbered.

Manuscripts should be no more the thirty five (35) pages in length (letter sheet size), double spaced with margins 3x3x3x3 cm including footnotes and a bibliography at the end of the text in which primary and secondary sources should be separated (ca. 9.000 words). Font should be Times New Roman, size 12 for the text body and size 10 for footnotes.

Literal quotes that exceed four lines should form a new paragraph, single spaced, font size 11 and reduced margins.

Tables and charts, diagrams and photographs should be sent separately with a minimal resolution of 300 dpi, JPG or TIFF file formats. Their respective descriptions must be included and should state source, title and their place in the text.

Rules for quotation

The journal’s rules for quotation are an adaptation of the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, Humanities Style version. In the text, a footnote’s number should be put right behind the word or when the quotation ends, without additional spacing. All and only the quotations used in footnotes should be included in the bibliography at the end of the manuscript. In the following list of examples, the different quotations rules for footnotes and bibliography are marked with an (F) or a (B), respectively:

Books (one to three authors):
Javier Sáenz Obregón; Óscar Saldarriaga y Armando Ospina, Mirar la infancia: pedagogía, moral y modernidad en Colombia, 1903-1946 (Bogotá: Colciencias, 1997), 34.
Sáenz Obregón, Javier; Óscar Saldarriaga y Armando Ospina. Mirar la infancia: pedagogía, moral y modernidad en Colombia, 1903-1946. Bogotá: Colciencias, 1997.

Books (more than three authors):
Edward O. Laumann et al., The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994).
Laumann, Edward O. et al. The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Edited books:
César Torres y Saúl Rodríguez, ed., De milicias reales a militares contrainsurgentes. La institución militar en Colombia del Siglo XVIII al XXI (Bogotá: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2008).
Torres, César y Saúl Rodríguez, ed. De milicias reales a militares contrainsurgentes. La institución militar en Colombia del Siglo XVIII al XXI. Bogotá: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2008.

Chapter in an edited book:
Santiago Castro-Gómez, “Señales en el cielo, espejos en la tierra: La Exhibición del Centenario y los laberintos de la interpelación”, en Genealogías de la colombianidad. Formaciones discursivas y tecnologías de gobierno en los Siglos XIX y XX, ed. Santiago Castro-Gómez y Eduardo Restrepo (Bogotá: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2008), 223.
Castro-Gómez, Santiago. “Señales en el cielo, espejos en la tierra: La Exhibición del Centenario y los laberintos de la interpelación”. En Genealogías de la colombianidad. Formaciones discursivas y tecnologías de gobierno en los Siglos XIX y XX, editado por Santiago Castro-Gómez y Eduardo Restrepo, 222-253. Bogotá: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2008.

Book by an institutional author:
Ministerio de Fomento, Colombia, Informe del Ministro de Fomento al Congreso de la República de Colombia en sus sesiones ordinarias de 1890 (Bogotá: Imprenta de Antonio María Silvestre, 1890), 45.
Ministerio de Fomento, Colombia. Informe del Ministro de Fomento al Congreso de la República de Colombia en sus sesiones ordinarias de 1890. Bogotá: Imprenta de Antonio María Silvestre, 1890.

Journal article:
Fabián Prieto, “Una anatomía de la población colombiana: la técnica estadística en Colombia y el levantamiento del censo de población en 1912”, Memoria y Sociedad 9, no. 19 (2005): 59.
Prieto, Fabián. “Una anatomía de la población colombiana: la técnica estadística en Colombia y el levantamiento del censo de población en 1912”. Memoria y Sociedad 9, no. 25 (2005): 55-67.

Newspaper article:
Jineth Bedoya Lima, “En el Vaupés se levanta la primera hidroeléctrica en medio de la selva”, El Tiempo [Bogotá], 18 de junio, 2007, 2.
Bedoya Lima, Jineth. “En el Vaupés se levanta la primera hidroeléctrica en medio de la selva”. El Tiempo [Bogotá], 18 de junio, 2007, 1-5.

Thesis or dissertations:
Stefan Pohl-Valero, “La ‘circulación’ de la energía: una historia cultural de la termodinámica en la España de la segunda mitad del Siglo XIX” (Tesis doctoral, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 2007), 4-8, 15.
Pohl-Valero, Stefan. “La ‘circulación’ de la energía: una historia cultural de la termodinámica en la España de la segunda mitad del Siglo XIX”. Tesis doctoral, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 2007.

Jaime Jaramillo Uribe, interviewed by the author, Bogota, June 15th, 2007.
Jaramillo Uribe, Jaime. Interviewed by the autor. Bogota, June 15th, 2007.

For archive references and quotations, and any other document deposits, the structure of the archive should be followed. For example, the Colombian General Archive of the Nation:

AGN, Colonia section, Tributos, vol. 4, exp. 12, f. 123.
General Archive of the Nation (AGN), Bogotá-Colombia, Colonia section, Tributos, vol. 4, exp. 12, f. 123.

Electronic sources:
Norman R. Yetman, “An Introduction to the WPA Slave Narratives”. Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938. (accessed June 3rd, 2008).
Yetman, Norman R. “An Introduction to the WPA Slave Na

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