ISSN 0123-885X
printed version

E-ISSN 1900-5180
electronic version



Basic Information

Revista de Estudios Sociales (rev. estud. soc.) is an indexed publication of a periodical nature, which adheres to international standards of quality, positioning, periodicity and availability on line. Its objective is to contribute to the dissemination of the research, analyses and opinions that the national and international academic community elaborates. As a social sciences journal, it publishes the results of investigations, reflections on relevant topics, theoretical revisions and reviews, which contribute to pertinent debates about sociological, historical, anthropological, cultural and gender study subjects, as well as articles on political science, philosophy, psychology and education. Is a quarterly publication (January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December) that comes out at the beginning of each of these periods, created in1998 and funded by the School of Social Sciences of the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). All of its digital contents are of open access through its website. The printed version has a cost and may be acquired at specific outlets. The Journal publisehs articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

The structure of the Revista de Estudios Sociales contains five sections:

The Presentation contextualizes and introduces the issue, and also highlights particular aspects that merit the attention of the readers.

The Dossier integrates a set of contents about a specific problem or topic that present advances in or results of research, reflection or thematic review from a critical and analytical perspective, giving an account of new trends in a specific area of knowledge.

Other Voices differs from the Dossier in that it includes texts that present research studies, reflections and reviews that deal with a variety of problems or topics.

Documents disseminates one or more texts on topics of social interest that are addressed in a reflective way, generally by authorities on the subject. Translations and transcriptions of relevant contents from different areas of the social sciences are also published.

Debate is a section that includes contents on specific topics, oriented to generating academic discussions from different perspectives, either through interviews or analytical writings.

The structure for presenting the different sections of the Journal changes in the Open Theme issues. Neither the Dossier nor the Other Voices sections appear in such issues, which include a section titled Varied Topics instead.

The Revista de Estudios Sociales is an Open Access journal. The structure of the Journal responds to an editorial policy that seeks: to provide a space for different discourses on theory, research, current affairs and bibliographical information; to facilitate the exchange of information on the Social Sciences in Latin American countries and the world in general; to disseminate the journal among various reading publics rather than just among academics; to incorporate diverse languages such as the essay, the story, the report and the debate, so that the knowledge will have social usefulness; and finally, to demonstrate a flexible notion of the concept of social research, in order to accommodate expressions that are foreign to the specific field of the Social Sciences.

Keywords: social sciences, research, reflection, thematic review.

The journal declares that all the articles it receives are submitted to a plagiarism detection test; the contents that are published in the digital version are freely available and can be downloaded in PDF and XML format and in e-book version; the authors should manifest that the text they present is of their own authorship, unpublished, and that they respect the intellectual property rights of third parties; and the evaluators should indicate on the evaluation format that they have no conflict of interest with the authors and topics on which they are going to render judgment.


Information Services

The articles published in Revista de Estudios Sociales are indexed or summarized by:

Web portals where is the Revista de Estudios Sociales: (Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango, Colombia), (Quórum Portal de Revistas, España), (Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de CLACSO, Argentina).



Reproduction of the material consigned in this journal is authorized without consulting when it is meant for personal or academic interests; however it requires a reference to the journal, the title, and the author of the article. For reproductions with other purpose the editorial staff of the journal must be consulted.



The journal is published by the Social Science Faculty of the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia)

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Universidad de los Andes
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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