0034-7450 |
Scope and policy
Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría (RCP) is a quarterly official publication of Colombian Psychiatry Association (March, June, September and December) and its purpose is to spread different the knowledge models that currently constitute the theoretical and practical body of our specialty. Psychiatrists, psychiatric residents, non psychiatric physicians, psychologists, philosophers or other health professionals or persons interested in this area can take part in the magazine. This magazine publishes original works, revision or updating articles, case reports of all psychiatry and mental health areas, epistemology, mind philosophy, bioethics and also articles about methodology of investigation and critical reading. Manuscripts could be written in either Spanish or English. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
Editorial: This is a critical and in depth comment and must be prepared by the director, associated editors or persons with large experience in the addressed topic. Issue presentation: This is a critical comment made by the associated editor (s) or invited editors presenting the main subject matters developed in the current issue. Original articles: These offer unpublished results of a quantitative or qualitative research; these articles include all relevant information so the reader may replicate the work, evaluate its results and conclusions. These papers must include a summary in Spanish and English each one up to 300 words: introduction, materials and methods (when appropriate design type, place where it was performed, participants, main outcomes and intervention will be included), results, discussion, conclusions, and acknowledgement (if required) and references. Maximum length is 25 pages. The articles may include up to five thousand words without counting references, tables and figures. The total amount of tables and figures may not exceed six. Revision articles: These articles are sent to RCP (Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría) or requested by the director or associated editors from an area specialist and develop a determined subject matter in depth with, comprehensive bibliography, analysis and comments about the work of other authors. These articles include: Spanish and English summaries each one up to 300 words, problem approach or introduction, topic development, discussion, conclusions and references. The maximum length is 20 pages. Articles may include up to four thousands words without having counting references, tables and figures. The summaries may not have more than 300 words. The total number of tables and figures may not exceed five. Updating articles: These papers are to update information regarding relevant subject matters in psychiatry and mental health. These are not as complete as the revision articles and are focused in the latest findings. They must include: Spanish and English summaries each one up to 300 words, problem approach or introduction, topic updating, discussion, conclusions and references. Maximum length is fifteen pages. Articles may include up to three thousand words without having in account references, tables and figures. Total amount of tables and figures may not exceed four. Case report: case reports are the professional experience presentation based on particular case studies having some interest for the professional and in which subject matter and future possible approaches are discussed. In general the case reports suggest new therapeutic approaches and hypothesis. These papers may include at least introduction, case presentation, brief revision of the topic, discussion, conclusions and references. Maximum length is eight pages. These may include up to 1.200 words, not counting references, tables and figures. Epistemology, mind philosophy and bioethics section: With the purpose of promoting controversy and discussions groups, this section presents in an educational and critical manner, articles about referred subject matters. Investigation methodology and critical reading section: This section presents in an educational and critical way articles about the referred subject matters and ideas about research protocols that promote controversy and discussion groups. Length of these articles is maximum twelve pages. Books and magazines review: The "books and magazine review" is a section dedicated to comments and presentations of books and magazines articles that can give the reader an idea of its potential use. Maximum length is two pages. Mail, news and brief communications : This section compiles opinions and comments about the Magazine contents, its editorial line or about topics of scientific importance. It is also include letters with important news for the professionals. Maximum length is two pages. Agenda: The "Agenda" communicate events of interest in the area, Colombian Psychiatry Association activities or of other associations. |
Sending of manuscripts
Address, requirements and evaluation form: authors must send their work to the Magazine director (Carrera 18 No. 84-87, Oficina 403, Bogotá). These works must adjust to Uniform requirements for manuscript delivered to biomedical magazines of Vancouver group (1997). All contributions will be evaluated by two anonymous Editorial Committee members, who will determine the scientific quality of the material, its originality, validity, significance and adaptation to the magazine's publication rules. The mentioned Committee will communicate its provisional acceptance or non-acceptance for its publication, as well as possible modifications suggested within a period maximum of three months following its reception. The editorial staff reserves the right to eliminate illustrations and change text without modifying the contents. Each of the main authors will receive three copies of the Magazine. Presentation letter: The article may include a letter signed by the principal and other authors stating that its contents has been reviewed and the material approved by all of them. The letter must specify if the material has been published or not elsewhere, as well as the name, address, phone number and electronic mail of the person to whom address correspondence. In case the article has been published partially or completely elsewhere, an approval in writing by the relevant editors is required so it can be published in the Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría. The concepts in the papers are the complete responsibility of authors. Neither the Colombian Psychiatry Association nor the Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría are responsible for any expressed concepts. Once the articles are approved for its publication, admitted papers are property of the Colombian Psychiatry Association and its reproduction must be duly authorized by the Magazine director, associated editors and by the Colombian Psychiatry Association publishing coordinator. Before the publication, authors must inform if any relationship (filiation, financing) between them and any private or public institutions could result in conflict of interests. Authors must assume responsibility as defined by Editor's International Committee of Medical Magazines (N Engl J Med 1997: 336(4):309-315) and recommendations on clinical investigation ( Helsinski Declaration of World Medical Association in its last review). Copies: Three complete copies of the article or delivered material must be sent (in typing, double space, white paper, letter size, writing on one side, and margins not inferior to 2.5 cm.), beside a 3.5 diskette, HD or CD with the text in a single file in PC type DOC or RTF (MS Word), XLS (MS Excel), AI (Adobe Illustrator) or EPS (Encapsulated Post Script). Tables or figures can be maximum six and must be sent in separate pages. Rights: Authors must send a signed letter addressed to Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría director in which rights are transferred, according to the following model: "I / We (s) of the work titled "......", subject to approval from the Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría and we transfer rights in favor of the Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría; this article or parts of it may be not reproduced in any form. In case I / We decide to publish it elsewhere I / We will request authorization in writing to Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría and Colombian Psychiatry Association . Date:..... Signature:.......... Manuscript preparation: Articles must be type in double space (including reference tables), using only one side of the sheet, with margins (lateral, superior and inferior) of minimum 2.5 cm in all pages; these must be numbered. The first page must include: (a) title; (b) author's names and surnames with their respective most important academic degrees and institutional affiliation, with address (names will be published in the order they have been sent); (c) author in charge of correspondence; (d) abbreviated title not exceeding 40 characters to identify odd pages; (e) if the article have received some support from a funding agency; (f) if the article is based on an academic thesis, title, year and institution where it was presented must be included; (g) if the work was delivered in a scientific meeting, the event's name, place and date must be indicated; and (h) if one of the authors is in conflict of interests on topic because: he /she is laboratory promoter, works as advisor, consultant or is part of any of laboratory committees. The second page may include a summary (Spanish and English), with a length up to 300 words and a list of maximum five key words, (heading and medical terms from Index Medicus ). Summary may indicate work objectives, basic procedures used (methods), main results (specific data and its statistical significance, if the case) and main conclusions. Tables and figures (graphics, photographs, drawings, and diagrams) must clarify or add something to the text, not duplicate its contents. In general terms, a maximum of six of these are recommended. Each must include title in the upper part and, if necessary notes underneath. These must be classified (arabic numbers) according to its sequential order in the text and inclusion place. Some of these require the editor's authorization and the respective credit to the original publication. Tables and figures may be sent in separate files and pages. References in text, subtitles and figures may be numbered consecutively in the order these appear in the text. Arabic numbers have to be used (index numbers). Regarding abbreviations, these must be indicated within the text when used for the first time. Consequently only the abbreviations are to be used. Acknowledgments must be concise, direct and addressed to persons or institutions that substantially have contributed to the article. These must be included before the bibliographic references. Bibliographic references must be inserted in the text and then numbered, following the order in which these are mentioned for the first time. References style and punctuation must be made according to " Uniform Requirements ", mentioned previously. Abbreviations in the magazine are according the style used in Index Medicus . Although it depends on the article, the inclusion up to forty bibliographic references for original articles, sixty for revision articles, forty for updating articles, fifteen for case reports and twelve for "epistemology, mind philosophy, bioethics, and methodology of investigation and critical reading", is suggested. The precision of references is the author's responsibility. The references listed below are some samples: 1. Periodic publications articles (one author): list first six authors followed by et al. Streiner DL. Thinking small: research designs appropriate for clinical practice. Can J Psychiatr 1998; 43(7):737-41. 2. Periodic publications articles (two to six authors): list first six authors: Vega KJ, Pina I, Krevsky B. Heart transplantation is associated with an increased risk for pancreatobiliary disease. Ann Inter Med 1996; 124:980-3 3. Periodic publications articles (more than six authors) followed by et al. Ramos A, Fraga S, Krieger M, Jardim S, Curi R, Ferreira F, et al. Aspectos psiquiátricos da intoxicacao ocupacional pelo mercúrio metálico: relato de un caso clínico. Rev Bras Psiquiatria 1980; 20: 200-6. 4. Articles without author name. Cancer in South Afrka (editorial). S. Afr Med J 1994; 84:15. 5. Books. Reichel-Dolmatoff G, Desana P. Simbolismo en los indios tukano del Vaupés. 2 ed. Bogotá (Colombia): Nueva Biblioteca Colombiana de Cultura. Procultura S.A.; 1986. 6. Book's chapters : primera edición Kessler HH. Concepto de rehabilitación. En: González R. rehabilitación Médica. Barcelona (España): Masson S.A.; 1997. p. 1-5. 7. Books in which editors are authors. Norma IJ, Redfern SJ, editors. Mental health care for elderly people. New York : Churchill Livingstone; 1996. Other kind of references must follow the given indications in the document "International Committee of Medical Journal Editors" (Vancouver Group) available in internet: The Magazine as an encouragement to the authors to participate annually offers honor mentions, money or recognition in kind, as Héctor Ortega Arbeláez received for the best published article by a health professional and Humberto Rosselli Quijano for the best published article by a psychiatry resident. The jury panel is integrated by one member of the Colombian Psychiatry Association Scientific Committee, one member of editorial committee and the Magazine director or his delegate. These awards are presented during our Association Congress. The Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría director, associated editors and editorial committees invite their colleagues and other professionals to participate and contribute to the Magazine's development and growth. |
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