ISSN 2011-7582
printed version

ISSN 2619-6107
online version



Background Information

Aims and scope

The Colombian Journal of Surgery is the official organ of diffusion of the Colombian Association of Surgery. It started its circulation in May 1986 with the title of Surgery under the former Colombian Society of Surgery, turning into reality one of its statutory goals: “Edit a periodical publication, of a scientific nature, destined to disseminate experiences and research, especially in the surgical area, giving priority to those been performed by the Colombian Society of Surgery.” 

Since then it has had an uninterrupted issue, publishing original collaborations on topics of general surgery and of interest for the entire medical field, including those of humanistic and socio-economic nature, and related to medical education. In March 1996, Emeritus Editor Dr. Joaquín Silva wrote in the Journal 10th Anniversary editorial: "The content of Surgery has been characterized by the originality and diversity of medical and surgical issues of a scientific, technical, research, analytics, educational, ethical, cultural, artistic, historical, professional, linguistic, informative, administrative, and social nature, in which have been participated from eminent national and international professors to medical students under supervision. The Journal has been an open forum, committed to stimulate research and disseminate vernacular and foreign pathologies and therapies, as well as those major topics of science, technology and humanities, including those of both national and international general interest."

The abbreviated title is Rev Colomb Cir, and it should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and legends.

The opinions expressed in the signed articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily coincide with those of the editors of the Colombian Journal of Surgery. The diagnostic or therapeutic suggestions, such as the choice of products, dosage and methods of use, correspond to the experience and the criteria of the authors. The Colombian Journal of Surgery does not assume any responsibility for the ideas expressed by the authors, who are the solely responsible.

Authors charges policy

The journal does not charge any fee to the authors for the submission, processing and publication of the articles.

Open access policy

All texts published in the Colombian Journal of Surgery are protected by national and international intellectual property rights. The contents of the Journal, unless otherwise indicated, are open access articles under the Creative Commons Attribution License, that is, CC-BY-NC-ND (Attribution - NonCommercial - No Derivatives).

Periodicity from 2024: every two months


Indexed in

• Scopus

• DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journal)

• Scielo Colombia (Scientific Electronic Library Online)

• LILACS (Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud)

• Redalyc (Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal)

• REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Cono-cimiento Científico)

• MIAR - Universitat de Barcelona (Matriz de Infor-mación para el Análisis de Revistas)

• SIIC (Sociedad Iberoamericana de Información Científica)

• IMBIOMED (Índice Mexicano de Revistas Biomé-dicas Latinoamericanas)



All texts included in the Colombian Journal of Surgery are protected by copyright. The law prohibits reproduction through any means, mechanical or electronic, without express written approval from the Editor. The opinions expressed in the signed articles are the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the directors or editors of the Colombian Journal of Surgery. Suggestions pertaining to diagnoses or therapies, including choice of products, dosing and modes of use reflect the authors’ own experiences and judgements.


The sponsor is the Colombian Association of Surgery. The Colombian Journal of Surgery publishes advertisements, and the revenues derived from advertising are specifically used by the Colombian Association of Surgery for the Journal.

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