ISSN 0121-0319
printed version

ISSN 1794-5240
online version



Scope and policy

MÉDICAS UIS, the Journal of Medical Students of Universidad Industrial de Santander, with 5 years of experience, has established itself as the first one, created and edited only by students in the country. It is also the third oldest of its kind in Latin America. Through its publications of scientific-medical kind, it aims at the dissemination of scientific and training of its readers in various fields of biomedical knowledge and specialties in the field of health. MÉDICAS UIS is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students in the area of health, general practitioners, specialists and other professionals related to human health, who receives information from a wide variety of topics distributed in the various sections of the publication. The articles are created by students, teachers, researchers, practitioners and specialists who aim to show the results of their work or research findings. Also, these are evaluated and endorsed by highly qualified scientist specialists in their field, according to the criteria of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and the National Bibliographic Index PUBLINDEX-Colciencias Colombia. MÉDICAS UIS publishes every four months and it is published in the city of Bucaramanga, Santander Department, Colombia.


Form and preparation of manuscripts


Once manuscripts are received, they are valued by the First Assessment Committee of MÉDICAS UIS, which is attached to the Department of Publishing Possibilities. In this review, it is set if the text meets the minimum requirements outlined in Publication: classification, components and interest to the community. With this observation, it is determined whether this should be applied again to the author or it has the possibility of being published.

Any document that is a candidate for publication in MÉDICAS UIS, then it proceeds to the Editorial Department. At this time, the reception date is established and an editor is assigned, this editor will be responsible for ensuring the design, literary and scientific manuscript quality. This editor will conduct a further review to check the minimum components include publishing and editorial sections such as letterhead and subspecialty. If the manuscript is accepted, the text will be reviewed further by the chief of Editorial Department, who formalized the entry within MÉDICAS UIS Editorial Process. Within this, multiple rounds of review and verification will be performed by the committees Editor Specialist Internal and External Consultant, made up of scientists with MSc or PhD degree in the area, who ensure the highest quality literary and scientific accuracy.

Once the necessary rounds are performed, the number and duration is set according to the complexity, type, quality and length of the text, we proceed to the drafting of Opinion Editorial, a document in which are recorded all corrections, opinions and suggestions collected during the reviews mentioned. The Editorial Opinion has a response time limit by the author of two to three weeks, depending on the nature of the same. Upon receipt of this reply, the managing editor proceeds to review the information changed or added, provided that, this has been in line with the request and therefore has the criteria for publication, is in that moment when you set the date reception. MÉDICAS UIS reserves the right to publish based on scientific and literary standards that drive, so the fact that an item starts the editorial process does not require a final termination of the process and its subsequent dissemination.

After the publication of the document has been accepted, we proceed to the conversion of the graphical environment based on the design parameters of MEDICAL UIS, this process is called Layout. After completing this step, make new rounds of review or lasers, to detect new errors of form or style that can keep the text. Then proceed to the correction of such errors and sending the manuscript to the authors diagrammed process called Galley. It is at this point that the authors make the final corrections of important details that are diagrammed in article, having a term of not more than 48 hours of receipt. If no response is received within the stipulated time, the MÉDICAS UIS Manager Editor, he would automatically accepted final publication and article will instance departments MÉDICAS UISL Marketing and Publications at the University of Industrial Santander, who guarantee the print and online publication of the final manuscript.

MÉDICAS UIS publishes only unpublished works and publication rights should be assigned exclusively to MÉDICAS UIS. With the proposal for publication of an article that has been exposed in an academic event or disclosed in other means of publication, the author must inform the Department of Publishing Possibilities.

MÉDICAS UIS reserves the right to make changes in the text of articles in order to improve the language and information presented when it is absolutely necessary. MEDICAL UIS assumes no responsibility for the views expressed by the authors.

Manuscripts can be sent to emails: or These addresses are protected from spam thefts. The electronic format must be sent in format. Doc or. Docx with the parameters that will be mentioned below.


Original article or scientific and technological research Article: This document presents, in detail, the original results of research projects completed. The structure generally used contains four important parts: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

Reflection article: This document presents results of completed research from an analytical, interpretative or critical, on a specific topic, using original sources.

Review article: these are systematic reviews of the scientific literature are detailed studies, selective and critics that try to analyze and integrate essential information from primary studies research on a specific health problem, in order to account for the advances and trends development. It is characterized by a careful review of the literature of at least 50 references. It differs from a meta-analysis article in the latter the author presents a reasonable synthesis with a statistical analysis of the results found in studies.

Topic Review: This document is the result of a critical review of the literature on a particular topic.

Case presentation: this is a review and presentation of clinical cases of medical interest, accompanied by a review of the literature based on the exposure and found epidemiologically usual in the case. Minimum 20 references included in the text.

Clinical cases: these are academic exercises of interpretation of clinical history and laboratory test results, aimed at exposing difficult cases, unusual or atypical presentation suggesting a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge.

Letters to the editor: these are comments of general interest to the field of health or articles published in MEDICAS UIS. Similarly, trials of medical legislation, its implications, social and economic impact, perspectives and constructive conclusions that open space for discussion and questioning based our position on policy issues pertaining to health.

Medicine history: These are historical aspects of relevance in any area of medicine. They are suggested readings at the end.

Current biomedical: in this type of article demonstrates the latest advances in the biomedical sciences, policy or institutions editorial standards and current education policy in biomedicine.



  • Unpublished.
  • Format. Doc or. Docx.
  • Single column - justified.
  • Space 1.5.
  • Sheet size letter, legal or A4.
  • Letter type Calibri, Arial or Times New Roman.
  • Standard size.
  • Black ink.
  • Title centered.
  • Specialty interest.


  • As a requirement, the article must be accompanied by a letter signed digitized physical or author and all coauthors, which clearly express that the submitted manuscript has been read and approved by each and every one of them to be sent to MÉDICAS UIS. Also, the authorship letter should clarify that the rights of publication of the article will be transferred as an exclusive to our publication and it must state that has not been previously published or submitted simultaneously to another journal.


  • Bright.
  • Short and concise.
  • Easy to read.
  • Should include important information.
  • Maximum limit of 15 words, excluding definite and indefinite articles (the, a, an), and 25 for articles Colciencias.


  • Full names.
  • Use hyphen between the names if you want both to appear in the bibliography.
  • List them in ascending order as their "importance" in the conduct of the article or the ranking of the research group.
  • List by asterisks (*), to be correlated in the credits.
  • Authors with the same academic and institutional affiliation are marked with the same number of asterisks.


  • They must be included at least: academic title (s), organization that is linked now, sponsor, city and country. Separated by all points.
  • Students and residents should indicate program level, semester or year of training (Roman numeral), School and / or Faculty, as provided by the training entity.
  • Medical graduates will be noted with the initials MD. (Medical Doctor), abbreviations and other securities.


  • Responsible group or author's contact information.
  • At least, it must be included the surname of the recipient and a complete written correspondence address, as is stipulated in the national postal service, including neighborhood, city, country and where possible, zip. Telephone, fax and e-mail are optional.
  • It must be mentioned the phone number or fax, you must add the international dialing code (+57 for Colombia).
  • The mail reference or e-mail must correspond to the labor office of the group (if any) or the address of the corresponding author.

  • Please write down only a postal address, email and phone number.


  • It must be noted the ideas and the main findings of the text.
  • Usually a single paragraph.
  • It contains acronyms, abbreviations, citations or references to tables or figures

Please note some details that are often overlooked:

  • It is written in the past tense.
  • In specialized texts and original articles, it can be structured as the parts hereto.
  • Limit of 1000 characters, including spaces and 1800, for Colciencias articles.


  • They are sought and recorded by most search engines and the main vehicle for an article to be found and read.
  • Minimum limit of three words or terms, which must be directly related to the text.
  • Avoid using too general terms.
  • They are to be found in the medical dictionary descriptors Health Sciences, DeCS.


  • Scientific texts must submit the title, abstract and keywords in at least two languages. Therefore, they should be almost verbatim transcripts, without adding or omitting information.
  • By default, if the document is in Spanish, the second language is English.
  • If the document is written in English, by default, the second language is Spanish.
  • If the document is written in a language other than English or Spanish, the second language may be any of these two.
  • The Key Words must be entered in the Medical Subject Headings, MeSH.

The body of the article should take at least these sections:

  • Introduction (may include objectives and epidemiology).
  • Development of text or subcomponents.
  • Acceptance ethics and conflicts of interest (being RT, it is necessary to review by ethics committee).
  • Results and discussion.
  • Conclusions.
  • Acknowledgements (optional).
  • references
  • Annexes

These parties must usually be stated as a subtitle or section of the article.
The annexes are not included within the body, but as the final section of the article. Nevertheless it must be cited.

Please, be careful with:

  • The arguments must be presented in a clear and coherent.
  • It must be taken care to keep the timeline of the study or the events.
  • References are listed in order as they appear in the text.
  • Acronyms and abbreviations will be accepted if and only if they are used at least three times within the text. Otherwise, you must enter the full names.
  • Avoid excessive use of parentheses and single sentence paragraphs.
  • Never overlook that section is read also by foreigners.
  • At the end of the titles or subtitles do not use punctuation.


  • The numbers must correspond to those cited in the text.
  • When writing you must be based on MÉDICAS UIS guide for submission of references, which in turn was influenced by the standards established in the Vancouver Protocol for publishing scientific texts.
  • No references limit.
  • The threshold depends on the type of item (no subject Revisions).
  • Avoid using old references (before 2006), especially if it is about procedures or treatments.



  • They must be in. JPG, . JPEG or. BMP (graphics may also be presented in Excel or Power Point), and separate files containing different from the text of the article. It must also be added a copy in the annex section of the text.
  • Avoid displaying images with low resolution or bad quality.
  • It is considered appropriate to add some short caption explaining the intent or what to display with such material.


  • It must be submitted in Word, PowerPoint or Excel, and be modifiable.
  • Any table presented as image format or. PDF will be rejected.
  • It may be included in the appendices section of text or delivered as a separate document.


Sending of manuscripts

Manuscripts can be sent to emails: or These addresses are protected from spam thefts. The electronic format must be sent in format. Doc or. Docx with the parameters that will be mentioned below.

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© 2014

School of Medical

Universidad Insdustrial de Santander


Carrera 32 N° 29 - 31
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Faculty of Health
Edificio Eloy Valenzuela (Edificio Antiguo), Cuarto Piso Oficina 408
School of Medical
Apartado Aéreo 40598.
Bucaramanga – Colombia
Telefax: (57) (097) 6344000 Extención: 3400