ISSN 0486-6525
printed version



Scope and policy

The journal Revista Colombiana de Antropología (RCA) accepts unpublished contributions in anthropology and related sciences. It is understood that articles or book reviews submitted for consideration are original. If this is not the case, the author should inform the RCA in advance to take the relevant measures. If the editorial committee considers that the article deserves to be published, the RCA will proceed to request the respective reprint authorizations. If the article is original, the author must agree with the Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia (ICANH) not to submit it simultaneously to other magazines, compilations or some other means of publication. In the event of having made a commitment with another editor, the author should notify the RCA as soon as possible. If the article is published in another magazine or book before being published in the RCA, no more contributions will be accepted during the next two years.

After submitting the article, the author must send written authorization to publish it in the RCA, in print and electronic version. In agreement with national and international laws, the article constitutes an original creation property of the Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia. Once the article is received, the editorial committee of the RCA will send a letter to the author that must be completed, signed and returned to the RCA editor in charge. This is requisite to proceed with the evaluation process.



In accordance with our editorial policies, the article will be sent to two external and anonymous national or foreign reviewers who will submit their concepts based on the RCA evaluation guidelines. The reviews will be sent to the authors for corrections and improvement of the respective contribution. The evaluation and correction process might take several months and the publication up to one year. After publication the Institute will give the author two free copies of the journal.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

The original texts submitted for consideration to the RCA should comply with the following rules:

1. Original
  • The text, including citations, footnotes, tables, figures, legends of figures and bibliographic references, should be digitized in typeface Times New Roman 12, double spaced, in letter size -21,5 x 28 cms-; 2,5 cms left and right margins and 3 cms upper and lower margins.

  • Articles should be 25 to 20 pages including bibliographic references.  All pages should be numbered in serial order, beginning with the first one.

  • The first page should include: title of the article in Spanish and English; abstract in Spanish and English not exceeding 125 words; key words in Spanish and English (4 at the most); author's name, electronic mail, and a brief biography (academic qualifications, institutional affiliation, three lines at the most).

2. Graphic material
  • All graphic material (maps, figures, ilustrations, graphs and pictures) should be indicated within the text directly or in parenthesis.  It must be numbered consecutively (figure 1, map 1, table 1, etc.) and include the source and title.

  • Figures and pictures must be included in the text, and in format JPG, BMP, TIF, GIF or open format in Corel Draw (CD), DWG, DFX (AutoCAD). The journal publishes ilustrations in just one ink (graphic resolution 300 dpi or a higher one) and adjusted to the size and scale to the journal's format (15 x 23 cms).

3. Footnotes and citations
  • Footnotes will be used to comment, complement or deepen important information in the text. They should not be bibliographic notes unless they are citations from newspaper, magazine or judicial sentences, or from archival documents such as the Constitutional Court, the Council of State, etc. They should not exceed ten lines.

  • Literal citations of more than four lines or that must be highlighted should be written in a separate paragraph with left indentation. Those that are included inside the text will use quotation marks.

  • Bibliographic references will be within the text, according to the Chicago Manual of Style, 16a. edition (check the web page  They will include: author's last name, year and -if necessary- the page numbers as follows: (Rodríguez, 1978: 424-427).  If the cited text has two authors, last names must be separated with an y: (López and Arango 1970, 33); if it is cited a document written by three authors, then three last names must be referred to: (Sánchez, Martínez and Ortiz); if it is about four or more authors, then the first author's last name followed by "et. ál." (no italics; note the accent on "ál." and the dot) must be referred: (Pinzón et ál. 1993). If there are more than two works by the same author and dated the same year, then there must be added to the year letters in alphabetical order, beginning with the a: (Díaz 1998a, 1998b).  If works by different authors are cited within the same parenthesis, they must appeared organized in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons: (López y Arango 1970, 33; Rodríguez 1978; Uribe et ál. 1997).

4. Bibliographic references

References should be included at the end of all works and they will be in strict alphabetical order, following the Chicago Manual of Style standard.  Each one of the following examples presents a specific case:


Aisenson, Aida. 1989. Corporalidad y persona. México, D. F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Bonfil, Guillermo, comp. 1976a. Etnocidio y desarrollo en América Latina. México, D. F.: Flacso.

Bonfil, Guillermo. 1976b. México profundo. México, D. F.: Grijalbo.
Colombia, Ministerio del Interior. 1998. Situación actual de los indígenas colombianos. Bogotá: Ministerio del Interior.

Gifford, Douglas y Pauline Hogarth. 1976. Carnival and Coca Leaf: Some Traditions of the Peruvian Quechua Ayllu. Nueva York: St. Martin's Press.

Lévinas, Emmanuel. 1994. Dios, la muerte y el tiempo, 2.ª ed. Madrid: Cátedra.

Matienzo, Juan de. 1567/1967. Gobierno del Perú. Lima: Institut Francais d'Études Andines.

Meneses, Lino y Gladys Gordones, eds. 2001. La arqueología venezolana en el nuevo milenio. Mérida: Universidad de los Andes.

Sanoja, Mario, César Bencomo y Tomás Aguila. 1996. La microhistoria del bajo Caroní. Informe final. Ciudad Guayana: Edelca.

Uribe, Carlos, Jimena Rojas, Alberto Cuenca, Patricia Sevilla, Óscar Quintero, Andrés Hernández, Cecilia Salgar, Teresa Loayza y René Cuestas. 2008. "Proyecto investigativo para la Ruta de la Marimba". Cali: Fundación Valle e Instituto de Estudios Regionales. Inédito. 


    Chaumeil, Jean-Pierre. 1991. "El poder vegetal". En Rituales y fiestas de las Américas, editado por Elizabeth Reichel, 246-253. Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes.

    Ranere, Anthony y Richard Cooke. 1996. "Stone Tools and Cultural Boundaries in Prehistoric Panamá: An Initial Assessment". En Paths to Central America Prehistory, editado por Fred Lange, 49-78. Boulder: University of Colorado Press.


    Le Mouël, Jacques. 1997. "Lo eficaz es justo". Cuadernos de Economía 16 (26): 107-129.

    Mahecha, Dany y Carlos Franky. 1997. "Los makú del noroeste amazónico". Revista Colombiana de Antropología 35: 85-133.

    O'Neill, Molly. 1998. "Food". New York Times Magazine, 18 de octubre, p. 8.

    Mora, Ana Sabrina. 2009. "El cuerpo investigador, el cuerpo investigado. Una aproximación fenomenológica a la experiencia del puerperio". Revista Colombiana de Antropología 45 (1). En prensa. 


    González, Ómar. 2004. "Relaciones lingüísticas entre los idiomas andinos originarios y los de las tierras bajas (lenguas arawakas y otras familias)". Ponencia presentada en el coloquio Relaciones Prehispánicas en la Región Andina, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, 4-6 de mayo.


    Hardy, Ellen. 1992. "The Mortuary Behavior of Guanacaste-Nicoya: An Analysis of Precolumbian Social Structure". Tesis doctoral, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Ángeles.

    Valerio, Wilson. 1987. "Análisis funcional y estratigráfico de Sf-9 (Carabalí), un abrigo rocoso en la región central de Panamá". Tesis de licenciatura, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José.


Sending of manuscripts

Original articles must be submitted to:

María Teresa Salcedo
Editora Revista Colombiana de Antropología
Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia (ICANH)
Calle 12 nº 2-41 Bogotá D. C.-Colombia
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