ISSN 0121-2494
printed version


Focus and Scope

Pedagogia y Saberes magazine is biannual publishing of the investigation Colombian Education magazine is a biannual publishing of the investigation center of National Pedagogic University since 1978, and it has sought for being a publishing of reference for people who works on education and pedagogy. The audience to whom it is addressed is to specialists on educative and pedagogic topics, to the magistery in general and to undergraduated and posgraduated students of educational areas, social sciences and humanities.

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts have a phased edition process. First, articles should be given a preliminary assessment by the Editorial Board, the Director, and the Editor of each issue, who determine the relevance of the publication.

Once topic requirements met besides the formalities specified in this
guide, the article will be sent to 2 anonymous academic peers specialized
in each topic, who will determine one of these:

a. Publish
b. Publish including changes
c. Do not publish

Article then will be sent to a third arbitrator whose decision will define the publication if discrepancy between them. The results of the evaluation process will
be final in any case.

Author Guidelines

Pedagogia y Saberes is a publication by Universidad Pedagógica Nacional’s Research Center DGP-CIUP, primarily engaged to disseminate educational research papers and theoretical studies on education. For this purpose, topic issues are released biyearly. Be sure to consult the issue before submitting any contribution.

Guidelines for Submitting Articles

1. Articles may not exceed 20 pages or 40,000 characters, including space for graphics, tables and illustrations. Bibliographic references are not included within the total indicated.
2. Articles will be delivered in letter format, 1.5 spaced, font Arial, size 12. Set margins as follows: 3 cm each side, header 2 cm, and footer 2.5.
3. Footnotes have a number sequence; just few and brief as possible; only for text clarification text but not books cited. Books only in bibliographic references.
4. All pages should be numbered, including bibliographic references.
5. A separate sheet should include the author's name; academic degrees, indicating institution(s); mailing address; institution affiliation and job title; phone, fax and email.
6. Each paper should have an abstract of 150-250 words showing clearly the topic, a methodology, and a main conclusion of the writing.
7. Each article should include 5 keywords to ease sorting and identification for different national and international indexes.
8. Tables/charts should be submitted with Word or Excel format (no pictures included). Illustrations (graphs, drawings, photographs) are included to explain the information and should incorporate the relevant reference in JPG or TIF.
9. Manuscripts have a phased edition process. First, articles should be given a preliminary assessment by the Editorial Board, the Director, and the Editor of each issue, who determine the relevance of the publication.
10. Once topic requirements met besides the formalities specified in this guide, the article will be sent to 2 anonymous academic peers specialized in each topic, who will determine one of these:
a. Publish
b. Publish including changes
c. Do not publish

11. Article then will be sent to a third arbitrator whose decision will define the publicationif discrepancy between them. The results of the evaluation process will be final in any case.
Articles submitted should be original, unpublished, or have not been printed or submitted simultaneously by other journals.

Upon Pedagogia y Saberes’s request, author(s) should attach a copyright authorization, so that article may be published, edited and reproduced in any form, as well as distribution in the number of copies and disclosure required for each form, i.e. electronic, CD ROM, printed or any other technology form, but nonprofit and just strictly scientific, cultural and dissemination purposes.

Below an authorization letter sample which must be attached with the article.

12. Bibliographic References should follow American Psychological Association Guidelines. Recent edition.

_____________________________________ (Date)
Editorial Board
Pedagogia y Saberes
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Dear Sirs
I hereby certify my authorship of article entitled _____________________
which I am submitting for a possible publication in Revista Colombiana
de Educación, produced and edited by Universidad Pedagógica
Nacional’s Research Center, and I declare this article has not been published
or submitted for any other series scientific publication.
The article ___________________________________________________
_ is originally written by me and unpublished. Also I state that every
material here is identified with its relevant credits and incorporated into
the citations and bibliographic references.
Whether article approved, I authorize its publication, reproduction, editing,
distribution and dissemination at national and international levels
by fully or partially printing, digital, Internet, or CD ROM formats.
In return I agree to receive two (2) copies of the issue where my article
is published.
As evidence hereinbefore, signed on _________ (day), ______________
(month), ___________ (year) in _________________________ (city).
Thank you
Very truly yours
Name (first author)
Institution Affiliation
Academic Program
Mailing Address


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Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Calle 72 No. 11-86 Tel: (+57-1) 5941894
Bogotá, Colombia