ISSN 1900-6586
printed version

ISSN 2500-7645
online version



Basic Information

1. Focus and scope

The Revista Científica General José María Córdova (Colombian Journal of Military and Strategic Studies) is a peer-reviewed, open access, academic publication, published quarterly by the Escuela Militar de Cadetes “General José María Córdova” (Colombian Army Military Academy - ESMIC), alma mater of the officers of the National Army of Colombia, through its ESMIC University Press.

The Revista Científica General José María Córdova (RCGJMC) is an interdisciplinary journal, focused on the Social Sciences (Class 5I01, OCDE/UNESCO). It publishes articles resulting from research in military and strategic studies. This field centers on the analysis of uncertainty scenarios in security and defense to provide a broad readership, including decision makers, politicians, members of the Armed Forces, professionals, educators, researchers, and students of the Social Sciences, an understanding of the legitimate use of power and its proper application concerning national interests to benefit the formulation of policies and public management.

2. Thematic orientation and target audience

The contents of the RCGJMC are framed in the following thematic axes and disciplines:

    a) Education and Doctrine (Military Science)
    b) Politics and Strategy (Political Science)
    c) Security and Defense (International Relations)
    d) Justice and Human Rights (Law)
    e) Armed Forces and Society (History and Geography)
    f) Intelligence and Logistics (Administration)
    g) Industry and Technology (Economy)

The RCGJMC is directed to a broad readership that includes political decision-makers, members of the Armed Forces, public servants, professionals, teachers, researchers, and students of social sciences and other areas of knowledge, interested in strategic thinking and culture.

3. Types of articles and language

The RCGJMC publishes three types of articles, according to the parameters established by Publindex-Colciencias 2018, in two languages (Spanish and English):

a) Scientific and technological research articles: Original documents that meticulously present technological developments or the results derived from research projects. These articles should cite, at least, 30 current sources.

b) Perspective articles: Original document that presents research results from the author’s analytical, interpretative, and critical perspective on a specific topic. These articles should contain a careful selection of at least 40 sources cited.

c) Review article: Original document in which progress and development trends on a particular problem area or field of knowledge –akin to the publication interests of the journal– are analyzed, systematized, and integrated, based on the study of existing or unpublished existing articles (usually research results). These articles should present a thorough bibliographic review of at least 50 sources cited.


Information Services

The RCGJMC is included in the following indexing and retrieval systems (IRS):

Google Scholar
FLACSO (LatinRev)
Rev Sapiens



All of the contents published by the RCGJMC are open access. Authors retain full moral rights of their work. To publish, the authors agree to transfer economic rights to the ESMIC University Press and the RCGJMC, under the terms of the Creative Commons license: Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivatives.

Thus, authors and readers can copy and disseminate the article in the final version published online by the RCGJMC, provided that the creator (or creators) of the article is (are) recognized and acknowledged and no commercial use of the final published article is made or derived works or modified versions produced.



The RCGJMC is an academic publication of the Escuela Militar de Cadetes “General José María Córdova” (Colombian Army Military Academy - ESMIC), which belongs to the National Army of Colombia, a public entity financed by the resources allocated by the National Government. To maintain its critical and independent character, the RCGJMC accepts funding exclusively from the ESMIC for its operation. Thus, RCGJMC’s publishing process is entirely free of charge for the authors. There are no charges for the shipment or processing of items (no article submission or processing charge).

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Revista Científica General José María Córdova
(Revista colombiana de estudios militares y estratégicos)
Escuela Militar de Cadetes "General José María Córdova"
Calle 80 No. 38-00
Tel. (57-1) 3770850 Ext. 1115, 1104 y 1144
Bogotá, D.C. - Colombia