ISSN 0121-7550
printed version


Basic Information

Nómadas was first published in 1994 by the former Research Department (DIUC), current Institute for Contemporary Social Studies (IESCO), of Universidad Central (Bogotá - Colombia). Within the field of social sciences, it has a monographic character and its published twice a year.

Nómadas has become a space for discussing, from a critic perspective, relevant social problems regarding the Latin American region; the journal wants to contribute to generate scientific culture in and outside the University, and at the same time is a scenario to present and debate the major findings of IESCO's research programs.

The journal is divided into the following sections:

  • Editorial: Critic and analytic presentation of the monographic topic, its orientations and positions.
  • Monographic topic: The topic is selected rigorously from those outlined by IESCO's research programs.
  • Creation processes: An important space for art and culture.
  • New Nomads: Space for reflections and findings of young researchers in formation.
  • Reflections from the University: It is a space for research production within the Universidad Central.
  • Reviews: Are of two types: research reviews (from IESCO, the Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, of Universidad Central), and books reviews.
  • Information Services

    The articles published in Nómadas are indexed or summarized by:

    Publíndex de Colciencias (B)
    CSA Sociological Abstracts
    International Political Science Association (IPSA)
    Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI)
    Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
    SCIELO - Colombia


    © Universidad Central


    The publication of this journal is financially supported by: 

    • Universidad Central
    • Compensar

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    Creative Commons License All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License

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    Bogotá, Colombia

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