ISSN 2011-0324
print version

ISSN 2665-4814
on-line version


Evaluation process

  1. The articles submitted to the journal undergo a first evaluation by the Editorial Team. In this stage, the formal adequacy of the manuscripts to the editorial standards of the journal, their structure, originality, coherence, and thematic pertinence are evaluated. Likewise, the articles are analyzed by a tool for detection of plagiarism. The articles that do not meet one of these aspects or engage in bad editorial practices are rejected. In some cases, the Editorial Team of the journal may ask authors to make some modifications to their manuscripts before sending them for external peer review.
  2. Articles that comply with the requirements mentioned in 1) undergo the evaluation of at least two external peers under the modality of double-blind (evaluators do not know the identity of the authors and authors do not know that of evaluators). The evaluators examine the relevance and academic quality of the texts, the use of up-to-date bibliography and relevant sources, as well as methodology. The journal guarantees the search of expert evaluators in the subject of each article. Evaluators have one calendar month to send their evaluations to the journal. There might be delays on the sending of the concepts or the peers might cancel the evaluation, which means restarting the search for new evaluators. The text can be accepted without modifications, accepted with modifications, or rejected. Once finished the two evaluations, these are sent to the author for revision and necessary changes. In cases of tie between external evaluators, the concept of a third evaluator is requested.
  3. Once the author has included the changes suggested by evaluators, the Editorial Team reviews the changes made. If it is observed that the author has not included the required changes, the journal can take the decision of not publishing the article. The evaluation process of each article can take up to six (6) months starting on the reception date. If for any reason this time frame is extended, Revista CS will notify the author. Given that the writing of academic articles can include the elaboration of several versions before approving its publication, Revista CS reserves the right to decide which is the final version and in which issue it will be published. Once the article is approved for its publication, the author will be informed. The final decision on publishing or rejecting the articles will be taken by the Editor of the journal. This decision is final.

Editorial rules

The articles presented to Revista CS must meet the following editorial standards:

  • Length: between 15 and 20 pages. In any case, no more than 8000 words, without taking into account bibliography, appendix, tables, or pictures.
  • Language: Revista CS publishes articles in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.
  • Font Garamond, 12 points, simple spacing, letter size paper, and 3 cm margins at each side.
  • Articles must be preceded by a cover page with the author’s name, institutional affiliation, email, and ORCID (if you want your two surnames to appear, you must join them with a hyphen; if you do not do it, the journal will join them by defect.) This cover page must have also the title of the article and an abstract (no more than 150 words) in Spanish and English, which includes: Objective, methodology, and the most relevant results as well as three to five keywords. The abstract should not have references. Finally, in a footnote attached to the title, the data of the research from which the article is derived must be included (name of the project, funding sources, time frame, type of article, etc.).
  • Titles and subtitles of the articles must be in bold, both upper and lower case, for example: Women Studies and Historiography.
  • Authors are responsible for getting the necessary authorization for the reproduction of pictures, illustrations, figures, and extensive quotations that may require this.
  • After submitting the article through the OJS platform, pictures included in the document must be sent in JPG format to the email
  • The French system will be used for footnotes, that is, notes will be placed before punctuation marks.
  • Footnotes must be used exclusively for clarifications or warnings on the text, not for quoting textually an author or for bibliographic references. Their use must be limited.
  • The complete information on the quoted or referenced texts will be ordered alphabetically at the end of the article in a section called References (only quoted or mentioned sources must be mentioned).
  • References must be created inside the text following APA style.
  • Book’s reviews: preferably of books published in the last five years. The review must contain: name of the author, institutional affiliation, email, ORCID, a title, and the complete reference of the reviewed work by following the editorial standards of Revista CS.

Quotation and References

  • To insert a paraphrased quotation in the text, the first surname of the author and the publication year must be referenced. Next, some examples:

Vega (2006) describes the index variations for each region...

The variations of the index present differences among regions (Vega, 2006).

In 2006, Vega’s study revealed variations in the index...

  • For textual quotations, a colon and the page number will be added, as follows:

“The only normal people are usually those we just met” (Perez, 1990: 60).

Or also:

Pérez (1990: 60) states that: “The only normal people are usually those we just met”.

  • When the quoted text has less than 40 words, quotation marks will be used (the period will always be inside quotation marks). If it has 40 words or more, it will be placed in a different paragraph with indentation at each side and font size of 11, simple spacing, and without quotation marks. Omitted words or phrases will be replaced with ellipses between parenthesis. Added words or phrases will be enclosed in square brackets.

To read properly is risking too much. It is to leave vulnerable our identity and our imagination, our possession of ourselves. (...) That is how it should be when we take in our hands a great piece of literature or philosophy, of imagination or of doctrine (Steiner, 1994: 26).

  • Quotation of quotation (it is recommended to search for the original material and quote it directly):

Bourdieu (as quoted on Hurtado, 2004: 30) believes that social capital...

  • Quotation of several works of an author with the same publication date: the publication year must be accompanied by the letters a, b, c, etc. according to the order of appearance in the text of the article (this order must be respected in the section References):

Camacho (1990a) claims that the division between mind and body is no longer a sustainable point of view.

  • Quotation of several works of an author with different publication dates: a semicolon is used to separate each date. Additionally, they must be ranged from the earliest to the most recent date, as follows:

Silva (2002; 2005; 2006) claims that…

  • Quotation of several works of different authors: quotations will be organized alphabetically and will be separated with semicolons. For example:

Castro (2007), Jiménez (1997), and Ramos (2010) agree in the analysis…

Several studies (Castro, 2007; Jiménez, 1997; Ramos, 2010) agree with the analysis...

  • To quote co-authorships, the number of authors must be considered. When there are two authors their first surnames will be mentioned, for example: Pérez and Velásquez (2007) or (Pérez; Velásquez, 2007). Notice that in parenthesis the surnames are separated by a semicolon. If references to other texts are added, they will be separated also with a semicolon:

(Pérez; Velásquez, 2007; Silva, 2005; Tirado, 1981)

  • From three to five authors: everyone’s surnames will be mentioned in the first quotation of the text, and in the following quotations only the surname of the first author followed by the form et al. For example, the first quotation in the text must be presented as follows:

Guerra, Espinosa, Parra, Hernández, and Lozano (1999) or (Guerra; Espinosa; Parra; Hernández; Lozano, 1999).

The following quotations will be presented as follows:

Guerra et al.(1999) or (Guerra et al., 1999).

  • Six or more authors: in the first quotation, as well as in the following, only the surname of the first author will appear followed by et al., as follows:

Allen et al.(2001) or (Allen et al., 2001).

  • Corporate authors: the first time the full name will be quoted and between parentheses the acronym will appear. Then, only the acronym will be quoted:

The World Health Organization (WHO, 2010) claims that…

WHO (2010) has pointed out that...

According to the Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE, 2015), the life quality of Colombians has improved in the last decade.

The educational coverage, according to DANE’s (2015) data, has showed significant progress in the considered time.

  • Publications with no date: It will be presented with (n.d.), as follows:

Valencia (n.d.) claims that the State as a social institution...

  • Material without page numbering: It will be presented with (n.p.), as follows:

Therefore, it is claimed that “the only normal people are usually those we just met” (Pérez, 1990: n.p.).

  • Abbreviations ibid., op. cit., and loc. cit. will not be used. The name of the quoted author will be written as many times as necessary.
  • Interviews: They will be quoted only inside the text body, not in the section References.

In textual quotations of interviews, the standards that apply to the other documents apply for them as well. That is, when a quotation of less than 40 words is made, quotation marks will be used (the period will always be inside quotation marks). If the quotation has 40 words or more, it will be placed in a different paragraph with indentation at each side and font size of 11, simple spacing, and without quotation marks. Omitted words or phrases will be replaced with ellipses between parentheses. Added words or phrases will be enclosed in square brackets.

The reference following the quoted text or the paraphrases of the interview will be written as follows:

(Name Surname –of the interviewee–, personal communication, date).

For example:

(María Mendoza, personal communication, 24.03.2012).

In the section References, the DOI of the documents that have it must be always present.

In all elements listed in the References section, the first surname and the full name of the author must be indicated. In the case of authors with compound surnames, these will be joined by a hyphen. Examples:

Schwartz, Herman (2012). Housing, the Welfare State, and the Global Financial Crisis: What Is the Connection? Politics and Society, 40(1), 35-58.

Vergara-Figueroa, Aurora (2018). Afrodescendant Resistance to Deracination in Colombia. Massacre at Bellavista-Bojayá-Chocó. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

If the reference has from two to seven authors, they will be always separated by a semicolon (“and” or “&” will not be used):

Back, Les; Puwar, Nirmal (2012) (eds.). Live Methods. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell/The Sociological Review.

If the reference has eight authors or more, the first six authors will be written followed by an ellipsis, and the last one will be separated by a semicolon.

Londoño, Nora; Muñiz, Oscar; Correa, Jorge; Patiño, Carlos; Jaramillo, Gerardo; Raigoza, Juliana…; Rojas, Carlos (2005). Salud mental en víctimas de la violencia armada en Bojayá (Chocó, Colombia). Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría, 34(4), 493-505. Retrieved from

If the reference has an anonymous author, the complete title of the article/text will be written and the data of the publication will be referenced.

El uso del tiempo libre en los jóvenes caleños (year). Name of the journal, volume(issue), pp-pp.

When two or more texts of one author are referenced, the text with the oldest date will be written first. Revista CS does not use underscore for replacing the name of the author.

Bourdieu, Pierre (1985). The Social Space and the Genesis of Groups. Theory and Society, 14(6), 723-744.

Bourdieu, Pierre (1997). Las reglas del arte. Génesis y estructura del campo literario. Barcelona: Anagrama.

In References, the following information must be included according to the type of publication:

Printed Book

Surname, Name (Year). Full name of the book.City: Publishing House.

Bonilla, María Elvira (1984). Jaulas. Bogotá: Planeta.


Surname, Name (Year). Title. Retrieved from http://... (Without a period at the end of the electronic address)

Unás, Viviam (2015). Vida, trabajo y amor. Retrieved from

Chapter of Book

Surname, Name (Year). Title of the chapter. In Full name of the book(pp. x-y), edited/compiled/coordinated by Name Surname. City: Publishing House.

Cortázar, Julio (1997). Algunos aspectos del cuento. In Teorías del cuento I: teorías de los cuentistas (pp. 60-75), compiled by Lauro Zavala. México: UNAM.

Chapter of Book of the Same Author

Surname, Name (Year). Title of the chapter. In Full name of the book (pp. x-y). City: Publishing House.

Frayne, David (2017). Una provocación. In El rechazo del trabajo. Teoría y práctica de la resistencia al trabajo (pp. 21-55). Madrid: Akal.

Printed Journal Article

Surname, Name (Year). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume(issue), pp-pp.

Bello, Nesly Melissa (2009). Sangre de campeón. Ciudad Vaga, 6, 120-123.

If the journal only has Volume, this will appear in italics. If it only has Issue, it will be written in roman type and without parenthesis.

Online Article

Without DOI

Surname, Name (Year). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume(issue), pp-pp. Retrieved from http://... (Without period at the end of the electronic address)

Schijman, Emilia (2010). Etnografía de archivos administrativos. Un corpus de demandas y quejas menores en un barrio de vivienda social. Revista Colombiana de Antropología, 46(2), 279-305. Retrieved from

With DOI

Surname, Name (Year). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume(issue), pp-pp. DOI (without period)

Hernández-Wolfe, Pilar (2018). Vicarious Resilience: a Comprehensive Review. Revista de Estudios Sociales, 66, 9-17.

Symposia and Conferences Proceedings

Surname, Name (month, year). Title of the work. Work presented in Name of the Conference, Organizing Institution, city, country.

Ruano, José Manuel (octubre, 2002). La gobernanza como forma de acción pública y como concepto analítico. Work presented at the VII Congreso Internacional del CLAD sobre la Reforma del Estado y de la Administración Pública, Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo, Lisboa, Portugal.

Printed Newspaper

With author

Surname, Name (date). Title of the article. Name of the newspaper, pp. x-y.

Grisales, Manrique (13 de noviembre de 2010). La bestia que se tragó Armero. El Espectador, pp. 16-17.

Without author

Name of the article, note, publishing house or news (date). Name of the newspaper, pp. x-y.

Online Newspaper

With author

Surname, Name (date). Title of the article. Name of the newspaper. Retrieved from http://... (Without period at the end of the electronic address.)

Without author

Name of the article, note, publishing house or news (date). Name of the newspaper. Retrieved from http://... (Without period at the end of the electronic address.

Honduras: inician construcción del Aeropuerto Internacional de Palmerola (5 de diciembre de 2016). El Heraldo. Retrieved from

Printed Theses and Degree Projects

Surname, Name (Year). Title of the thesis (undergraduate, master's or doctoral thesis). Name of the institution, city, country.

Roa, María Gertrudis (2002). Mercado de trabajo y condiciones laborales de inmigrantes: colombianos en tres comarcas de Barcelona (Doctorate thesis). Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, España.

Online Theses and Degree Projects

Surname, Name (Year). Title of the thesis (undergraduate, master's or doctoral thesis). Retrieved from http://... (Without period at the end of the electronic address.)

Aguirre-Calleja, Ana Cristina (2012). Figuras performativas de la acción colectiva: una trayectoria con la Comisión Civil Internacional de Observación por los Derechos Humanos, desde las políticas de conocimiento feminista y etnografía crítica (Doctorate thesis). Retrieved from

Unedited Text

Surname, Name (Year). Title. Unedited.

Publications with unknown editor

It should be used n.i. (no information)

General Guidelines

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

The article is not participating in evaluation processes in other journals.

The file is sent in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.

The length of the articles must be from 15 to 20 pages, excluding bibliographical references, attachments, charts or images that may be provided in the articles.

The cover page provides author’s name, his/her e-mail address and organization. As a footnote linked from the article's title should be presented relevant details of the research that provided the framework for the article.

The article has a title in Spanish and English.

The article has an analytical abstract (maximum 150 words) in Spanish and English.

The article has keywords in Spanish and English.

The text adheres to the style and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

The author has an ORCID Identifier.

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