ISSN 1692-7273
printed version


Basic Information

The Revista Ciencias de la Salud is the authorized dissemination organ of the School of Health Sciences of the El Rosario University. Here we publish documents developed on the grounds of any basic or clinic discipline related to the health field. However we give precedence to the quantitative studies of analytical conception, qualitative studies like ethnographies, life stories and founded thesis, and related to diagnosis and methodological procedures.

Papers on series studies or case presentations are also admitted, specially if they deal with problems of general interest, since they are the most customary form of presenting data on health topics, as well as the most simple design types of clinical research; they can also serve for describing rare cases and as a source of hypothesis that encourages the posterior accomplishment of analytical studies.

The Journal publication is four month

Information Services

Scopus, Index Copernicus, Lilacs, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Catálogo Latindex, Imbiomed, RedALyC, Periódica y Publindex.


© Revista Ciencias de la Salud


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