ISSN 1657-0308
versión impresa
ISSN-E 2357-626X
versión impresa


Basic Information

Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) (E-ISSN 2357-626X, ISSN 1657-0308, print edition) is an open-access, serial, peer-reviewed and indexed journal that publishes original and unedited research results. It is aimed at the academic and professional community of architecture and urbanism.

Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) has three main sectionCulture and urban space, Architecture and urban project, and Technology, environment, and sustainability. Additionally, there is publication space available in the sections entitled From the Faculty and Texts.

The journal is published by the Faculty of Design and the Research Centre of the Faculty of Architecture (CIFAR) at the Universidad Católica de Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia).

Focus and Scope

Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) (E-ISSN 2357-626X, online edition, and ISSN 1657-0308, print edition) is a serial, peer-reviewed, open-access and indexed journal that publishes original and unedited research findings.

It is aimed at the academic and professional community in areas associated with the discipline (architecture and urban planning).

Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) has three main section Culture and urban space, Architecture and urban project, and Technology, environment, and sustainability. Additionally, there is publication space available in the sections entitled From the Faculty and Texts.

The first number was published in 1999, and since 2016 its periodicity is semiannual (January-June, July-December). It is published by the Faculty of Design and the Research Center of the Faculty of Architecture (CIFAR) at the Universidad Católica de Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia).

The scientific area of Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá), according to the OECD classification, is:

Main area:

6. Humanities


6.D. Arts


6D07. Architecture and Urbanism

The journal publishes articles from the following disciplines as well:
2A02. Architectural engineering
5G03. Urban studies (planning and development)
6D07. Design.

The objectives of Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) are:

  • To promote research and to disseminate locally, nationally, and internationally produced knowledge.
  • To provide a space to build academic communities and to encourage discussions in each of the defined sections.
  • To promote the institutional and geographic diversity of the authors involved in the publication.
  • To enhance the discussion of experiences and scientific exchange among researchers and professionals.
  • To contribute to an integral vision of architecture by means of the organization and articulation of the defined sections through high-quality articles.
  • To publish peer-reviewed, original, and unpublished articles, while assuring the fulfillment of all ethical, quality, scientific validity, editorial, and research norms.

Keywords of Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá): architecture, design, architectural education, planning and construction, urbanism.

Languages of Publication: Spanish, English, Portuguese and French.

Abbreviated Title: Rev. Arquit. (Bogotá)

Short Title: RevArq

Frequency of Publication

Between 1999 and 2015, Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) published a volume per year. Starting in 2016, two volumes are published per year in anticipated periods (January-June and July-December), but the journal also offers the advance online publication of accepted articles (post-print version of the author).

Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) is distributed in digital versions (PDF, HTML, XML), as well as in print with a print run of 700 copies. The production time of these versions will depend on schedules established by the publisher.

Times of reception-review-acceptance may vary between six and twelve months depending on the editorial workflow of each section, the peer-review process, and the advance publication.

With their usernames and passwords, authors may enter the editorial management platform and check the status of peer-review, editing, or publishing of the article.

Information Services

Abstracting and Indexing Systems, Databases and Networks:

Índice Bibliográfico Nacional IBN
Colciencias – Colombia
Categoría B - Bajo los nuevos lineamientos de la Convocatoria para Indexación de Revistas Científicas Colombianas Especializadas - Publindex (768 de 2016)

Emerging Sources Citation Index
Clarivate Analytics – Estados Unidos

Directory of Open Access Journals
Universidad de Lund – Suecia

Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal.  Sistema de Información Científica.
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM)

Scientific Electronic Library 
Online - Colombia 
Latinoamérica, el Caribe, España y Portugal

Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico

EBSCOhost Research Databases

  • Fuente Académica Plus
  • Art & Architecture Source

Estados Unidos

Base de datos bibliográfica de revistas de ciencias sociales y humanidades. Universidad Autónoma México

Latindex (Catálogo)
Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal México.
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Sistema abierto de información de revistas publicadas en castellano.
Fundación Dialnet - Biblioteca de la Universidad de La Rioja. España.

Red Latinoamericana de Revistas Académicas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
FLACSO – Argentina

Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
Estados Unidos

Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas
Universitat de Barcelona


Copyright Policies

By submitting the article for publication in Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá), author(s) certify that they understand and accept editorial policies. For the effect, they will sign and submit the Declaration of Originality form RevArq FP00 Declaration of Originality.

Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) has a GREEN Self-Archiving policy, in accordance with SHERPA/RoMEO guidelines, so the author can:

Author’s pre-print:

Archive the pre-print version (version before peer-review).

Author’s post-print:

Archive the post-print version (version after peer-review).

Editor’s version/PDF:

Archive the editor’s version (PDF/HTML/XLM) on the journal’s platform.

Self-archiving must be done with respect for the open access license, integrity, and image of Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá); it is also recommended to include the reference, electronic link, and DOI.

The author or authors are the owners of the Copyright © of the published text; at request of the Publishing Office of Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá), a Permission to Reproduce form must be signed (RevArq FP03 Permission to Reproduce), which is covered by the CC license, expressing the right of first publication of the work.

Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) complies with the international intellectual property and copyright laws, and particularly Article No. 58 of the Political Constitution of Colombia, Law No. 23 of 1982, and the Agreement No. 172 of September 30, 2010 (Universidad Católica de Colombia Intellectual Property Regulation).

For purposes of authorship and co-authorship, we differentiate two types of articles: “co-authored article” and “collective work”. In the first case, authorship is attributed to all participants, as the article is the result of teamwork. In this case, the lead author (also the corresponding author) is responsible for ensuring that all co-authors review and approve the final version, and give their consent for divulgation. The collective work is the result of the initiative, coordination, and execution of an author, although a number of collaborators might have taken part in it. In this case, authorship is attributed to this person (unless a different agreement has been made), and his or her authorization alone will be sufficient for publication.

The number of authors per article must be justified by the subject, complexity, and length of the article, and must not exceed the median of authors in the discipline; for this reason, the recommended number of authors per paper is no more than five. The order of authors’ names will correspond to the contribution of each to the article; fictitious or gift authorship must be avoided. If more people participated in the research, they should be included as collaborators in the acknowledgements section. Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) will respect the number and the order of authors as they appear in the original paper submitted. If the authors consider it necessary, they may include a brief description of their individual contributions at the end of the article.

Communication is maintained with one of the authors, who will be responsible for informing the rest of the collaborators of the notifications sent by Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá).

By virtue of maintaining the balance among sections and equal opportunities for all participants, the same author can submit two or more papers simultaneously. If the editorial decision is favorable and the manuscripts are accepted, they will be published in different issues.

The author or authors are the owners of the Copyright © of the published text; at request of the Publishing Office of Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá), a Permission to Reproduce form must be signed (RevArq FP03 Permission to Reproduce), which is covered by the CC license, expressing the right of first publication of the work.

Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) complies with the international intellectual property and copyright laws, and particularly Article No. 58 of the Political Constitution of Colombia, Law No. 23 of 1982, and the Agreement No. 172 of September 30, 2010 (Universidad Católica de Colombia Intellectual Property Regulation).

For purposes of authorship and co-authorship, we differentiate two types of articles: “co-authored article” and “collective work”. In the first case, authorship is attributed to all participants, as the article is the result of teamwork. In this case, the lead author (also the corresponding author) is responsible for ensuring that all co-authors review and approve the final version, and give their consent for divulgation. The collective work is the result of the initiative, coordination, and execution of an author, although a number of collaborators might have taken part in it. In this case, authorship is attributed to this person (unless a different agreement has been made), and his or her authorization alone will be sufficient for publication.

The number of authors per article must be justified by the subject, complexity, and length of the article, and must not exceed the median of authors in the discipline; for this reason, the recommended number of authors per paper is no more than five. The order of authors’ names will correspond to the contribution of each to the article; fictitious or gift authorship must be avoided. If more people participated in the research, they should be included as collaborators in the acknowledgements section. Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) will respect the number and the order of authors as they appear in the original paper submitted. If the authors consider it necessary, they may include a brief description of their individual contributions at the end of the article.

Communication is maintained with one of the authors, who will be responsible for informing the rest of the collaborators of the notifications sent by Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá).

By virtue of maintaining the balance among sections and equal opportunities for all participants, the same author can submit two or more papers simultaneously. If the editorial decision is favorable and the manuscripts are accepted, they will be published in different issues


The publication of this journal is financially supported by:

  • Universidad Católica de Colombia, Facultad de Diseño y el Centro de Investigaciones (CIFAR), Bogotá, Colombia

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Universidad Católica de Colombia, Facultad de Diseño y el Centro de Investigaciones (CIFAR)
Avenida Caracas No. 46-72
Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
Teléfonos: +57 (1) 3277300 - 3277333
Ext. 3109 - 3112 - 5146
Fax: +57 (1) 2858895
Código postal: 111311