ISSN 0120-386X
Printed version

ISSNe 2256-3334
Electronic Version



Scope and policy

Here we present the instructions for the publication of articles in the Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública of Universidad de Antioquia. This magazine is intended to publish opinion articles, essays, reports on projects or researches, book reviews, brief communications, letters to the editor that have to do with public health. This magazine is addressed to professionals who are interested in this field in Colombia or abroad, in order to communicate new aspects that can improve people's quality of life.

Disclaimer The receipt of a paper does not oblige the Editorial board to publish it, or to do it at a specific date. The authors are solely responsible for the ideas and judgments expressed in their papers. The submitted articles should not have been published before in other scientific national or international magazines. We do not accept articles that have simultaneously been submitted to other magazine or magazines for publication. The received articles are evaluated by experts and then selected by the editorial board. The board is free to accept or reject any article, as well as to make any pertinent editorial modifications.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Each article must have the following components, properly differentiated and in the order given below.


As short as possible; preferably no question marks or exclamations and it should be affirmative. We recommend a maximum of 8 words; if it is not possible, it would be better to divide it in title and subtitle, divided by colon. It must report on the topic and the conclusions. The title must be written in English and Spanish. If the title needs a foot note explanation, it is referenced with an asterisk -not with a superscript number- immediately after the title.


It comprises the full names of all the authors, including the first letter of the second last name (if applicable). Authors should also include their academic record, position and the institution they work for. In the case of various authors, one must be named as mail contact; therefore, post mail address, P.O. Box, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address must be included. It is suggest that the order of the authors corresponds to their contributions in the work.


This text must not be longer than one paragraph and presented as a structured summary with the following subtitles: Objectivos, materiales y métodos, resultados and conclusiones. It must include a brief synthesis of each of the elements of the article and must not be longer than 200 words. The Resumen must be presented first in Spanish and then in English (Summary)

. 2.1.Palabras clave

These are the words that describe the content of the document and should not be more than 5. It is suggested to use terms from the Medical Subject Heading of the National Library of Medicine.


It is the same text from the Resumen translated into english and reviewed focusing on terms and grammar.

3.1.Key words

These are the same words in Palabras clave translated into english. It is necessary to have special care when translating these terms, so that a correct translation is done concerning technical terms, neologisms and acronyms.

4.The body of the article
4.1.Components of scientific articles

If the article is a report on a research, it must have, apart from the mentioned above, the following parts: Introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions and, if applicable, recommendations. It must indicate if there is a written consent from the people involved in the research.The Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública leans the policies for to register of the clinical essays of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), to recognize the importance of those initiatives to register and disclosure information about clinical studies, in wide approach. Therefore, only it will accept, from 2007, the clinical research's articles then have received a identification code of someone register clinical essays, valid on WHO and ICMJE , their url are [] or [] The idetification code must be registered in the end.

5. Acknowledgment

This section is to acknowledge the sponsoring entity, the project advisor and all who contributed to the project. It must be immediately before the references.


Every article must bear at the end a list of all the authors and sources that were quoted, referred to while developing the project. The order is the one in which they appear in the text and they must be written double space. Special care must be devoted to the writing of these references as they must fit all the international requirements the magazine is following. The references must be flagged by a superscript arabic number written after punctuation, if applicable, and in a sequential order. Each reference must begin with the last name and the initials of all the authors -no punctuation between these items- until a maximum of 6 authors. If there are seven or more, only cite the three first followed by the abbreviation et al. In the case of various authors, they must be separated by comas. Next we include examples of references for different types of materials preceded by the corresponding presentation guide, which must be strictly followed, both in the order of the elements and the punctuation. The bars (/) in the following examples only indicate the separation between elements when there is not, and should not be, any punctuation.


Last name(s) and initial(s) of the author(s). Title of the article and subtitle -if there is one-, separated by colon(:). Title of the magazine were the article was published without abbreviation or quotation / year of publication; volume (if applicable)/ issue of the magazine (in parenthesis): page range, the first one and the last one, separated by a hyphen (-). The last four items (year, volume, issue and page range are separated only by the punctuation stated above and no spaces between them.

  • Korn EL, Graubard BI. Analysis of large health surveys: accounting for the sampling design. American Journal of Epidemiology 1992; 135(2):1.051-1.059.

Last name(s) and initial(s) of the author(s). Title of the book and subtitle -if there is one-, separated by colon(:). Number of edition or reprinting, indicated with the abbreviations ed. or reimpr. Accordingly (this information is not included if the source is the first edition). Place of publication (city): Publishing house; year of publication, pages.

  • Porta J, Llanadosa M. La Universidad en el cambio de siglo. Madrid:Alianza Editorial;1998.p.22-23.
  • Velásquez G, Gómez RD. Sida enfoque integral. 2a ed..En:Fundamentos de Medicina. Medellín: Corporación para investigaciones biológicas; 1996.
  • Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. América Latina frente a la desigualdad. Washington: BID,1999.

7. Graphic material

The graphic material is basically tables, charts and figures. All must be referenced in the text, as near as possible to the place it must be inserted. They must be referenced by the word table or figure, according to the case, followed by their corresponding Arabic number -parenthesis may or may not be used- and without abbreviations such as No or #. Authors must present this material on separate pieces of paper (one per graphic) at the end of the text in sequential order.

7.1. Tables and charts

Both are called tables. They must have a brief title above followed by the word table in small letters -Except for the words that need an initial capital letter to follow grammar rules-. Explanatory notes and source are typed under the table. The information in the table should not repeat what has already been stated in the text. Use the tab key to separate the columns from the tables.*

7.2. Figures

It comprises diverse illustrative material, such as photographs, maps and diagrams. Below the figure there must be a title, as brief as possible, in small letters - Except for the words that need an initial capital letter to follow grammar rules- and following the word figure. The notes and the source are written on the bottom, after the title.

8. Writing guidelines
8.1. Use os capital letters

It must be restricted to what is strictly necessary, according to the norms of Spanish orthography (such as the beginning of a writing, a paragraph, proper names and abbreviations, but never acronyms This is in order to reduce the possibility of typographical alterations caused by excessive use.

8.2. Acronyms, abbrevations and units measurement

Acronyms and abbreviations are strongly discouraged, except for the institutions or programs whose name appears several times in the text. If this is the case, the first time an abbreviation or acronym appears, it should be preceded by the words it stands for. For measurements, authors must follow the recommendations of the International System of Units and have in mind not to write plural forms or full stop. In any case authors must avoid coining acronyms to identify particular elements of the topic or a discipline if it does not obey to an ample consensus -national or international- that permits the readers to identify it immediately.

8.3. Drug names

Authors must avoid the use of brands and use instead, the generic names When it is necessary to use a proprietary brand it should be indicated by the symbol ®.


Sending of manuscripts

Manuscript presentation

Authors must follow our Instructions for the authors (herein published), which follow the ''Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals'', (The New England Journal of Medicine 1997;336:309-313). Only a printed copy of the original must be sent accompanied by a 3.5 diskette labelled with: Title of the article, name of the file(s), name of the program used to save the text and graphics, author and date. Documents must be formatted in MS Word, Us letter (21.5 x 28 cm or 8.5 x 11in), using Times New Roman, font size 12; double space. The document must have a maximum of 25 pages, one page per sheet and numbered on the bottom right corner of the page. The sender must keep a copy of the material sent, as the magazine does not take any responsibility if the material is lost or damaged.


Copies sent to the author.

Three copies are sent to the contributor whose work is published. If there is more than one author in the article, two copies will be sent to each one of them.


Letters to the editor

These articles must follow the Instructions for the authors, who have to send a letter asking for the publication of the article in the magazine. In it authors indicate that the article is an original and that all the authors have checked and approved the manuscript. Mail should be submitted to:

Álvaro Olaya Peláez
Revista Nacional de Salud Pública
Apartado 51922
Medellín, Colombia
Fax (+57) (4) 511 2506

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