ISSN 1794-2470 versión impresa



Scope and policy

NOVA is a scientific publication of Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca University (Colombia) and the UNAD (Colombia), whose primary purpose is the dissemination of original works that contribute to increase knowledge in the biomedical sciences. All submitted for publication in NOVA material is reviewed by the Editorial Board and submitted for external review to two reviewers or scientific peers. The editor informs the authors about the reception of work, on the comments of the reviewers and the final decision taken for publication. NOVA Journal reserves the right to accept or reject articles and may make suggestions or changes designed to improve its presentation.

Selection and evaluation of manuscripts submitted for publication

All materials received will go through peer review of expert evaluators in the respective subject. The originals of the items remain in the archives of up to one year. The author will receive, free of charge, 3 copies of the magazine.
- The submitted articles should be original and not have been submitted to any other publication.
- Must be delivered in electronic format (CD) or sent via email to the address of the Journal: Word plain and contain all necessary for evaluation and publication material.
- The text must be accompanied by a summary of the resume of who or who wrote it.
- The brief must contain a summary in Spanish and English not exceeding 250 words. It is recommended that the purpose of study or research are indicated, the basic procedures used, the main results and the main conclusions of the article.
- It must provide and identify as such 3 to 6 key words in Spanish and English.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Original article: unpublished work is derived from a biomedical research provides new information on specific issues and contributes significantly to the scientific knowledge. The structure generally used contains four major sections: introduction, methodology, results and discussion.

Review article: Study and critical analysis of recent literature relevant to a particular topic over the views of the author's subject (impersonal). It consists of a "state of art" of the proposed topic, and includes two categories of manuscripts:

A. I requested directly by the Editorial Committee to experts on the subject,
B. offered by professionals interested in a particular topic, in which case should observe the following recommendations:

i) Submit a letter of application which why the topic chosen is indicated relevant to readers of Nova;
ii) Provide a brief description of the sections to be covered as well as some key references; also indicate the likely extent and the approximate number of pictures;
iii) If the review is acceptable to send to assessment should preferably include an overview with emphasis on the significance of recent findings, a short introduction to the topic, pointing out landmarks past and present developments and other headings in the text, in order to make it profitable reading. The development of the subject is at the discretion of the author but it is advisable to include tables and figures that make agile the text and provide a faster understanding of its contents.

Academic Guide: is a work framed within the processes of formative research, outreach and / or pedagogical processes of interest to the university community developed in institutions of higher education on a specific topic, with the participation of teachers and students.

Short article: the report of partial or final results of an inquiry whose rapid disclosure is important. Note: 1000 is a work of words maximum, with a number of figures and tables not more than 2 and a summary should not exceed 100 words. The methods, results and discussion are grouped into one section.

Technical note: a written brief, which describes in detail a new laboratory technique or modifications to an established technique, emphasizing the advantages of the developed procedure or innovation.

Test: a short, philosophical, literary or scientific writing, which has supported the author's opinion on a specific topic.

Letters to the Editor: Readers have requested clarifications or comments about any material published in the magazine. Just as critical analytical or interpretive positions on documents published in the magazine, which in the opinion of the editorial board are important to the discussion of the topic by the scientific community of reference.

Bibliographic Comments: These are short essays, critics, biomedical books.

Preparation of manuscript: Stick to the directions issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical journals. Ann Intern Med 1997; 126 (1): 36-47 journals/resource/info4aut.htm

The Castilian version can be found in the journal Acta Medica Colombiana (Colomb Acta Med 1997; 22: 199-211) or Each of the sections of the manuscript should appear on a new page in the following order: title page, abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, tables, figure captions, and tables.

Portadilla: besides the title and headings shortstop for the title page should contain the full names of the authors, institutional affiliation and the name of the institution where I just took the job. You should also note the name of the author responsible for correspondence with your full address, telephone number, fax and email address.

Abstracts and keywords: work must be abstract in Spanish and English, each of 250 words. Avoid using references in the summaries. For section 6 key words in Spanish, see descriptors Health Sciences (MeSH) of the Index of Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS) in the latest release on CD or; to section 6 English keywords, see the Medical

Subject Headings (MeSH) of Index Medicus (

Text: entire document, including the title page, abstracts, references, tables and figure captions must be double-spaced, on one side of the sheet, leaving extra space between paragraphs; leave one space after the period followed or apart. Use Arial font size 12 and do not justify the text. Use italics or italics for scientific terms; Please do not underline. Electronic format: send mail through the word processor document in MS Word for PC. Include graphics in TIFF or JPG format at 300 DPI or more. The preferred source for the charts is Arial Narrow. If your files come from an Apple computer - Mac, convert them to PC platform. Include a list of files sent and the program in which they were developed.

Articles should contain seven basic parts, as follows:

1. Title (in Spanish and English). The title capitalized, accurate and abbreviations. The scientific names in Latin and in italics. Last and first names of all authors, institution, full postal address, fax number and email address of the author responsible for correspondence and shipping date.
2. Summary (Spanish and English) .In no more than 250 words in Spanish and English, must state the proposed investigation, basic procedures, main findings and conclusions. Supply required 6 to 10 keywords.
3. Introduction. Distribute the content as per the convenience of the topic, with subtitles or asides.
4. Materials and methods.
5. Results.
6. Discussion.
7. References.


Aimed at people with contributions do not justify accreditation as an author, for technical help, by type of material and financial support.


· Assign a number to each reference cited, in ascending order, including text, tables and figures. Record numbers of references in parentheses and as an index or subscript.
· When there is more than one appointment, they must be separated by commas, but if they are correlated, the first and last mentioned separated by a hyphen.
· When an author is mentioned in the text, the reference number is placed after the name of the author. If it were a work by more than two authors cited the first one followed by the abbreviation "et al" and its reference number.

1. Standard article.
Author / s *. Title of article. ** Abbreviation international magazine. year; (volume number): initial-end of the article.
Kolovou G, Daskalova D, Mikhailidis DP. Apolipoprotein E polymorphism and atheros-sclerosis. Angiology. 2003; 54 (2): 59-71.

* If the authors are more than six, the first six followed by et al mentioned.
** International abbreviations can be found in "Journals Database" in PubMed. The Spanish Catalog C17 ( or else in the DREV ( VHL Carlos III Institute of Health and the database Biomedical Journals ( IHCD Valencia.

Optional integration of unique identification number database for reference:
Most databases or electronic document includes a unique identification number for each reference (PubMed: PMID; Cocrhane Library: CD; DOI), which can be incorporated into the citation for perfect identification.
López-Palop R, Moreu J, Fernandez-Vazquez F, Hernandez Antolin R; Working Group on Cardiac Catheterization and Interventional Cardiology of the Spanish Society of Cardiology. Spanish Registry of Interventional Cardiology. XIII. Official Report of the Working Group on Cardiac Catheterization and Interventional Cardiology of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (1990-2003). Rev Esp Cardiol. 2004; 57 (11): 1076-1089. Cited in PubMed PMID 15544757.
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 1998, Issue 3 [database on the Internet]. Oxford: Update Software Ltd; 1998 [accessed 28 December 2005]. Wilt T, Mac Donald R, Ishani A, Rutks I, Stark G. benign prostatic hyperplasia Cernilton for. Available in: Cochrane Library.

1.2 Organization as author or equipment
Working Group of separ. Guidelines for the management of hepmotisis threatening. Bronconeumol 1997; 33: 31-40.

2. Books
Author / s. Title of book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; year.
Jimenez L, Montero FJ. Compendium of Emergency Medicine: therapeutic guide. 2nd ed. Madrid: Elsevier; 2005.

Note: The first edition is no need to record it. The issue is always written in Arabic numerals and abbreviation: 2nd ed. If the work was composed of more than one volume, I quote below the book title.

2.1 Organization as author
Community of Madrid. Mental Health Plan of the Community of Madrid 2003-2008. Madrid: Madrid, Ministry of Health; 2002.

2.2 Book chapter
Author / s of the chapter. Title of chapter. In * Director / Coordinator / Editor of the book. Title of book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; year. first-last chapter. Page
SJ Mehta. Abdominal pain. In: Friedman HH, editor. Manual of Medical Diagnosis. 5th ed. Barcelona: Masson; 2004. p.183-90.

3. Paper presented at conference
Author / s of the paper. Title of paper. In: Official Title of Congress. Place of Publication: Publisher; year. initial-final communication / presentation. page
Castro A, Escudero J. Area Heart "John Jinx" Hospital. In: Book of Papers: V Conference on Management and Evaluation of Health Care Costs. Bilbao; Ministry of Health, Basque Government; 2000.p. 12-22.
Note: This same structure applies to, symposia, etc. Scientific Meetings

4. Scientific or technical report
Author / s. Report Title. Place of publication: Bodies / editor Agency; year. Number or identification number of the report.
World Health Organization. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease: new research areas. Report of a WHO Scientific Group. Geneva: WHO; 1994. Technical Report Series 841.

5. Thesis
Author. Title of thesis [dissertation] *. Place of publication: Publisher; year. Muñiz J. Cross-sectional study of cardiovascular risk factors in children population of rural Galicia [dissertation]. Santiago: Publications Service and Exchange Scientist, University of Santiago; 1996.

6. Patent
Joshi R, Strebel HP, inventors; Fumapharm AG Holder. Use of fumaric acid derivatives in transplantation medicine. European patent. Is 2195609T3. 01/12/2003 Assignee.

7. Journal article online
Author / s of article. Title of article. Journal Name [online magazine] * year [date accessed] **; volume (number): [Extension / pages ***]. E-mail address.
French I, Barandiarán M, Marcellán T, Moreno L. psicocognoscitiva stimulation in dementia. An Sist Sanit Navar [online magazine] * 2003 September-December. [Access October 19, 2005]; 26 (3). Available in:
* Can be replaced with: [Journal Online], [Internet], [Online Magazine]
** [Access ....], [Accessed ...] [Cited ...]
*** If you would record.

8. Database on the Internet
Institution / Author. Title [database on the Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Creation date [update; date accessed]. E-mail address.
PubMed [database on the Internet]. Bethesda: National Library of Medicine; 1966 [access date December 19, 2005]. Available in:

For other references, not included in the examples, see:

Tables and figures: Tables develop utility tables using word processing and not by columns and tabulated in the text of the manuscript itself; send the names of the files. For the figures in black and white, send the original and two copies of an illustration accompanied by its version on magnetic media in tiff or jpg format. 300dpi. resolution and at least a half-size card. Charts developed in Exell, please forward the original file. If they are black and white, you must submit three copies of excellent quality along with the version on magnetic media, tiff or jpg at least 300dpi resolution; if they are transparencies, send the original slide and not a copy, along with two prints on paper (photocopy or scan, attaching a copy on magnetic media, tiff format at 300dpi minimum resolution) of the same image for shipment to assessors manuscript. In microscopic preparations, mention coloration and increased according to the lens used.



Sending of manuscripts

The author(s) must upload the manuscript to the following link:, before, he has to create his user and id as author and continue with the instructions on that link. The file must be sent in Word format or something compatible. The figures and diagrams must be upload in a different file with their corresponding labels. The original document with the illustrations will be required only when the document had been accepted for its publication.

Additional Information

For additional information or queries about the instructions to authors, visit the online sends or write us at the email addresses.

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© 2014

Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca

Calle 28 No. 6-02, San Diego
Bogotá, Colombia