ISSN 0121-182X
printed version




The "Prolegómenos - Derechos y Valores" Magazine is a biannual journal with numbers attached Research Center of the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, which aims to highlight the products of both institutional research and other entities or educational institutions related to the discipline of law.



The "Prolegómenos - Derechos y Valores" Magazine is a biannual journal with numbers attached Research Center of the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (Colombia Bogota), which aims to highlight the products of both institutional and research other organizations or educational institutions related to the discipline of law. The magazine is currently indexed in Colciencias category B and is part of the foundations of Redalyc, SciELO Colombia, DOAJ, Latindex, Ebsco Host, Google Scholar and Dialnet data.

The public to whom it is addressed are researchers, teachers, students, public and private institutions of national and international order related to the different branches of law.


Instructions to authors

The articles to be submitted for their publication in the magazine Prolegómenos Derechos y Valores have to fulfill the next criterion:

  1. Only original writings and unpublished investigation process results will be published.
  2. The official language of the magazine is Spanish. Articles in English and Portuguese will also be received.
  3. The submitted articles that fulfill the demanded requirements and are assessed by the editorial and scientific committee, will be subjected to a process of evaluation through arbitration. The designated arbitrators are external and the “double blind” system will be used in order to guarantee anonymity.
  4. The evaluated articles will be sent back to their authors for making the corresponding corrections, or containing the required comments.
  5. Once a work is accepted, the author has to transfer the copyright to the Political, Legal and Social Research Center of the Faculty of Law in the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada.

The contents and profile of the articles have to adjust to only one of the next categories:

Article of investigation and innovation:

Document that shows the original and unpublished production, published in a magazine of scientific, technological or academic contents, resulting from investigation, reflection or revision processes, which has been subject of evaluation in pairs. In no case there will be accepted as an article of investigation and innovation contributions such as publications not obtained from investigation, summaries, communications to congresses, letters to the editor, book reviews, bibliographies, institutional bulletins, editorial notes, necrologies, news or translations of articles previously published in other means, opinion piece or conjunction, and similar writings (this even applies in the cases in which it is proved that the mentioned types of contribution have been subject of evaluation in pairs).

In turn, an article of investigation can be classified in:

  • Article of scientific and technological investigation. Document that shows, in a detailed way, the original results of investigation projects already finished. The structure generally used contains four important sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.
  • Article of reflection. Text that shows results of investigation finished from an analytic, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, about a specific subject, turning to original sources. It is a type of critical study with results and contributions.
  • Article of revision. Document that results from a finished investigation, where results of published and unpublished investigations are analyzed, systematized and integrated, on a field of science or technology, in order to give an account of progresses and trends of development. It is characterized by showing a careful bibliographic revision of at least fifty references.

The postulated article has to take into account the next formal aspects:

  1. Title, whose maximum extension is twenty words. The finished investigation project to which the product belongs, the university institution and, if applies, the group of investigation to which the postulated article corresponds, have to be outlined in footnote. Besides, it has to be said if it corresponds to an investigation, reflection or revision article, according to Colciencias typologies.
  2. Author(s). In footnote it has to be done a short description about their studies, institutional link and e-mail.
  3. Summary, in the language that the article is written, with a maximum of 150 words. It has to contain the main objectives of the investigation, scope, methodology used and main results and conclusions. It has to be clear, coherent and concise, for which it is suggested to revise and verify data, syntax, spelling, not to make mistakes and not to include bibliographic references.
  4. Key words. Maximum six.
  5. Title, summary and key words in a second language. They will always be in English, unless the article is written in this language, in which case the second language will be Spanish.
  6. Introduction. The investigation problem, the objectives, the methodology and an approach to the topic have to be clearly identified. One thousand words, maximum.
  7. Conclusions.
  8. When graphs or tables are used, they have to be numbered, with their corresponding title and source (quote or own work).
  9. The maximum extension of the articles is thirty pages, according to the next specifications: Arial 12 points, interline 1,5, letter size and 3 cm margin in all sides.
  10. Quotes and bibliographic references according to APA norms (sixth edition).


Refereeing Process

The articles have to be sent to the e-mail

committee to assess the approval of delivery to arbitrators. The editorial committee reserves the right to select the articles that fulfill the criterion demanded by the magazine.

There will not be refund of the originals given for revision, that’s why it is important that the author or authors keep a copy with all the modifications done for revision effects. The editorial committee also reserves the right to modify the form of the article for it to fulfill the revision requirements, according to the layout internally outlined for each publication.

The magazine will give formal receipt only to articles resulting from investigation, which fulfill APA norms and the clauses that appear in this document.


Reference style

Thereupon, some examples about APA norms are explained:

APA norms carry out the quotation inside the body of the text, not in footnote. The bibliography is named references and is placed at the end of the document. The textual quotes with less than 40 words are written between quotation marks (“ ”) inside the body of the text. The textual quotes with more than 40 words are written outside the body of the text and with indentation. In both cases cursive is not used, and the author’s last name, year of publication and page have to be added at the end of each quote.

Example: “The notary carries out a public function, and his behavior is regulated by the legislation corresponding to each State” (Barba, 2014, p. 5).

If the quote is indirect (paraphrase of the original quote) there are no quotation marks, but the author and the reference year.

Example: For Witker (2011) services are the new objects of international trading.

Rules according to the number of authors

One or two authors

Example of quote in text: (Cotino, 2000) or (Marquez and Galindo, 2010).

Example of reference: Cotino, L. (2012). The right to education as a fundamental right. Special attention to its social benefit dimension. Madrid: Center of Political and Constitutional Studies.

Between three and five authors

Example of quote in text: (Liñán, López and Mangas, 2012).

When there are three, four or five authors, all of them are written in the first quote and in the next quotes only the last name of the first author is written, followed by the abbreviation et al. With the previous example, the subsequent quotes would be: (Liñan, et al., 2012)..

Example of reference: Liñán, J., López, D. & Mangas, A. (2012). Institutions and rights of European Union. Madrid: Tecnos.

Six or more authors

From the first quote, only the last name of the first author is written, followed by the abbreviation et al.

Example of quote in text: (Procacci et al., 1976).

Example of reference: Procacci, G. et al. (1976). The great debate. Madrid: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.

Corporate authors

Example of quote in text: (Office in Colombia of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2003).

Example of reference: Office in Colombia of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. (2003). Compilation of Jurisprudence and national and international doctrine. Volume IV. Bogota: HCHR.


References are a list with detailed information about the sources quoted in the document. All the authors who appear in the text have to be in the reference list, and viceversa.


Author’s last name, Name’s Initial. (Year). Title. City of publication: Editorial.


Sabine, G. (1998). History of Political Theory. Bogotá D.C.: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Chapters or parts of book

Author’s last name, Name’s Initial of the authors of the chapter. (Year of puplication). Title of the chapter. In: Last name, Name’s Initial of compilators (eds.). Title of book. (Pages of chapter). City of publication: Editorial.


López, M. & Cárdenas, A. C. (2010). El sistema monetario internacional. In: Hinojosa, L. M. & Roldán, J. (eds.) Derecho Internacional Económico. (p. 273-295). Madrid: Marcial Pons.

Article of academic magazine (journal)

Author’s Last Name, Name´s Initial. (Year). Title of the article. Title of the periodical publication, volume(number), pages.


Soto, F. (2013). Referendum in Latin America: an analysis from compared Law. Boletín Mexicano de Derecho Comparado, 136(4), pp. 317-346.

Article of news

Last Name, Name’s Initial. (day, month and year). Title of the article. Title of the news, page.


Galindo, F. (January 23rd 2013). Radical reform to health system. El Tiempo, p. 8.

Document presented in congress, conference or meeting

Last Name, Name’s Initial. (Year). Title of the document. Name of the congress or conference. Date and city where it took place.


Restrepo, D. I. (2003). Future of descentralization: experiences of fifteen years and perspectives. Second Meeting Colombia Towards Peace. March 15-19, Bogotá D. C.

Information of a website

Author. (Date). Title. Available in: website


Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. (s. f.). Summons 2015. Available in:

Online articles

Author. (Date). Title of the article. Title of the publication. Available in: website.


Stiglitz, J. (May 16th 2015). Corporations and their secret control taking. El Espectador. Available in:


Number and year of the law. Subject. Date of promulgation. Number in the official newspaper.


Law 1407/2010. For which Military Penal Code is issued. August 17th. Official newspaper 47.804.


Tribunal that utters sentence. Courtroom or section (in case it applies). Number of sentence or process (Magistrate/Counselor/Judge), date.


Corte Constitucional de Colombia. Sentencia T-388/2009 (MP: Humberto Antonio Sierra Por¬to), May 28.

Levels of titles


Titles of first level: marked with capital letter (A, B, C, etc.) and the title has to be in small letter and bold.

Example: A. State of art of penal law in Latin America

Titles of second level: marked with roman numbers (I, II, III, etc.) and the title has to be in small letter and bold.

Example: I. Colombian penal law

Titles of third level: marked with arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) and the title has to be in small letter and bold.

Example: 1. Period 1950-1976

Titles of fourth level: text in cursive letter and without bold.

Ejemplo: Normative setting

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All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

© 2015 Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Derecho: Carrera 11 No. 101 - 80 Bloque B Piso 1.
Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
Conmutador: (57+1) 6500000. Ext. 1236