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Nómadas wants its articles to be of the highest academic quality. To guarantee this, has defined that there has to be a responsible group for the academic coordination of each issue. It has both an academic and a scientific committee of prestige and scientific production, and establishes quality control mechanisms by peer reviewing. The topics published in Nómadas have a global perspective but also refer to regional Latin American problems. |
Both the indexed character of the journal as its vocation to have a high quality publication makes us peer review all the articles, process made by two academic peers that are recognized in the article's topic. Each article is sent to the two evaluators who, in the end, decide about its publication. If the evaluators' concepts are contradictory, a third evaluator settles the problem. The evaluators read critically the articles and present their written concept, according to specific parameters. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
Article heading. First page of text. Citations and Bibliography WINNER, Langdon, 1987, La ballena y el reactor, una búsqueda de los límites en la era de la alta tecnología, Barcelona, Gedisa. MUÑOZ, Darío, 2006, "Sexualidades 'ilegítimas'. Biopolítica heterosexista y política de reconocimiento", en: Nómadas, No. 24, Bogotá, Universidad Central Central - IESCO. ROSTAGNOL, Susana, 2004, "Posibilidades y limitaciones del activismo sociosexual en el contexto uruguayo", in: Josefina Fernández y Paula Viturro (comps.), Cuerpos ineludibles. Un diálogo a partir de las sexualidades en América Latina, Buenos Aires, Ají de pollo. MINISTRY of National Education, 1995, La Identidad, Bogotá, Colombia. LEÓN, O.; S. Burch y E. Tamayo, 2001, Movimientos sociales en la red, Quito, Latin American Information Agency, taken from <http://alainet.org/publica/msred/>, consulted in September 2006. |
All the proposals must be sent to the e-mail nomadas@ucentral.edu.co |
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