ISSN 0120-6230 ISSN 2422-2844 |
Scope and policy
Editorial ProcessThe Revista Facultad de Ingeniería -redin-, through Open Journal System (OJS) as its online plataform and its e-mail Guarantees the confidentiality of the evaluation process at all times: the anonymity of the reviewers and authors; the reviewed content; the reasoned report issued by the reviewers and any other communication issued by the editorial, and scientific boards as required. The team responsible for the journal, in all cases, will give immediate and sufficient attention to the clarifications, complaints or appeals hat an author wishes to refer to the editors or the editorial board or the reviewers of the paper. Although the editorial board approves papers based on criteria of quality, investigative rigor, relevance and taking into account the peer evaluation, authors are responsible for the ideas expressed in their own texts (Resolution 21231-2005, article 6), as well as the investigative processes underlying them. Finally, regarding the evaluation of papers, the journal will avoid conflicts of interest, defined as the activities that may distort the judgment or modify the selection criteria of the papers by any participant in the process . In any case, those responsible for the journal require that participants in the process of evaluation and publication of papers make such conflicts explicit. When relevant to readers, the latter information will be made public.
1. Reviewing process In the Revista Facultad de Ingeniería –redin-, for the reviewing process, papers are only received through the OJS platform through the web page first step is to scan the manuscript using plagiarism detecting tools such as plagiarisma, Plagscan and soon crosscheck
Date of submission of the paper: supplied by OJSPaper titleRevision letter of presentation and assignment of copyright, which is correctly and completely completed In the content of the paper the following aspects are verified:Title in Spanish and English Resumen and Abstract Palabras clave and Keywords Complete information of the authors (Institutional affiliation, research group, postal address, city, country)Review of references. (IEEE citation style and ascending order) The author should Avoid placing figures before their first mention in the text The paper may have a maximum of five self-citations The figures must comply with the requirements of the guide for authorsThe number of pages of the paper is verified according to the instructions for authors, depending on whether it is a review or a research paper.
The thematic editor of the journal, in charge of the evaluation process of the paper, determine whether the paper is suitable for publication and the quality of English is enough to send it to arbitration process. In case of finding that the paper does not meet the minimum quality requirements, the work is rejected and the correspondence author is notified. When the paper meets these requirements it will be sent out for three single-blind peer-reviews (within a period of one month) through the OJS of the journal until receiving at least two evaluations of the work. For the reviewing process, the journal has two formats, one for review papers and the other for research papers or case reports. In addition, reviewers can send additional files if they deem it necessary, and can also record their findings or observations in the body of the article, and send these files to the journal through the OJS. The evaluations are sent by the journal to the correspondence author through the OJS and are given a deadline to respond to them and send the latest version of the paper.
Once the new version of the paper has been received with the changes and the responses to the evaluations, the Editorial Board will review this material, if there are major revisions, the authors' replies and the latest version will be sent back to the reviewers. In case the evaluations have suggested minor revisions, the Editorial Board accepts or declines the submission. The editor in charge of the evaluation of the paper shall notify the author (s) the decisions about the paper. 2. English proofreading When the paper successfully exceeds the scientific quality assessment, the manuscripst are submitted to the plagiarism detection programs listed above. If it has been previously published, it is rejected, otherwise the manuscript undergoes English proofreading. This procces is done through e-mails between the journal and the correspondence author until the author adjusts the paper to the quality demanded by the journal. Once you have the approval of the quality of English by the correspondent editor, the editorial style process begins. 3. Review of editorial style During this stage messages are exchanged by e-mail between the author and the staff in charge of this work in the journal, the author is asked for answers at times defined by the journal taking into account the observations made. The journal reserves the right to edit, clarify or shorten the manuscript if deemed necessary by the editor before the document is published (spelling, diagramming, citation, among others). Once the paper meets the requirements, the manuscript undergoes layout process before publication. At this stage, it is defined the issue in which the paper will be published. 4. Layout and publication processes Using Indesign software, the paper is given the format. After the first layout, the journal verifies the content has not been altered and it is subsequently sent to the correspondence author, requesting a review; If necessary, some adjustments are indicated to satify both the author and the journal. Through OJS the number of the journal to be published is created and the paper is included.
Form and preparation of manuscripts
1. The journal will accept original research papers,
or reviews written in Spanish or English. 10. Before using acronyms or abbreviation for the first time, spell out the complete name followed by the acronym or abbreviation in parenthesis. Use only the acronym or abbreviation in subsequent citations. 11. Submission of a paper implies that it has not been published previously,
that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that
if accepted it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in any
other language, without the written consent of the publisher. All papers
will be peer reviewed. The last decision on the acceptance of an article
is made by the Editorial Board, based on the evaluation of the referees. |
Sending of manuscripts
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